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While I'm on the subject of looking for cheaper alternates


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Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Kick Ash full flavored tobacco from Vapor Beast. It just can a bear to order sometimes (that's what inspired me to drop my nicotine level, I couldn't get 30 ml in 18 mg nic, and had to drop to 8 mg nic), and with dropping the RY4 off Vapor Beast, the $16.00 for 30 ml isn't so bad.....but I'd like options, since it can be hard to obtain, as Vapor Beast only gets their shipments of their juice in once a week. Here is a description of the flavor: http://www.vaporbeast.com/Kick-Ash-Full-Flavored-Tobacco-p/50-0114-000.htm

The best I can say is that sometimes it's sweet, and sometimes maybe little spicy? I'm not sure. It wasn't until after the September Day of Seizure Infamy (which fell on the easiest day to remember in September, 9/11) that I started getting into tobacco flavors that I wasn't into before.....at least, I didn't think I was into them before. But when we went to Premier Vapors two weeks ago, I tried all of their tobacco flavors, and didn't like a single one of them, lol (looking for a substitute for the Kick Ash). Better Vapes doesn't seem to have anything similar in taste to me, either, so if anyone can point me in a different direction, it would be much appreciated. I THINK I have alternates for just about all of my $16 flavors - well, it depends on if I like EC Blends' Irish Cream, but I don't go through my Irish Cream all that quickly, anyway.

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