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I got a Smoktech Slim ViVi Nova tank, my first real accessory to my "710 pen".

I can't believe how different the hits are compared to the small, single coil funnel type cart that came with my rig.


Does finding something you thought you lost count? You know that KPT mini 2 that I thought I lost? I found it in the depths of (hell) my purse today. I didn't think to look in my purse on that day that I misplaced it, because everything was either in my jacket, or in my bag.


My order of Dragon's Charm, Dragon's Magic and Rum Soaked Raisins from EC Blends came today. The two Dragon series juices are delicious straight out of the mailbox, the creaminess will come through in a week or three. Can't wait! :)


Got my new bottle of Endless Summer from Fuzion like always, 4 days after I ordered it. I am stocked up now, cannot see needing anything else for at least a month or more. I have finally hit the point I have everything I need, nothing else I want and now it is just maintaining liquids and coils.


I received Flavors from Vapor Craze that are crazy good. I won them on Mike the Hill Giant show, & they sent me like 120 mls to try. I love them all, love the labels, & highly recommend giving them a try. When/if I pull myself away from my obsession with vapolitics, I'll do a write up on them. http://www.vaporcraze.net

Couldn't find any info about their juice ratio on the site. Do you know what their PG/VG is?

Posted (edited)

Couldn't find any info about their juice ratio on the site. Do you know what their PG/VG is?

They are 50/50.

Here's an interview on them. http://content.spinfuel.com/vapor-craze-talks-spinfuel/

What's the atty on the nemesis Uma? Looks slick! And what's the drip tip? If I had to guess it's an mflux but I could be wrong!

The atty is the Nahual 16mm RBA by urquedez here in the states.

The drip tip is Teflon from 310 vapers http://www.310vapers.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=Teflon#page=1

The atty is different from most, unique chamber, as well as no negative post. The negative post is incorporated into the center positive post. The super reduced chamber produces fantastic flavor.

I also have the 16" top cap for the Nemesis and Nahual to look more streamlined together, but I haven't taken the time to set it up with it yet. I like it as is on the normal size cap.

Edited by Uma

Those must have been pretty limited in production because I cant find them for sale anywhere.

But in other news I bought about 7 carto tanks for 25 bucks shipped lol! Just got them in today. :)

Posted (edited)

Those must have been pretty limited in production because I cant find them for sale anywhere. But in other news I bought about 7 carto tanks for 25 bucks shipped lol! Just got them in today. :)

Yes, they are limited. He's also made a nice RDA called the Gota, & is in the process of making a surprise one. I don't know if he will go unlimited, he is not a manufacturer, just a super creative, talented, OCD about craftsmanship, backyard hobbyist. If I had riches, I'd set him up with a shop & not bat an eye.

That's a good buy on those tanks!

Edited by Uma

Man.... Now I want one after seeing that review..... Crap!

They're worth every penny, but good luck finding one. Those who lucked out in getting one, don't part with them. (Minus a Flipper here or there, which is rare, cuz when anybody's caught flipping one, they are banned from all future lists, & the best, of course, is yet to be).

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