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cartomizer tanks?

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I really like cartomizer tanks. Ive got a cheap one from a shop in town. But im wondering where to get a cheap but good one online. And also what's everyones favorite vaping accessory? Like carto, tank, Atty? What's the norm now??

Edited by benjamin1990
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I don't know if there is a "norm" out there but a lot of people on this forum like the Kangor Pro Tank, Pro Tank 2, the Anyvape Davide mini... all of these are bottom feeders that use the same coil (Pro Tank coils).

Personally, I like the Davide mini when I'm not direct dripping. Direct dripping with my HH.357 atty is my preferred... :)

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For a quality carto tank that wont break the bank. Check out http://www.ibtanked.com/ You can customize your colors sizes etc. They are glass as well so you don't have to worry about juice cracking tanks. I mostly use carto tanks for work. They are great, smaller chance at failure then a genny/rba etc. I use my Rba's at home. Once in awhile one of them will make their way to work with me. But the carto tank / Provari combo is just a grip it and rip it combo for me.

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