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Couple Kanger clearomizer questions


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Okay, Mr. Carter, and others, you mentioned in Patricia's thread you can't stand the plastic taste of the T3S.....I have literally not had a completely plastic tank since I got my Davide. Everything else was Evod (stainless tank with plastic windows) or glass. Should I just go with the MT3S over the T3S to avoid that plastic taste, since I never really got much of it with the Evods? My original goal was to replace the Evods with glass, but but unless Rix can put together a coop that makes that economically feasible for me to get a couple of those (not gonna buy minis Rixter, sorry). Although if we could put together one for mini davides I could probably manage a few of those since the starting price is lower, but we wouldn't get the coils in on that, since that's a kanger product, right? I dunno. Migraine and anxiety laden evening is not the right time to think, lol. But when I found out it would be $50 for 6 MT3S plus two boxes of coils.....yeah, I'd like to do something that would make getting into glass cheaper, even if I only could buy a few at a time.

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Okay, Mr. Carter, and others, you mentioned in Patricia's thread you can't stand the plastic taste of the T3S.....I have literally not had a completely plastic tank since I got my Davide. Everything else was Evod (stainless tank with plastic windows) or glass. Should I just go with the MT3S over the T3S to avoid that plastic taste, since I never really got much of it with the Evods? My original goal was to replace the Evods with glass, but but unless Rix can put together a coop that makes that economically feasible for me to get a couple of those (not gonna buy minis Rixter, sorry). Although if we could put together one for mini davides I could probably manage a few of those since the starting price is lower, but we wouldn't get the coils in on that, since that's a kanger product, right? I dunno. Migraine and anxiety laden evening is not the right time to think, lol. But when I found out it would be $50 for 6 MT3S plus two boxes of coils.....yeah, I'd like to do something that would make getting into glass cheaper, even if I only could buy a few at a time.

Pssst! It's not Rixter who does the coops, it's Proetus. :)

For me I just can't go back to plastic anything other than drip tips, and even those I'm not using much any more. I'm pretty much using only stainless steel or anodized with direct dripping. Pyrex only for this kid. :D

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Well, the tank coop was on the other page, and I couldn't go back without losing my post, so I guessed. Yeah, ideally, I would go to all glass, but again, I need to talk budget with hubby with birthdays and Christmas coming up, and he took over my iClear 16 for his coffee flavor, and he's having trouble with the flavor, so I think it may be the coil, so I want to, at the very least, get him into a glass tank, well okay, at the very least get him a backup coil, and maybe push him into a glass tank, or the carto/tanks he loves so much, so he can get a not burned taste to it - which is what he was getting tonight. I get paid tomorrow, maybe I can talk him into ordering something for himself. We have to refill our Better Vapes juices anyway. But we won't be buying hardware from there.

EDIT: If the tank coop doesn't work out, or I can't afford enough (reember, Disability one income, not much in the way of discretionary spendin) I may see if I can do maybe one a month, plus a drp tip so Ibcan tell the difference.

Edited by spydre
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Pretty sure the MT3S is still a plastic tank wrapped in metal so not sure there is a difference in taste.

I couldn't swear to it, since I've never held one in my hand, but they look just like a larger version of the Evod. The Evod, if you look inside, is a stainless tank with windows, at least that's how it appears to me when I look inside of them.

I seriously wish there were a way to try tanks out before you buy them.

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I got a few MT3 and T3s when they first came out. The MT3 are plastic with a metal colored sleeve around the outside so it's not any different from a T3 other than that. I just tried one of them as a taste test and yep. Plastic. Bleh. :)

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