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Didn't post yesterday because I've felt like ca-ca for various reasons, including not sleeping at night, and napping during the day in fits and starts, and high blood pressure for other reasons. Anyway yesterday was the first day of my double vape days. Yesterday was Fadora Vapor day, with Apple Cider, 30 mls, and a sample of cinnamon stick.

Today was Vapor Talk Store day, with a total of 30 mls each of Caramel and Crumble Cake, and 15 mls of Poppin' Pineapple. Yay!


Got my KPT2 and couple new juices. Pro Tank leaked like crazy, kinda annoyed. Lost about a tank of juices. Swapped out the coil and now all is fine. Kinda annoying though. My top fed firestorm never leaks. Anyway happy with it now. Posted Image


Got my 30 ml bottle of juicy peach from The Vapor Room with an extra hit of flavor at 12 mg nic, 50/50. They also sent along a free sample of their Mt. Do at 12 mg, 50/50. I already have a 30 ml bottle of that so I know I like it. :)

From Discount Vaper I got 4 more Davide minis for some friends who can't buy online, a 5-pack of dual coils for the KPT3, and an IGO-W4 RDA. Went to Lowe's Saturday and picked up a tiny mini torch so when I get around to it I'll try my hand at building a micro coil to check this out. More than likely, it won't be until sometime this weekend, though. Too fried to try it on a weeknight. :)


Oh ****! Tam's got a torch now. Lookout! :)

Funny, that's exactly what my SO said when I came home with it. He kinda went pale, too. Wonder why...? :evil:

On a side note when I was at the check out waiting for my turn it dropped out of my hand and the man in front of me picked it up because my arms were full of more stuff. Found a hot dentist who specializes in dentures for my mother. LOL! And he was tickled because he'd been looking for a mini torch himself. :D


I used to be mil-standard 2000 certified to solder. This shouldn't be so very different. Right?

Anyway, you guys are safe until this weekend. Maybe. :D


Buncha of little things came in today. Odds n ends.


Blue Fire button - Mini Tactile adjustment buttons - Fuses- battery Contacts - Spring loaded Center pins - Luer Lock caps and Tips for filling R91 and KFL




Spring loaded center pins


Wow I really had no idea that California was in that bad off! I have never heard of any country in THE world that gives it people IOU's. {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif

nannas nuts is soo oolong good

My order from Fadora came today! 1 30 ml bottle of Mellow Spice, a 15 ml bottle of Cinnamon Stick (I thought I got the 30 ml but must've hit the wrong line when ordering), a 10 ml bottle of watermelon. All in 12 mg nic, 50/50 blend. Also got some 70 mm anodized drip tips in gray, purple and blue and one large glass ming drip tip in a lovely blue.

I must say I'm a little disappointed already with the watermelon flavor, Compenstine. There was no tiny slice of watermelon inside the bottle. :(


Just got my Fadora Spiced Apple and Buttered Popcorn. If I look real close I swear I can see my grandmother baking apples inside the bottle. :) The Buttered Popcorn will save me about 1500 calories next time I go to the movies, lol.

This calls for another order. I LOVE wintergreen so I'm going for the mint and I'm also going for the cinnamon stick.


Mangled mess of 24awg and 20awg Silicone wire and heat shrink tubing! Maybe start building tomorrow. Missing a fire button still tho!



The Wife just called and said my 100 ft of each 32,30,28,24g kanthal and 0.8,0.5 ribbon wire came in. As well as my illuminated magnifying jewelers visor! Now I'll be able to see what the heck I'm doing! Lol :p


Today I got my flavorings and my DNA screen cradles.

120ml Black Honey Tobacco, Double RY4

36ml Vanilla Swirl

30ml Dragonfruit, Orange Cream

16ml Vanilla Custard, Sweet Cream

8ml strawberry, Butterscotch, Graham Cracker, Acetyl Pyrazine 5%

a few 14g blunt tip needles.


Awaiting a new soldering iron. My cheap POS was not able to achieve high enough heat to get my ss top hot enough to solder the negative wire to. Hopefully it'll be here Friday.

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