Sinikal Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 Hey guys, just thought I'd start a post to try and get to know everyone better. I was just curious what types of skilled peeps we have here on Vapor Talk. So my question is...... What do you guys do for a living? I myself am a Tattoo Artist of 5 years how about you?
keenan Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 (edited) Well, Im the guy whos had a lot of different jobs, but now, not so much. Heres the short list. U.S. Navy Quartermaster (navigation) on a destroyer, EMT in New York (Great job, LOW low pay), Manager of a warehouse for an industrial pipe and fitting supplier for 14 years. That was my last job, GREAT money, great people. Just dissapeared overnight with the economy last year, along with 60% of my 401k. Now, looking for work. Edited November 3, 2009 by keenan
profbeard Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 I'm a Professor (to US people "full Professor") and senior manager in a UK University - my field is most easily described as "eLearning"
USAFSGT Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 Staff Sergeant in the US Air Force. I've been working on the avionics systems on the F-16.
StringDancer Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 <=== Guitar player, guitar teacher, freelance web designer and full-time ne'er do well (pay's lousy but the perks are great).
NeRo9k Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 Warehouse Manager for a Mobile Wireless Store.
Speakeasy Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 Waiter for 3 years. Combat medic in the army for 9 1/2 years. EMT/Paramedic for 1 year. Licensed Practical Nurse for 4 years. Hospital furniture salesman for 4 years. Car salesman for 2 years. Oil field roustabout for 1 year. Bull Dozer, Haul Truck, Scraper, Loader, and Blade Operator for 4 years. Currently a Registered Nurse specializing in pediatric ICU and trama. 3 years. I'm also the founder and past-president of our local poker club and card room. I've been playing poker since I was 15 years old.
keenan Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 Dagnabbit, COPLETELY forgot about the music. Put a LOT of food on the table with the band. That was more like fun though, not really work. Sometimes it payed great, sometimes, well it was fun.
SteveD1 Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 Bottle Plant operator for 11years. Chemical plant operations for 9 years to current.
VegasVapor Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 I'm a full-time web designer for a company that specializes in internet marketing and inventory management for car dealerships across the US. That's the easy description lol. I try to do some freelancing on the side too, but I get lazy.
jmhester Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 Computer programmer for a defense contractor (SharePoint mostly). OH, and part-time rock star! LOL!
Mark Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 Locksmith---my parents are so proud I'm finally breaking into houses and cars
seaspine Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 Punched a cop when I was 17, Sentenced to 4 years in the Navy,became a corpsman. Got out and became a paramedic,worked Detroit,Oakland Ca,and Tampa. Went to nurse school and did 15 years in ER's around tampa.Got burned out and am now doing home health,I'm now thinking that was a mistake and am currently looking for somthing I want to do. Nursing has cahnged latley and is more about paper and protocol than patients.I'm actually thinking about becoming a paramedic agian,It's just that the pay stinks!
keenan Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 Punched a cop when I was 17, Sentenced to 4 years in the Navy,became a corpsman. Got out and became a paramedic,worked Detroit,Oakland Ca,and Tampa. Went to nurse school and did 15 years in ER's around tampa.Got burned out and am now doing home health,I'm now thinking that was a mistake and am currently looking for somthing I want to do. Nursing has cahnged latley and is more about paper and protocol than patients.I'm actually thinking about becoming a paramedic agian,It's just that the pay stinks! Hey Seaspine, not too far from ya, Lakeland. We have similar stories, except I did EMS in NY. And Im an old salt too, USS King DDG 41, QM2
MorisatoIncorporated Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 Professional poker dealer, before that I worked for a computer arcade called proving grounds as a computer tech.
warthog Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 Contractor here in Colorado. Residential Remodeling of all types. PLUG PLUG LOL
stubear62 Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 (edited) I started to work when I was 10 yrs old with my own company removing snow for my neihbors and land scaping too. Did very well as in 3 yrs I made over 5k and was then able to do what I wanted. but as for a real paying job read on. First job was land scaping(at 15). From there I was a cook in a drive in. after that I was in the Army, Tenth Military Police Battalion, did my basic in Fort McClellen and AIT. Then to (almost went) Germany (should have gone) but grandma got real sick, ended up in 5 diff. forts around the states and settled in Fort Stewart Georgia. after getting out, (which I regretted doing. should have made it my career)I was in Shipping for a company that rebuilt Master Break cylinders and tranny's. After 1 1/2 yrs I went into electronics as an assembler and built a lot of products that are being used today on the cell phone towers (Yes, thats y ur reception sux). After 16 yrs of that I went into selling Fords for 3 months then to Home Depot for 5 yrs. In there I stkd and helpped customers in Kitchen and Bath for which I was then moved to Race track. after 1 yr doing that I moved to Kitchen Design which I helpped my store grow dramatically. Moved to SC and still was with HD doing KD . After 2 yrs I went to a small company and did Kitchen Design for them. Worked in the field and learned more then I knew I could. All the aspects of desiging and installing and building custom cabinets of which can and cannot be done in a home. Amazed at what I learned from doing that and relized that HD designers really do not care how they do things (but a few do). So much more to the design than just designing. So, I did that and now after doing that 4 2 yrs I got hurt and am now disabled. I can never do what I did b4 due to my disc's in my back and just from over time the aurthritis really got bad. So as the weather turns, so does my joints. So here I sit, alone in my home and writing in forums. Which is nice and for something I believe in. Avery good cause, the e-cig and hopfully, I pray, that all people that use analogs will understand what we do and switch. Edited November 4, 2009 by stubear62
IndyColtsfan Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 Network Systems Manager for a Pharma-tech company. I pretty much get paid to tell my techs what to do, and then waste the rest of the day cruising the internet! :P
Gazoo Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 Hubby is a comp tech Im a "stay at home" mommy of 2
Ofortuna Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 I am a supervisor in the pharmaceutical development industry. My minions do what I tell them too!!
elem187 Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 Network Security Engineer... currently unemployed and studying for some certifications to kill the time... and also some of my poker winnings I have used to support my vaping habit.
Sinikal Posted November 6, 2009 Author Posted November 6, 2009 Man we have a wide range of skilled peeps on here!!!
kaspar11 Posted November 10, 2009 Posted November 10, 2009 Full time student (will eventually be teaching High School Chemistry and Physics - if I can shake enough of the rust off my math) and Mr. Mom. My wife supports the fam for now while I slave away cooking, cleaning, and raising our 1 yr old daughter.
KeithNYC Posted November 12, 2009 Posted November 12, 2009 I'm a software developer and freelance web designer. I specialize in .NET and iPhone development. I started programming at the wee age of 13 or 14, so I've been doing it for about 18-19 years or so (about 10 years 'professionally' though).
Bajan Posted November 13, 2009 Posted November 13, 2009 Research Statistician and Psychometrician for a healthcare survey company. My degree is in applied experimental and human factors psych, but I focused on the research and quantitate side of things, so I do lots of math. Before that I spent 7 years in the defense industry doing a lot of modeling and simulation work for Navy and USCG contracts, mainly helping to design more efficient crews for new surface combatants. Shane
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