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Okay couple Kanger T3S/MT3S questions.

First off - http://www.thevaporroom.net/kaego3mlmebo.html this looks EXACTLY like the MT3S, as far as I can tell, but the closest it says anywhere close to an actual name is tabac. Reason I was looking at it is because of the price.

But then, that brings me to my second question. For Kanger type clearomizers - the Evod types, the T3S/MT3S type - I mean, I know having the Kanger brand coil is important, but is it as important to have the Kanger brand clearomizer and not a knock off? Reason I was asking, you can probably guess. It appears that the only one of the four local B&Ms that don't charge $10 for it, it appears is selling knock offs (the same place that is selling knock off Evods, and knock off coils). Now the knock off Evods I got from them, I've not had a problem with, but the knock off coils have been a bit more problematic, and I won't be getting coils from there, anymore. Premier Vapor is closer to get coils from anyway in a pinch. But all the local stores have T3S coils at $10 a 5 pack, so it would be cheaper to order them online and pay the shipping even.


Anything I have bought from Tabac has ended up in the trash....

Really? I'll keep that in mind.

Since I KNOW Better Vapes is selling knock of Evods, and I haven't had a problem with those, I wasn't going to have a problem buying the T3ses from them, even though they would have to be knock offs at that price, until I looked at their website. The guy at Premier Vapor said he doesn't think the Better Vapes owner realizes some of his stuff is knock offs, and I'm hoping that's right - because while the T3Ses aren't on their website (I called and asked if they carried them), the Evods ARE on their online store....and they are listed as KANGER Evods. So he is either intentionally misleading people, or he doesn't realize that what he has is a knock off. (Then again, he also didn't know about the existence of the mini-Davide, so the information he has may only be as good as the supplier gives him).

So another question, since I can't buy any of this until after I get paid on the 3rd, anyway. Dual coils. I've heard about it - I don't know what the advantage is to having a dual coil over a single coil, but the only non cartomizer dual coil I've seen have been the iClear tanks. Are those the only dual coil clearomizers? And what is the purpose of dual coils?


Every Tabac product I've ever tried -- and there have been quite a few -- all leaked and quit working in very short order. I stay well away from that "brand name" these days.

Posted (edited)

I still do not get why anyone would buy hardware at a brick and mortar unless it's just "in a pinch" when there are so many good suppliers out there in the online community. Those that are truly interested in helping educate and outfit people for vaping and selling good products. Especially when shipping is $3. I will buy liquids at a brick and mortar if I like it but also like to save money. A true Kanger T3S is about $6 on any reputable site and replacement coils are about $6 for a 5 pack. I have yet to see anything at any store that wasn't significantly more expensive than online even with shipping involved.

I mean I know more overhead more profit needed to be in the black, I am in business. I get that but if people could order the product I sell online and get them shipped for $3 and avoid sales tax on top of that........I would be preparing for a job change lol.

Edited by bcartervol98

Yeah, I can imagine the only way to stay in business is new people in the door. Once they get "smart" they migrate on to on-line shopping. If the B&M is smart, they'll be helpful, promote to new customers to bring in friends, and offer services like rebuilds and DIY and build a rep.

I know this might not sound fair but only one of the B;&Ms near me is run by someone over 25yrs old. It's got old school service mentality and its a pleasure to go there. A couple of the others lack that service and last sunday afternoon one of them was empty. One guy at counter watching TV. I dont think they'll make it...


I still do not get why anyone would buy hardware at a brick and mortar unless it's just "in a pinch" when there are so many good suppliers out there in the online community. Those that are truly interested in helping educate and outfit people for vaping and selling good products. Especially when shipping is $3. I will buy liquids at a brick and mortar if I like it but also like to save money. A true Kanger T3S is about $6 on any reputable site and replacement coils are about $6 for a 5 pack. I have yet to see anything at any store that wasn't significantly more expensive than online even with shipping involved.

I mean I know more overhead more profit needed to be in the black, I am in business. I get that but if people could order the product I sell online and get them shipped for $3 and avoid sales tax on top of that........I would be preparing for a job change lol.

Yeah, I really don't think Better Vapes realizes the "Kanger" Evods, and probably T3S are knock offs, but they would have to have their suspicions seeing what they can price them at, and everyone else in the area prices the at $10.00.

But since I don't want to knowingly buy knock offs, either of the equipment or the coils, in all likelihood, I'll be buying both the tanks and the coils online, because even my $8.50 KPT guy charges $10 for the T3S coils - probably because they can't be used in as many tanks as the KPT coils. I've got my order in my cart at Sweet Vapes, unless I can find them cheaper with all the colors and with the 1.8 ohms. DV I think has them cheaper, but doesn't have all the colors.


Yeah, I can imagine the only way to stay in business is new people in the door. Once they get "smart" they migrate on to on-line shopping. If the B&M is smart, they'll be helpful, promote to new customers to bring in friends, and offer services like rebuilds and DIY and build a rep.

I know this might not sound fair but only one of the B;&Ms near me is run by someone over 25yrs old. It's got old school service mentality and its a pleasure to go there. A couple of the others lack that service and last sunday afternoon one of them was empty. One guy at counter watching TV. I dont think they'll make it...

You know, that's the thing about this shop. They make their own juice (they started out online only for two years), and throughout ALL


Yeah, I can imagine the only way to stay in business is new people in the door. Once they get "smart" they migrate on to on-line shopping. If the B&M is smart, they'll be helpful, promote to new customers to bring in friends, and offer services like rebuilds and DIY and build a rep.

I know this might not sound fair but only one of the B;&Ms near me is run by someone over 25yrs old. It's got old school service mentality and its a pleasure to go there. A couple of the others lack that service and last sunday afternoon one of them was empty. One guy at counter watching TV. I dont think they'll make it...

See, that's the thing about Better Vapes. They started out online for two years, before opening up now two storefronts (the second one just opened in the last two weeks). Some stuff we got there because it was cheaper - we didn't find out it was knock offs until last week, although we should have known. We just thought they were carrying their online prices through to the stores. But they make their own juice. And the owner, since my taste issues popped up after the seizures in September, has been working his tail off with me to get me to where I can taste 618 (their signature flavor, IMO, named after our area code) again.


I hope she ONLY fell asleep, lol.

I was using my Nook and somehow hit the post button....then I pulled it back up, and got busy doing morning stuff here, and then yes, I dozed off and on for a while, lol.


I still do not get why anyone would buy hardware at a brick and mortar unless it's just "in a pinch" when there are so many good suppliers out there in the online community. Those that are truly interested in helping educate and outfit people for vaping and selling good products. Especially when shipping is $3. I will buy liquids at a brick and mortar if I like it but also like to save money. A true Kanger T3S is about $6 on any reputable site and replacement coils are about $6 for a 5 pack. I have yet to see anything at any store that wasn't significantly more expensive than online even with shipping involved.

I mean I know more overhead more profit needed to be in the black, I am in business. I get that but if people could order the product I sell online and get them shipped for $3 and avoid sales tax on top of that........I would be preparing for a job change lol.

There are 2 B&M's in my immediate are and the price difference between the 2 is absurd. One has the equivalent of typical online pricing, plus what it would cost to ship, and about a 3% mark up. This place is always packed.

The second one has prices so far out of range I have to wonder how they are staying in business! $45 for a 1300 Spinner, $25 for a large ego case, $35 for a PT2, $18 for a T3S, etc...

They sell their juices for about $8-9. I just don't know how they can survive.

Posted (edited)

I do have one Brick and Mortar I like called Vintage Vapors. Their liquids are $10 for 15ml and $14 for 30ml so very reasonable and high quality. Theirs is all 65pg 35vg, exactly opposite of my preferred mix of 65vs 35pg. I just do not like they are not customizable and have gotten to a point where I do not like anything over 50% PG, and I prefer 35%pg. Their hardware is more reasonable as in $25.99 for a KPT2, $8 for T3S, but coils are $3 each or 5 for $12. A SVD with ITaste is $99. Either way, I will buy some liquids from them every once in a while but would never buy hardware there. I am just happy there is a place that I like their liquids enough to use should an online ban actually come to fruition.

Edited by bcartervol98
Posted (edited)

If you guys want, I can try a smaller coop over here for protank 2's minis and heads. I would need a commitment from those that are interested tho. If you aren't aware of how a coop works its goes like this. We work up a general idea of how many of what folks want..I talk to the rep get prices for the amount of goods decided upon, plus freight and paypal/customs fee's. These fee's all get figured into the price of the items. I then send out invoices via paypal. Once all monies are collected i send payment to the vendor, who in turn ships out the product a few days later. I get everything delivered to the house, inventory it, pack it up and ship it out to the members. I know the numbers aren't too big over here. But there is alot of people who use the protanks etc. I'm wrapping up a large Kanger coop over on ecf currently, all packages have been shipped out. I will be running a Efest battery/Charger coop over there shortly. There is a great aspire bdc coop happening right now as well. I don't like telling people where to shop, but coops are where it's at. Even if you don't use the forums over there, the access you have to lower priced items is fabulous in the coops/classifieds section.

Let me know.

Picture of the last kanger coop - I was since banished to the basement for packing etc!


Edited by Proetus

There is no per unit commitment per person. As a whole we need to reach an Minimal Ordering Quantity (MOQ) For Kanger products that is 50 for most items. Heads i can get by with whatever we need to order. The more we order the cheaper things get obviously. As an example my last coop these were the prices. Protank 2 $10.53 Mini Protank2 (w/ Removable drip tip) $7.83 5pk of 1.8 or 2.2Ω heads $3.28. Each member is also responsible for $1.00 Incidental fee which covers my gas, labels, tape etc. As well as paypal fee's and the Priority shipping fee depending on size of order $5.15 for small flat rate or $5.70 for padded envelope. All calculations are done via formulas on a spreadsheet which everyone has access to. If said person orders 1 protank you wont be saving much because you would come out to around $17, the discount comes when ordering multiple items.


I can do the same for Efest batteries 18650/18500/18650 Button or flat top and lLuc efest chargers. Charger 13.99 batteries range from 2.18-3.53 depending on flat/nipple and battery size. Those prices are all before fee's/shipping are added to them tho.


I would order coils from you but hard to quantify how many I use really. I probably go through 2-3 5packs a month. I change them fairly often, too cheap to deal with burned taste lol.

Posted (edited)

There are 2 B&M's in my immediate are and the price difference between the 2 is absurd. One has the equivalent of typical online pricing, plus what it would cost to ship, and about a 3% mark up. This place is always packed.

The second one has prices so far out of range I have to wonder how they are staying in business! $45 for a 1300 Spinner, $25 for a large ego case, $35 for a PT2, $18 for a T3S, etc...

They sell their juices for about $8-9. I just don't know how they can survive.

The newest one, geeze, it's a great store, but their rent is $3,000 a month, because they rented out a HUGE space on mall property (used to be a UPS store). So while I can get one 15 ml bottle of Vapor Beast juice for $12 there, I can get it for $9 on the website....and they aren't selling 30 ml bottles of anything yet. But ANOTHER brand of juice that they sell, because they sell ALL of the brands of juice for the same price, if you buy it from them, you literally pay almost twice as much for it in their store.

I paid $20 for an original pro tank mini there, after the mini 2s were out and being sold for under $20. Truthfully, I didn't price hardware there, because when I went in looking, the ones they had were kits (comes with a battery, a crap charger, etc.) and I wasn't in need of a kit, so I didn't look. I did look at what they were charging for the MVP - which is about what all the other B&Ms in the area were charging I THINK, so I knew I could get it online much cheaper.

I do have one Brick and Mortar I like called Vintage Vapors. Their liquids are $10 for 15ml and $14 for 30ml so very reasonable and high quality. Theirs is all 65pg 35vg, exactly opposite of my preferred mix of 65vs 35pg. I just do not like they are not customizable and have gotten to a point where I do not like anything over 50% PG, and I prefer 35%pg. Their hardware is more reasonable as in $25.99 for a KPT2, $8 for T3S, but coils are $3 each or 5 for $12. A SVD with ITaste is $99. Either way, I will buy some liquids from them every once in a while but would never buy hardware there. I am just happy there is a place that I like their liquids enough to use should an online ban actually come to fruition.

Um, yeah, that much for a KPT2 is BAD. I do have to ask, though, why do you prefer higher vg numbers?

I can do the same for Efest batteries 18650/18500/18650 Button or flat top and lLuc efest chargers. Charger 13.99 batteries range from 2.18-3.53 depending on flat/nipple and battery size. Those prices are all before fee's/shipping are added to them tho.

Might be able to swing in some on KPT2s, and probably on coils - the tanks it would depend on what we could get the price down to per.

Proteus, I could probably at least get an order of 1 18500 - hubby has two of them, one flat top, one button top, and one of them he can't use with his Provari, so he has to make sure he charges it Wednesday nights, because Thurday is his 12 hour day at school, where he needs it.

Edited by spydre

I find at this point in my going on 7 month experience that the harshness of PG I craved in the beginning to be the last thing I want now. About all I care about any more is taste and vapor production. I have also realized with a few flavors I love the way the standard non VV Ego batteries perform and have found I use my Vamo more at work and in the car than I do at home, completely opposite compared to a short time ago.


Sounds like your off your ...spinner..what up? A regular 3.7 regulated over a twist or spinner or other?

Hmmm ghosts and gremlins are out tonight....."


I seem to be going through phases. Love the spinner but for some reason I have two flavors that the std battery seems to hit the sweet spot for me.

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