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Green Arrow/Arrow TV series

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See, I'm good, I started a new thread for exceptionally off topic to that thread:

This reminds me - odd, I know in the Green Arrow universe, Black Canary is (spoilers)

Dinah-Laurel, but on the show Arrow, at least how the cast iisted Black Canary (she just started this week) as the actress that played her sister (who is supposed to be dead five years past, but supposedly there have been rumors that she's not).

Okay, I found out more about Black Canary. First it was the mother, who was married to a detective on the GOTHAM City police force, but his name wasn't Quinten Lance, it was Larry Lance. Eventually, many years later, after watching her mother being an acknowledged superhero, Dinah Laurel took up the mantel, and eventually married the Green Arrow.

But not only has the show Arrow made it not Laurel, but made it IMPOSSIBLE to be Laurel, as Black Canary was present at the scene of when Laurel was rescued from a kidnapping and attempted murder this week. But, as usual, it's not the only liberty that the TV series took (just look at the TV series Smallville for that). Oliver Queen on the show took Laurel's (his gf at the time) sister Sarah on a "cruise" on his family yacht, where the yacht was ambushed in a bid to kill Oliver's father (which succeeded, and supposedly killed Sarah as well), and Oliver was desert on and island for five years, where he met up with Slade, I believe, it appears, and Shadow, and Shadow's father (though I don't know if those appeared in the comics). On the life raft before he died, his father gave him a list of men who had wronged Starling City that Oliver needed to exact revenge on, and that's how the Arrow was born when he came back. Plus, Black Canary has ties to Ras al' Goul (or however you spell that - maybe training?)

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Nice Tie in, It's available for Streaming on Netflix, I will check it out. I saw the backstory, they did in Smallville, Where Oliver is trapped

/stranded on the island and stuff.. DId you get to see that one? I'm more of a hardcore Smallville fan, and havn't checked out the Arrow series yet. Considering, That I have always had a great liking of Robin Hood, and Bruce Wayne... This series will fit nice in my collection.
DC Comics has got a good couple of TV shows now, I'm looking forward to catching them on Netflix soon!

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Well, hubby and the youngest saw tomorrow's Arrow commercial, and actually had a conversation about who Black Canary's secret identity is. They must have remembered the bits from the first season about Sarah Lance possibly still being alive, because both of them came to that same conclusion.

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I'm just starting this series on Netflix... so far so good!

I turned off my dish about 3 years ago so I am always a little behind the times when it comes to T.V. shows, but I don't regret turning off the dish one bit... there is more crap than good on these days... plus no mindless commercials when you stream!

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Well, just an FYI if you just started watching it on NetFlix. If you are a Doctor Who and/or Torchwood fan from BBC America, you'll be in for a pleasant surprise. John Barrowman (Capt. Jack Harkness in Doctor Who and Torchwood) plays Tommy's dad, and Alex Kingston (River Song for three seasons on Doctor Who) makes a guest appearance as Laurel's mother. It's like all of the sudden the show turned into a gathering ground for old Doctor Who actors....which is why the Doctor Who fangirlz and bois like it. Okay, no, I like it because IMO, Ollie's hot, and Smallville pretty much killed the comic lore anyway, so this week in Season 2 didn't kill it anymore.

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