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Show me your storage setups!

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Hi All,

I am still pretty new (But I jumped off into the deep end, so...) to all of this. I am having issues with storing all my gear and juice. I vape out in my garage/man cave to keep away from the kiddo's (did not smoke in front of them much and never in the house). I have a crappy little box that some gear shipped in housing all my stuff right now, but it is super jankey. I have bought a bunch of juice looking for some flavors that I like and in the short time vaping, I have built up a pretty decent stock (like 20+ bottles). Along with all the juice, I have empty squeeze bottles, coil packs, boxes, tanks, and other supplies. I have been lining up the bottles on the table out in the garage seating area, but it looks super sketchy to the wife. She needs me to come up with a better solution.

Patricia posted a neat little setup that looks promising, but I would love to see some cool pics of everyone's storage setups.

Oh and I found a great little Vape shop in Kalamazoo MI (my old home town). They mix all of their own juices and have testers of everyone of them. I was in there for like an hour on Saturday with an ear to ear smile!!! There must have been 30-45 customers that came in to buy something in the hour I was there. This place was printing money. Their costs were just a tiny bit higher then online vendors. I am pretty excited to go back an visit.

Thanks all,


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Here is mine. Tackle box on top full of T2s and T3S, drip tips, o-rings, parts etc.. In drawer are a bunch of Davide minis that are currently on the bench as the KPT 2 moved to the tip of the depth chart, several 1300mah spinners, empty bottles, lanyards, and all the other assorted stuff I have collected over the last 6 months. And a few liquids of course.


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Here is my storage set up. I have in my man cave in my smaller garage.


You win!!! Lulz

The vape shop in Kalamazoo is off of Portage Rd and I-94, across from the Airport. They have a shop up in GR too and building another in Kzoo off of W. Main St.

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Wow. Thanks for all of the replies.

I love everyone's setups. Some are crazy!! I think that I will take a little trip to a hobby/craft store or maybe a hardware store and look for some storage " tackle" boxes.

Tam, brought up a very interesting topic. Vaping equipment and the cold. It has been starting to get pretty cold up here in Michigan. Today it was 37 degrees on the way into work. I have been leaving all my vaping gear in the garage, it is attached and does not get as cold as it does outside, but pretty close. I have read that juice can be refrigerated, so I am not too concerned about that, but what about my PV's?? Can the cold damage my devices??

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow! Everyone in this thread is so organized! I like all the set ups. FANCY!

I have a pile on my kitchen counter and computer desk for the stuff I use. All my old/unused gear ends up in a drawer. I use a plastic container, with snap locking top, when I travel. I tried to organize my stuff, but I guess I function better with chaos.

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