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Hey everyone, My wife and I started vaping about a month ago and love it! I smoked about a little over pack a day for about 40 years. I did not want to quit I enjoyed it, But so far I am enjoying this more.(or just as much) Started with an evod, stoped at Heathers Heavenly Vapes in Newnan the other day and got a vison spinner and a kager tech unitank and some of their juice. Great people ther! All I can say is it got even better! We have even got a few other people to start, a friend just stopped by and said he has not had a cig in two days and that is really good for him, I think he enjoyed smoking more than me If that is possible. Thanks for being here for the new people like me, I have already learned a lot just reading here. Thanks, Kenneth.


Welcome aboard! :cheers:

As I am sure you noticed this site is full of friendly people who are always happy help in any way possible.

Congrats on giving up the analogs!


Welcome, it really curbs the urge an its a cool way to meet new people an most if all stop smoking. Sometimes when I have my burden I may fire up a cig. But not near as much.

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