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I thought it was just me. Seems like all jobs suck. I guess that's why they call it "work".

Yea, and not to "de-rail" the thread I am tired of being the only parent absent at Saturday occasions. I have it worked out for now since I am the Scout Leader but have already proposed to my boss a 20% pay cut in exchange for a M-F 8-5:30 schedule and use that 20% to pay a senior sales associate to cover Saturdays only. Either this will happen or I will be doing something different by spring.

Thing is I LOVE what I do, I just hate the nights and weekends inherent to my profession. Surely with the gains I have made for this dealership (Almost a 200% increase in sales over a 9 year period a lot due to changes I brought in and implemented) I still have value at that schedule. If not, someone will see it. Maybe the competition?

Edited by bcartervol98

I thought it was just me. Seems like all jobs suck. I guess that's why they call it "work".

It is just that some jobs suck less... there are varying degrees of suckyness... the only thing that I can think of right now that would be worse is the guy that drives the truck that sucks out portapottys... that's a ***** job... but at least you would know what you were getting into when you took it!


Look on the bright side. There's always disability. Get paid not to work because you can't work......but you get paid, about 1/2 of what you made.


Hmmm, I'm thinking of passing over the Spinner for Christmas so I can get something bigger in January.....Hubby wants a Sigelei #8 for Christmas.....and that would be his second mech mod, in addition to Provari.


Hmmm... looks like I might get my wish after all!

My work place just became an extremely hostile environment and it looks like the contract I am under is going to end in the new year.

The only part left is surviving the next 2 months with out killing someone and finding a new job by then :veryangry:


I got Christmas day off from work, so being able to spend the morning and day with my girls is all I want for Christmas. Their mother moved to VA a year ago, and it would've been horrible if I didn't get the day off of work. So yeah, I get what I want this year. :thumbup::santa:

As for vape gear, maybe I will treat myself to some juice and a second RBA. If you guys want to pitch in and buy me the new King mechanical, I wouldn't mind at all. :harhar:



I would love to get a pile of clearomizers. I like to keep one for each flavor I like. I feel like McGuiver. Bored of a flavor? Unscrew, rescrew, bam, new flavor! I wish food worked that way.


I would love to get a pile of clearomizers. I like to keep one for each flavor I like. I feel like McGuiver. Bored of a flavor? Unscrew, rescrew, bam, new flavor! I wish food worked that way.

That's the way I have MOST of my flavors. I have 13 tanks - various evods, KPT2s, mini KPTs, and a Davide.


I would love to get a pile of clearomizers. I like to keep one for each flavor I like. I feel like McGuiver. Bored of a flavor? Unscrew, rescrew, bam, new flavor! I wish food worked that way.

I usually carry 5 with me... one on and 4 in my travel case. That way I always have options and don't have to worry about being stuck somewhere for a day and running out!


You know, I keep getting more and more stuff I MIGHT want on my Christmas list. I have to remember I still have to manage to afford juice next month, and I have two teenagers and a husband to buy for a very tight Christmas. Most of "Christmas" is actually going to happen in January.

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