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Okay, so I need help figuring out a monthly budget on what I can spend on vaping. As you can see by my sig line, our analogs were cheapies - Class C cigarettes at a discount smoke shop....and in Missouri, too, so the taxes were lower by at least $5, I think....well, not positive. Been a long time since I bought a carton of one type of smokes at Quik Trip in Missouri, and the same type in Illinois. It may actually be more of a difference than that, but we were paying just over $20 per carton - I think like $22 per carton.

So I'm not really sure how to come up with my budget. It doesn't help that hubby is pretty much in charge of the money, he knew how much we spent when we were on analogs, and he knows how much is being spent now. But right now, most of the money being spent is on me - juices, previously tanks, coils, more juices, etc.

But anyway, how do you guys come up with a workable budget for your vaping for the month? I mean, well, okay, for me, what I vape this week, I might not vape next week, and what I vape for three days, I might not vape again for a few weeks.

I mean, I can probably go through months and months of bank account information (though I'm not sure how far back I'll be allowed to go) to find out how much we spent at Dirt Cheap - when we used the debit card and not cash - and figure out how much we've spent so far....but I can't do that tonight as I'm involved in three different things.


Lets say your carton price was $20... How many Cartons did you buy a month? 2-3 I will say 3 for this... that would be $60 per month. You could match that since your price is so cheap or cut say $20 of that and spend $40 per month on E-cig stuff. If you can go say 3 months without buying anything, Then you could apply each month you saved and use $120 on a bigger or more items...


I don't know how to answer this in a way that will help you. I'm spending about 1/3 per month of what I was spending on analogs and thats with a small bit of extravagance tacked on.

But Im not going hog wild either.

Calculate what you are vaping juicewise per day and how many coils you go through, factor in some attrition and see if that fits your budget. Avoid "keeping up with the Smiths" unless you can afford it.

Unless you're going wild with purchases you should be well under analog budget


Okay, so for the both of us, we were spending just over $200 a month on analogs. Just counting juice orders, and what we purchased in B&M shops this month, that's about what we spent. And granted, one of those B&M shops was $90, an amount we are not likely to spend again in that shop - as I doubt we'll buy ANYTHING in that shop again unless I'm desperate for one of my juices and they are out even 8 mg nic. Cloud 9. When I finally get around to doing my supplier review of Vapor Beast, I'll start it off with Cloud 9, since that's how I found the Vapor Beast juices, and that's well, why I will only be buying them online. That's also not counting the money that I spent that had been refunded to me from my Zmax which I spread around to a couple of different vendors - the company I bought the MVP from, Chi-Town to get my honey wood, and EC Blends.

And finally, that's not counting the hardware hubby ordered over the last month and half. He was griping over how much I was spending on juice (replacing juice that hadn't been replaced in a couple months in some instances) and finding new juices that I could taste and I liked, but he was buying hardware left and right - a Nemesis Clone, an Fogger clone, 2 agaT's, I think, MAYBE an RSST (I can only guess, I see what website the payment went to).

August/September we spent more because we had "bonus income", and now, essentially, our income is dropping a bit, and although some of our food costs have dropped as well, some other costs have increased - like gas, from hubby driving to and from Edwardsville every day, six days a week, twice on Friday. So I'll have to run these numbers by hubby (not the hardware numbers). What I ran by him earlier was the possibility of me buying one glass tank + drip tip per month, provided it doesn't get in the way of my juices....


The best thing i could say for a budget, and yes i know of difficulties you endure. Is to start rebuilding your protank coils and DiY Juice. 100ft spool of 30g Kanthal Wire $8ish bucks on ebay. Bag of cotton balls is 2 bucks. You have supplies to rebuild heads for years. And honestly, i haven't actually rebuilt a head in over a month, just replaced the cotton. Protank heads are real easy to rebuild, videos everywhere, and they usually outperform stock heads. This is easily the biggest expense other then juice.

As far as Juice Well Diy is the answer unfortunately. Average 30ml bottle of juice we'll call it $10 bucks, some juice is upwards of $15ish but we'll stick to 10 as its a nice round number. That 30ml bottle costs approximately 33 cents per ml. That same 30ml if you diy it, 4-5 cents a ml. Need stronger flavors, great add a little more flavoring to your liking. want a certain mg of nicotine, great make it how you like. It's Buger King in your house, you can have it your way!

Again these are my opinions, and they may not be for everyone.

Posted (edited)

I have never been much of a smoker, but when I go out and about to clubs and lounges - I like to smoke. The best move I ever did was get some disposable e-cigs from spam.com. They are affordable and I can throw them away when I am done for the night. Another thing I noticed is I have slowed my smoking down quite a bit --- not sure if anyone else has noticed this change when they switched from traditional cigs to e-cigs?

Happy smoking folks:)

LMAO I bought 1 Ejoy just to see how long it would last. Got 2 hours of vaping time and tossed it in the garbage. That is not budget friendly, very bad advice. As if we all don't know that already. LOL

Let me quote Blu "We are all adults here" we don't smoke, we vape. When I can rebuild the crappy disposable with 4 coils and recharge it let me know. I still won't be interested. I swear these Reps haven't a clue how stupid they sound on a MB like this. As if someone with a Provari is going to read this and go "Oh yeah, these are cool I need some disposables!" LMAO

Edited by jeffb
removed spammy references

Now that I have all the stuff I want, its just liquids and coils with an occasional replacement item for the wife and I. 5-6ml a day and 3-4 coils a week. Thats about $80 a month on liquids and about $15 a month on coils for 2 people. We spent around $550 a month on analogs.

And yes the Spam and Eggs has reared its head in this thread said Sam I Am!


You know, I read that about 4 am, and I didn't want to post what my first reaction was, which was this has what to do with the subject at hand, but well, you know.


My smoking budget transferred to my vaping budget. A few times I've not bought anything for months, saving up for a high end gadget. But most of the time, I shop to stockpile the things I enjoy or need, so I can go a year or the rest of my life without having to buy anything at all. (Wanting to is a different story). I've invested in everything from the Joye 510 at ties to many RBA's. From all mechanical mods to Variable volt mods. Cheap to ouchywahwah.

When & if I'm ever finished(lol), we willl ... Gosh, I don't know, maybe travel? Play more Bingo? CLOTHES!, I so could use a new wardrobe. But, I won't need gear or nicotine either one. I hope to be nic free soon. :).

My advice? Pretend like you're buying smokes, but take the money and stock up in case the taxman gets his way financially, the BT gets their way by banning online sales, or zombies invade your favorite shop. :)


Well, in the morning, or sometime on Monday, I'm going to figure out how much I'll need to spend on juice, hoch it is for hubby to pre-order Helms Deep, and what he needs juice wise. Then we need to start figuring out the Christmas budget. Of course,, it would help if the kids would give us their lists already.


Well, I talked to hubby, and while we spent $240 a month on analogs, and splitting that down the middle that's $120, he would feel "safer" if we stuck to $100 each for our vaping budget. So I'm keeping track of my expenses, and I may have to speed steep my tobacco flavors when they come in from EC Blends, and make up my mind real quick like because I'm almost out of my 555 and Kick Ash.

Posted (edited)

I drafted up a little spreadsheet the other day for this, preview below, if you fancy a copy let me know. I meant to add a bit that calculated your ml/day usage but didn't get around to it.


Edited by highpass

selling plasma blood helps me our. I make $200 a month selling my plasma

I have MS, can't donate blood, plasma, or bone marrow, yet after I die, I can donate organs.

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