Cornelius Posted October 22, 2013 Author Posted October 22, 2013 (edited) I just think 7 days is a bit much; especially now that the package will probably be returned, it's just going to be one heck of a wait. I have nothing else to vape, I think anyone who's had the luck I've had with vendors and devices would be pretty upset over anything. I've already had to wait longer than a week on a replacement battery from another vendor. I once waited a month on another order because of mess ups. I have a pretty short fuse with these things because with being a vaper for so long, I've discovered the ins-and-outs of these businesses and most vaping vendors are really very lazy and care less about customers. The factories of these products are even worse. It isn't like these vendors have just one person working there. They usually have at least a few, and there's a number of people able to simply hold off a couple hours on the post-office visit or whatnot. And trust me, vendors are busy, but they're not Amazon busy. Especially the ones that aren't running a website from a local shop where the customers are simply in and out all day, but simply have a office and a website. Overall, I've never had an experience where my order took 72 hours exactly to be placed. Again, that's why I'd think on Fridays, that the packages would be lumped all together and dumped off at the post office right before it closes for the day. These companies aren't like Walmart where they have to send a shipment truck out early in the morning to reach a destination states away. It's more like guys loading up a bunch of cardboard boxes and envelopes into the back of the car and dropping it off on the way to their kids' soccer practice. The guy on the phone even said that they deliver packages out twice a day, and that right there is sort of a faulty process; I can understand shipping out the night-before's orders the first thing in the morning, but at least on a Friday, I'd think the later-day shipments would be held off til the last moment possible to give everyone a chance. I didn't order on Saturday or Sunday and I'd have been more understanding if I did. My only real positive experience with any vendor has been a local guy who does home deliveries; I've had bad luck with a few of his products as well, but he's always turned around and given me all sorts of freebies anytime there's a problem. A really good guy, great to chat with. And with the BDC, I already ordered it way before the Evod advice; seems that members here, like the vendors, don't really understand the just how long 4 days is with nothing to vape and only cigarettes to smoke and choke on. If I haven't been trying to vape for the past 4+ years, I wouldn't have no clue just how good vaping is, and I wouldn't really be making a big deal. But I know better. All it takes is puffing on a Blu disposable and suddenly you realize that there's a standard out there to vaping that could and should be met; the Blu disposables are my definition of what a perfect vape should start as - not one single burnt, soggy, or sour taste, a full-bodied vapor, no nicotine bite or bitterness, and enough throat hit to make it comfortable on everyone. That's my standard and after $200 wasted on faulty devices, sure, I can be a little on the edge with retailers. You finally get to a point where you have to treat people how they treat you, and I'm tired of vendors treating me and others like a disposable e-cig. You get a good few drags out of 'em and don't care what happens to it then. Anyway, about the BDC, I'm merely getting it for three points; a combiend .ohms of 3.2+, the safety-coated resistance wires that help prevent burning of other inside materials, and the reviews that say it is a wicking dream. There's no real "mastering" concerning single-wick devices. Either they work or they don't. Anyone who gets a burnt up device and tries to blame it on themselves is suffering from the same delusion doctors use to get out of malpractice scenarios; take a bunch of sick, desperate, weak-minded people, get their money, and if something goes wrong, make sure they think it's their own fault. But vaping isn't rocket science and it all boils down to faulty gear. I've tried every trick in the book with single-head devices and they don't work simply because they're built about as well as something from the Dollar Tree. Even the simplist of solution, getting a thinner juice, only works half of the time. I'm getting the BDC because of build quality; I dont see any reason why "I can't handle it." unless it ends up being broken. I've already said I'm considering various things if this one doesn't work. Tumbler. Evod. T3's I think. I got a whole list. Also, the problem with the Protank is either that they use really bad wicks, or there's a coating on the wicks that doesn't allow it to wick very good. Protank worked fine with the thinnest juice I had, but I can't vape White Ice my whole life, so I said bye to the Protank. Good news is the vendor who does home deliveries to me gave me a big ol' bottle of his DIY watermelon that he didn't think turned out good. It's been a bit of a savior to me. My messed up taste buds tasted watermelon for only about 5 hits until my tongue turned it into a simple white cotton candy flavor (fluffed sugar flavor), but so far, it's wicking great out of a new clearomizer he also gave me, and doesn't have one single bad nuance to it, and I've been getting by with that all night. Only two cigarettes so far in the past 5 hours or so! The taste is simply like vaping on a very mild sugar, but at this point, I'll take anything that doesn't taste like a wet sock or burnt sliver of automechanic metal. My tongue somehow now translates White Ice into Wet Paper, Chocolate Mint into Cod Fish, and Captain's Rum into Captain's Bum. My tongue has been acting crazy, that is indeed what my tongue is doing, but I've been through about half of my devices where they did taste extremely burnt right off the bat - the burnt hits are what puts my tongue in a frenzy to begin with, the same thing happens to my tongue after it's exposed to the compound used to make dental molds. There's a lot of compound structures out there that I'm really sensitive to, and the combustioned result of whatever creates the burnt taste in vapor is one of them. It's also why I'm not really in the most tolerant of moods. Faulty devices effect more than my money (on my income, $200+ is about %50 of my monthly living expenses), they effect my mouth and my ability to vape and stay off cigarettes. I stay off cigarettes by the taste of vapor, not the nicotine. I'm not a nicotine fiend and that's why I don't care anything about vaping a rubber tire. Er, I mean a Protank. Edited October 22, 2013 by Cornelius
IMEDICx90 Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 Ok so hold up a second here. You have been doing this for 4+ years .... Yet you can't find a device that you like. Everything in the world other then a blue disposable tastes like burnt rubber..... And your going to trash a vendor because they shipped a package out on Monday instead of Friday and further more you screwed up by putting the wrong zip code in?! Shame on you sir. You are the problem in this equation. Every piece of equipment you have listed has worked for hundreds and thousands of others whether it is their favorite device or not. How can I be that these devices work for everyone else but not you? Maybe since you love the blu disposables you should just stick with those?Have you ever stopped to think that you are causing or willing these issues into being? Ever heard of a self fulfilling prophesy? And you can't seem to get a single coil unit to work so the next logical step is to go to a dual coil unit.... And one that has this magical resistance and a coating. Let me tell you this.... The coating might last for a tank full maybe a little bit more. Then your coating is going to either be gone completely or gunk up the coil so much that it's now invapable. Anyway good luck on your endeavors but DO NOT trash someone's reputation because you're feeling down and out because a package didn't meet your demands . You want amazon shipping buy it from amazon. You want the vendors product buy it from the vendor and put the right zip code on it. I'm sorry but I have read enough of your posts on here beating up vendors and equipment and being an overall Debbie downer that wants the advice but wants to argue with everything that is said. Maybe you have vapors tongue and you need to drink more water. Whatever it is I hope you find your answer but I won't be attempting to help.
bcartervol98 Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 (edited) Tldr but what Medic said sounds very accurate. Edited October 22, 2013 by bcartervol98 spydre 1
tzymroz2013 Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 why not just get yourself a vision spinner online and buy your blu cartridges from blu? But you will eventually get the burnt taste if you let the cartridge run try. Besides I thought I read in a previous post you thought they changed their flavors on you and it too now taste like crap. Medically it sounds like you have some issues that no vender or vape gear can fix, maybe get checked for some allergy's. By continued smoking the cigarettes this is most likely contributing to your taste bud acting up problem versus your e juice. A script for a sedative may help ease your nerves until your mail arrives. My motto is to treat others the way I would want to be treated and my guess here is that you are being a bully to all venders due to some perceived wrong of few bad apples which really is not fair. Guess the one guy that you like because he gives you tons of freebees when you complain is not doing you any favors because you are learning to bully others thinking you will get a discount from the vender that did not get your order out pronto. We all have to wait our turn sir. i might have placed my order at 8 am with same vender but I would not have the expectation that the order would even go out until Monday period. As has been stated your expectation of the thing ordered on Friday going out that same day when you did not even get your order in until 200 pm is unrealistic. good luck with whatever new products you try and I hope you find something that meets your expectations. spydre 1
Cornelius Posted October 23, 2013 Author Posted October 23, 2013 (edited) Well, I just called the retailer back, and they admitted to me that they made a mistake and held my package over 24 business hours past when the order was placed and past when other orders, ordered after mine, were sent out. They tried lying to me at first about their scheduling times, but I caught the retailer in a lie (they originally told me that 1PM Friday was past their shipping time schedule for the day, but they didn't give my package to the post office til 2PM on Monday, which the vendor then said was the first shipping time for their business-day schedule, which caused a further day wait for me, 7 total, because the package missed my local delivery truck by just 1 hour today.) This means that the package both could and should have been sent out Friday, or at the very least, in the morning on Monday, depending on which lie is the truth. Either solution could have had my package here two days ago, or at least today, but it's now going to be a full 7-day wait for a package that was sent out maybe 3 or 4 States away. My recent experience with another vendor from the same area sent me a package and it got here 48 hours later. Deal. So yeah, I'm reporting each member here who accused me of being a liar or causing my own problems. Delusional tards. And I called the post office and they said they don't give a darn about wrong zip codes, they always realize it and fix it. And btw, I know about 3 people who like the Protank. My local vape shop and my local delivery-vape guy said they were the worst devices they've ever encountered - both shops bought multiple ones for testing and hating them. Both shops also said Blu cartos were the devil, and that CE5 and CE4 Clearomizers are junky and last about a day. And for the Aspire, it has a plastic-like coating on the non-resistance wire part of the coil, PBusardo's review shows this very clearly, so I'm also reporting whoever accused me of lying about this too and "dreaming" it up. Oh wait, that was a supplier, no wonder... "Anything wrong with the devices is the users fault." I forgot about that law. Edited October 23, 2013 by Cornelius
rcoe Posted October 23, 2013 Posted October 23, 2013 "delusional tards"? cognitively under developed;impaired and experiencing alternative realities? point your finger at someone there's at least 3 pointed back at you. Glad your getting your prize though.
spydre Posted October 23, 2013 Posted October 23, 2013 Not sure you need to report anyone - the admins are well aware of this thread, and if I recall, one of the admins even posted in it. Or maybe it was two. As for the Pro Tank, ask any number of members here. A good chunk of us have Pro Tanks, Davides, or both, and swear by them. I myself have 5 Pro Tank 2s, 3 mini Pro Tanks, and a full sized Davide. You said you called YOUR post office - that's not to mention the post office of the ZIP code you actually put on there. Yeah, someone there might catch that it says a different city, but they might not. They aren't REQUIRED to. By the way, your package missing the delivery truck by 1 hour today? Trust me, it wouldn't have made a difference. If it's going to say, a more central hub, like to where I'm at to St. Louis (the closest hub), there should be another one at 5, or close to it. But the trucks that go long distances, or the flights? Those only go once a day, first thing in the morning, to be delivered and processed by evening. I've followed enough packages on track and ship - USPS, DHL, and Fed Ex. I know what time my carrier leaves the post office to start her route, and I've missed that evening pick up truck by two minutes before when mailing a bill out. I don't see anyone here has called you a liar. I can't say to what people think, but no one ever called you a liar. Yes, they have mentioned that you could be causing your own problems - both from the inability to taste due to your continued analog use dulling your tastebuds, to user error causing the problems you are having, since, in two of your posts at least (your vaper's tongue post reads differently) this happens on every tank you've used, no matter what, except for the one CE5. And yet, you've been told that the CE4 and 5 clearomizers are junk, both here and by the shops you go to, and still use them. But, as Medic said, THOUSANDS, and I'll go further and say tens of thousands of people use these devices without a problem, but every single one causes you a problem? Then yes, I'll go with you being the common denominator.
bcartervol98 Posted October 23, 2013 Posted October 23, 2013 (edited) The words escape me, but would look like this anyway **** *** And I do not think you are a "liar" as much as an *** hole with unrealistic expectations and completely unable to get and handle advice that doesnt line up with your own. Edited October 23, 2013 by bcartervol98 spydre, joe2003, IMEDICx90 and 2 others 5
3Rutez Posted October 23, 2013 Posted October 23, 2013 (edited) *DON'T FEED THE TROLLS* Edited October 23, 2013 by 3Rutez
rcoe Posted October 23, 2013 Posted October 23, 2013 nom nom nom (troll feeding sound) nom nom nom joe2003 1
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