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Okay, so I'm getting ready to go to Better Vapes today, and checking my tanks for flavors that I want to find a cheaper alternative for, plus checking the flavors I haven't vaped in a couple weeks to make sure the tanks still work. Well, that started Thursday, and I couldn't get my Papa Smurf evod to draw while it was screwed down on my MPV, but it worked fine on the eGo. Since it was firing, I just could draw, I figured it must be some dirt or something in the base, so today I wet a q-tip and scrubbed around in there, after making sure nothing was blocking the air holes. That seems to have "helped". As long as I crank it down nice and tight on the MVP, it will fire, and I can draw off of it - it's a little tight, but not tighter than a KPT2.

My green evod, I haven't messed with in about a month because for like a week, I was back to liking that flavor, and then nothing since then. Well, put it on the MVP, wouldn't fire. But it on the eGo, had to really crank it down to get it to fire (incidentally, I put milk chocolate in there after I took the sweet tobacco out, and I might FINALLY be starting to be able to taste it again, even though I can't taste the chocolate on my chocolate banana).

So, I'm guessing with those two tanks, since they worked fine last time I used them (but admittedly, I didn't use them on the MVP), I think somehow the center pin for the coil may have gotten pushed up? I'm going to have hubby look at them when he gets home before we leave.

Now the what the hell moment. I was vaping from this KPT2 before I started all of this. Same coil, same everything. You know how if you press the buttons to check the resistance on the MVP, if there is a short, or if nothing is attached, it says non. Well, I attach my 618 tank. Check the resistance and it reads 2.0. So I fire it at 7 watts, which is what I was doing before, and what I do with all my 2.0 resistance tanks. And it fired for second, and stopped, and seemed to lock up. I checked the resistance, and it read A 0.00 (A is their ohm sign), although once it read A 0.04. So it fires for about a second. Then it takes me turning off and back on again before it will recognize the resistance as 2.0.....but then only fires for a second again, and stopped. And then I put it down, and just looked at it....and some lines flashed across the screen......and freaking now it works????

Oh and now, how I got the Papa Smurf evod to work on the mvp and it was just a little tight? Oh no, now, no difference, I can't hardly pull off of it at all, even when it's not cranked all the way down, but it works fine with the eGo stick battery. It's not that it's not firing, or even that I have to crank it down to fire, but for some reason I'm not getting a draw off the MVP, while it draws fine off the eGo. Since it's firing, and I don't have to crank it down like my green evod (milk chocolate), and I can't really pull off of it on the MVP, but I can on the eGo, I don't think it's the pin on either one of them being pushed one way or another. And all of my other evods, except the green one, work fine with the mvp, I've checked.


sounds like the center pin on your mvp is too low....making contact and firing with some tanks and not others while all are working on your ego.

raise your center pin a couple mm.


We thought of that, but every evod except those two workn with it, and that tank and one of hubb's carto were the onlly tanks/cartos that didn't work. Hubby pulled evidently whatever the center post on a carto and it fixed his, and it temporarily fixed mine...but we thought the coil MAY be the problem.

I'm nnot sslure how it happened, but I bot two tanks mixed up...but long story short, both my 618 tank and myApple Fritter tanks wwork now, andnI'm not really sure which one was malfunctioning.

The pappa smurf evod was just - well, I'm not sure I ever used it on the MVP, I don't think. I went to the vape store for some other stuff, and I adore the owner. At first he thought it was the coil, because that juice is hard on on coils with it's current formulation (he's going to change the recipe) but I changed the coil when I couldn't get the draw off on the MVP. He took a look at it, and figured the airholes appeared to not be fitting well with the MVP, so he just drilled one of the holes open farther, and it works now. Some other stufff he did for me today that I'll post in the bump thread.


As for the green evod, I really think the center post on the base of the evod got shoved up somehow. Every other evod works with the MVP, and to even get to to come close to firing on the eGo, it has to be screwed down to death, which is not true of any of the other evods. So I've got hubby working on that to see if it works.


Yeah, the green evod was what I thought it was. he pulled down the center post a bit, and it's working like a champ. It's just that what's in it isn't tasting quite right.


Every time I put a tank on my MVP it never seems to fire properly and the center pin on both the mod and the tank get pulled so I can get it to work. It's frustrating as hell, but I love the MVP so much that I deal with it.


There is never a need to crank down a device on your mods. If some work and others don't its generally the pin on the device itself not the mod.


Yeah, the evod, we I guess pulled down the center pin on the tank. Same on hubby's carto tank. On my KKPT2, believe it or not, even though it worked on my eGo, the problem was the coil. I changed the coil out, and it's working like a champ.

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