Cornelius Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 (edited) A big question on my mind - do vapers universally agree that our vapor should be as clean tasting as hookah tobacco, or do many vapers out there experience (and even enjoy) vapors that taste cotton-like or burnt? See, years ago, I tried a Blu disposable, and it was the cleanest tasting juice I have probably ever tasted in the past 4 years - it had the super clean, sweet taste of buttered caramel popcorn, and tasted like that until the battery died. Since that day, 4 years ago, I have been buying and tossing complete junk because everything gives me a cotton-like, burnt, rubbery, or extremely weak vape - nothing to do with the juice because I sample juices on others' devices. As an experience, I enjoy hookah tobacco very much, and since that long-since-experienced Blu disposable goodness (even Blu has changed their tobacco formula to be weaker, no longer tasting like popcorn goodness), I just haven't vaped anything that's even in the same world. Everything tastes like a faulty product. Even cigarettes taste better. For me, I care about my health, but I simply can only do what agrees with my taste buds. If cigarettes end up tasting better than a burnt-tire like vape, that's what I have to go with. Does anyone else simply experience and live with a negative tasting vape? Or am I just in some sort of nightmare when it comes to vaping? Edited October 20, 2013 by Cornelius
Jeffb Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 You are in a nightmare. I guess Ive been lucky enough to find juice I love. I would never go back to cigs. They are disgusting to me now. BirdDog 1
Cornelius Posted October 20, 2013 Author Posted October 20, 2013 Like, I have literally 5 clearomizers that I filled with juice, let the soak (even upside down), and went to vape them on a little 650mah battery, and all of them instantly made a very loud "pop" and then tasted like a slightly singed cotton no matter what, and produced a lot less vapor than I'd expect. Sometimes it even does it on my Spinner. I wouldn't think I have two batteries that may be blowing up Clearomizers, and I already had the Spinner volt-checked, but who really knows. My luck is really horrible with this.
Jeffb Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 Throw the clearos in the trash and get an Evod BirdDog 1
Grant951 Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 At one of the local stores the guy has all the juices for testing out in ce4s. Every single one tastes burnt. If I lightly and quickly hit it, I can get a hint of the taste without the burnt taste. I'd try a different tank.
Tam Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 I have to agree with Jeff. Get an Evod. Either that or you can go through the learning curve and learn how to direct drip. A good atomizer is worth its weight in gold for being able to taste juices the way they were meant to be. Just a thought. BirdDog 1
Cornelius Posted October 20, 2013 Author Posted October 20, 2013 (edited) I've tried both a bridged and bridgeless dripper, but I made a mistake with both of them and used a coffee juice by GoodeJuice that didn't seem to be mixed right, and instantly burnt up both of them (was working fine with other juices). I don't think the coffee juice has enough PG/VG in it for the mix, it tastes like if someone vaped a pure dark coffee extract - tastes literally awful on anything, and ruins anything. Overall, I learned though that the drippers weren't really my thing anyway; it was hard to try different juices, they kind of blended in flavor even after the dripper ran noticably dry; I also vape to the point that dripping doesn't have a feasable purpose for me in the end - I would do anything to even taste some of these juices the way they're supposed to be tasted, but until I can find a tank-like device to give me that, vaping wouldn't really be my thing. I have a Aspire BDC coming in the mail, everyone's raving about that, and it's a tank-dripper type device. Hopefully it works, but I'm a little afraid to put it on these two batteries. The 650mah strangely does a rapid LED-blink when I press the button with any device on it (not the on/off blink, but a very rapid, short-out looking blink) for a few seconds then fires normally, and the Spinner seems to have no visible problems but seems to hate Protank heads with a passion; the 650mah gives a completely better result for the Protank somehow. To me, vaping just seems like a huge rip-off after everything I've tried. I'm truly hoping this Aspire BDC may be the one product out there to end this whole silly game, but so far, CE4's, CE5's, and the Protank have all been complete jokes. I have one CE5 right now that seems to be putting out any sort of real flavor, but it's not even a strength of flavor worth vaping and doesn't keep me off the cigs. It's that bad, and that's the best Clearomizer I have in my stock. Despite tasting OK, it tastes like I have about %50 water in it. Either one curse or the other. And I'm using extremely thin juices, probably the thinnest juices on the market; that hasn't even really made a difference though; it all seems to entirely be which clearomizer wants to act up and which doesn't. I'm also extraordinarily careful with my voltage strength, rarely going above 3.3 unless I'm just absolutely not getting anything from the vape. (The 650mah itself clocks in around 3.7 at highest I believe...) And yeah, all of the clearomizers at my local shop tasted funky too the first time I tried them all - now looking back at it, they tasted like heaven compared to what I'm getting inside my home.... at the shop, they merely tasted a bit too hot, and as a result, had some slightly bitter notes. More of an alcoholish bitterness and less of a wick bitterness. Would rather it be an alcohol-ish taste than a burnt wick one, the wicky taste and cotton taste just makes me sick to my stomach thinking about how nasty it is. Edited October 20, 2013 by Cornelius
3Rutez Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 I have to bring in my RDA to test juices at the shop. Trying them out of their test tanks, I always get a nasty burnt wick and coil taste. Those things are garbage. I keep telling them, but they refuse to listen. Cheap cheap cheap. I always end up rebuilding my Pro Tank heads. By the second vape, I almost always get a dry hit. No bueno.
spydre Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 I have to bring in my RDA to test juices at the shop. Trying them out of their test tanks, I always get a nasty burnt wick and coil taste. Those things are garbage. I keep telling them, but they refuse to listen. Cheap cheap cheap. I always end up rebuilding my Pro Tank heads. By the second vape, I almost always get a dry hit. No bueno. Not only that, unless you use your own device, you are relying on THEIR battery, and I've seen some shops that didn't even realize that their sample had sprung a leak or blown a coil until a customer picked up the tank dripping, or nothing was coming out of it and it wouldn't fire. PLUS, MOST of the shops around here, just cut small lengths of plastic tubing to use as mouthpieces for the customers to cover the drip tips with when they are sampling. That alone impacts the flavor, and one shop rather than pitching the used ones, sanitizes them so they can be re-used, so you get THAT taste in there as well. Out of the three shops in this area that I've been to (haven't been to the fourth, but planning on it because ordering two of my flavors from Vapor Beast may turn out to be more hassle than it's worth, so I'm going to check his juices out, and his juices are similarly priced to Better Vapes), only Cloud 9 has "sanitary" mouth guards that were MADE for that purpose. I like them so much that I asked them Friday when I tried some more flavors out if I could keep a couple of them, for when "I'm offering my tank to a smoker who wants to try it and see what it's like, or a vaper who wants to taste what I'm vaping" (but really, it's for when I go into those other shops). Rutez, that's odd about you getting dry hits with your Pro Tanks. I don't think I've gotten a dry hit yet, as long as I give it a couple minutes to soak into the wick, and I don't vape it down 'til it's empty. HOWEVER, quality control on Kanger's coil production is crap, and on the generic brand it's even worse, so I've gotten dud heads before. Had one Evod that the head lasted, oh, about 3/4 of a tank's worth. I filled the tank halfway, vaped that, and then filled it 1/2 way again, and 1/2 way through that, the coil crapped out. But that's the worst experience I've had as far as my coils go.
Tam Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 ...only Cloud 9 has "sanitary" mouth guards that were MADE for that purpose. I like them so much that I asked them Friday when I tried some more flavors out if I could keep a couple of them, for when "I'm offering my tank to a smoker who wants to try it and see what it's like, or a vaper who wants to taste what I'm vaping" (but really, it's for when I go into those other shops). You can buy your own "friend tips" from EC Blend. They sell them for a quarter each. I keep a bunch of them with me all the time just for that purpose. spydre 1
3Rutez Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 Ew, yuck. The shop I go to has buckets full of disposable tips in plastic packaging, so they are always sanitary and fresh. I bring in my eVic at times, as they have really cruddy 'twist' batteries for testing juice. Still though, those disposable cartridges they use for juice just never taste right.
spydre Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 You can buy your own "friend tips" from EC Blend. They sell them for a quarter each. I keep a bunch of them with me all the time just for that purpose. Tam, that is soooo great. As soon as I can (probably after I order my APV, depending on how much money I save) I'm going to order some. Ew, yuck. The shop I go to has buckets full of disposable tips in plastic packaging, so they are always sanitary and fresh. I bring in my eVic at times, as they have really cruddy 'twist' batteries for testing juice. Still though, those disposable cartridges they use for juice just never taste right. Yeah, I generally use my own (when I still had my Zmax) because you don't know how much of a charge is on those stick batteries. I'm not going to blow through much of a charge testing out a few samples, anyway, not with the 18650 batteries. Now, Friday when we went in, I was perfectly happy to use Cloud 9's stick batteries a) because they haven't been open but a couple weeks, so they are pretty new, and I only had a stick battery on me, and with no way to tell how much of a charge was left on it, I wasn't going to burn mine when they had batteries I could use.
spydre Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 Oh, and by the by, you can order hookah kits...somewhere, and do that. I ran across it somewhere in the last week of searching, I just don't remember where.
Cornelius Posted October 20, 2013 Author Posted October 20, 2013 I happened to see one of those when researching about the Aspire, Eigate (who makes Aspire) also makes an electronic hookah - it seems like the device has 4 atomizers in one cartridge, and the cartridge holds so much juice that it's "supposed" to last for 1,500 puffs. At this point, I'd vape something the size of a TV if it just worked right and always did. And about the Protank II, it wicked fine with a White Ice juice I had that was clear and literally has the consistency of water, but doesn't wick at all with any sort of colored juice I have... I mean, at all. Burns up even after just a few very spaced out puffs. Been through 10 heads now, no vaping out of any of them.
tzymroz2013 Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 has the Hookahs type devices as does Ez Vapes just to name a few. I also do not have issues with the pro tank tasting bad unless it is time to change the coil but they usually last me about 4 days, sometimes I change and clean them sooner though. What pg vg ratio are you using, and are the juices coming watered down or do you do something to it once you buy it? As to blu cartridges I would get that burnt taste sooner then the 200 some puffs they claim you were to get from each.If you like their cartridge flavors at one time you may want to order some juice from Johnson Creek because that is where their flavors were provided by, you may find something comparable to what you like vapewise, i only liked their black cherry but even it was a little different from the cherry crush they make for blu but it is way better then most other juice supplier cherry imo. What is the name brand on the juice your Brick and Mortr sells? or do they mix it themselves? the evod is a good way to taste the flavors but all heads will eventually burn out and need replacement. Evod does offer a clean crisp taste though so give it a try, whats a couple more dollars at this point.
rcoe Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 I found early on that my protank 2 didn't do anything on it's own. Whenever something unfortunate happened I was always involved....LOL They've been flawless since I figured out how to properly use them (with y'alls help of course).
spydre Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 has the Hookahs type devices as does Ez Vapes just to name a few. I also do not have issues with the pro tank tasting bad unless it is time to change the coil but they usually last me about 4 days, sometimes I change and clean them sooner though. What pg vg ratio are you using, and are the juices coming watered down or do you do something to it once you buy it? As to blu cartridges I would get that burnt taste sooner then the 200 some puffs they claim you were to get from each.If you like their cartridge flavors at one time you may want to order some juice from Johnson Creek because that is where their flavors were provided by, you may find something comparable to what you like vapewise, i only liked their black cherry but even it was a little different from the cherry crush they make for blu but it is way better then most other juice supplier cherry imo. What is the name brand on the juice your Brick and Mortr sells? or do they mix it themselves? the evod is a good way to taste the flavors but all heads will eventually burn out and need replacement. Evod does offer a clean crisp taste though so give it a try, whats a couple more dollars at this point. I was going to say my coils last me longer on my Kangers....but it very much depends on the kind of juice you are using, the ratio, and other factors, as well as the quality of that particular coil, IMO. I agree with what you say about the evod, and it's an inexpensive way to get into GOOD bccs.
Cornelius Posted October 20, 2013 Author Posted October 20, 2013 (edited) That's the confusing thing with the Protank - other than boiling the heads in hot water or something before I use them, I've done everything in the book, and they just don't seem to wick well at all - yet a lot of juice will get into that bottom plate under the coil head, so I know juice is getting in that bottom area and touching the wick. I have a range of juices, and the White Ice seems to wick better on anything. All the other juices are a bit thicker, probably 70% PG (they don't say), but it's not like they're pancake syrup or anything. Fairly runny too, just a bit less than the water-like White Ice. And I don't really try to do anything with my juices, I'm not really up to mixing anything with anything yet. The Protank doesn't really have any sort of tight draw either, so I can't really get any suction to gauge the wicking like I can with tighter draws. I bought a air flow controller but it was so finicky that it barely would fire my Protank, and I couldn't get it to work with tightening the draw much at all. I mean, the only thing that I could possibly attribute it to is either that using a high resistance head causes the juice to gunk up like crazy and taste burnt, that maybe a low resistance head evaporates the juice so quickly that it works better, but I simply don't know. Haven't tried the 1.8's for the Protank yet. But for me, the Protank has been as hit-and-miss, if not worse, than my CE4's and CE5's, and I use the same technique and same juices each time for those. I wish there were a lot more reviews on the Aspire I'm getting in, but from the ones that are out there, people report that they wick like something insane, and actually allow you to chain vape, that it doesn't really give you dry hits unless you're doing some extreme voltage or sometimes if you're using something thicker than a 50/50 juice. (I believe my motto would be to either stay in the %70 or %100 PG range, or the %100 VG with %20 water that some vendors sell.) Some have reported that some of the heads have an awful taste right off the bat, so hopefully I don't run into that (probably will, I always can predict the exact problems I run into even before my device arrives...) Edited October 20, 2013 by Cornelius
tzymroz2013 Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 do you have any vapor friends locally that can take a look at your vape gear, and battery, and the juice because it should not be giving that burnt taste, and the not wicking issue has me stumped especially when you are saying you have bought from several juice venders. on your pro tank heads are you replacing the silica wick with cotton? or are you using them the way they came? some cotton has to be boiled etc so that could be an issue if you use cotton. also always make sure the head is screwed into the base good and tight if not you will get flooding and it can short it out. if your insulators ever get burnt even once that burnt taste will carry over from tank to tank but even that problem it is fixed with a change of new replacement heads. My only other suggestion is make sure your pro tank heads are authentic and are in a kanger box, even then their is some quality issues but a better chance that it is a better product. i have been sent some inferior pt heads that did not last past a tank, the wire was very small when I took it apart I could see they were not kanger, the metal even felt cheaper.
Cornelius Posted October 20, 2013 Author Posted October 20, 2013 Nah, I don't rebuild my heads, but they sure do taste awful. And I always screw my heads tightly into the plate before I put the plate on tank. It seemed to wick fine with a really watery juice (maybe just a good head though), but doesn't wick with anything else. Surprisingly enough, it also held up OK with a NET from MOV, which is actually the second watery-est juice I have in my stock, and they even use high VG. I'm considering the possibility that a lot of juices are simply made wrong (my coffee from GeJ sure seemed to be, it is like molasses and tastes like monkey butt because the extract is so extremely strong and dark tasting, but I never use that one), but then again, I could consider that possibility with tanks, clearomizers, and whatever, and then you have an endless combination of things that could be wrong...
iheartvape Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 I on occasion go through stages where nothing seems to want to work right or taste right. A few things I have learned is change flavors through out the day, when using a KPT or evod tank with a new coil I blow out for the duration of the 10 sec safety shut off, this burns off that new coil burnt taste. Sometimes I have to do it twice. Always rinse out the tank when switching flavors unless you are intentionally mixing flavors. Use a VV device and play with the voltage a little starting from super low and bump it up till you get a good burn with out burning the coil out. I know most if not all of this has been mentioned already I'm sure, but that's what I do. I also finally got into direct dripping, and that is my fail safe, it always tastes awesome! Tam 1
Cornelius Posted October 21, 2013 Author Posted October 21, 2013 (edited) So I'm pretty livid. I ordered the Aspire BDC at 1:50 PM on Friday, and I'd expect a vendor to try and wait til the last minute to ship orders on Friday so that everyone can get a chance at getting the package on Monday or Tuesday. Yet I just now recieved an order confirmation at 2:00 PM Monday today (even later a time than what I ordered it on Friday). So it'll be in all probably a 7 day wait on a clearomizer that I actually require to vape (none of my devices are working properly). I don't think it's appropriate, since I live on the same coastline as the vendor. I called in to see if the vendor would be kind enough to offer some sort of store credit or package insurance or something, and nothing. It doesn't help that I mistakingly put down the wrong zip code (local, but about 10 miles away) so if the post office isn't smart enough to figure it out, it may be a two week wait. Told ya'll my luck was really bad. Edited October 21, 2013 by Cornelius
Tam Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 I'm sure in their FAQ they state somewhere about how long (many days) it might take to process an order? If they have a lot of orders it stands to reason it would take the vendor a few days to process and package yours. It really doesn't matter where you live, people from all over are buying things from their site since they're online. So that would put your order further down the list. If this vendor were to give you store credit for taking a reasonable amount of time to process your order, I would've been very surprised. And they also get days off -- just like we do. tzymroz2013 1
spydre Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 (edited) I'm sure in their FAQ they state somewhere about how long (many days) it might take to process an order? If they have a lot of orders it stands to reason it would take the vendor a few days to process and package yours. It really doesn't matter where you live, people from all over are buying things from their site since they're online. So that would put your order further down the list. If this vendor were to give you store credit for taking a reasonable amount of time to process your order, I would've been very surprised. And they also get days off -- just like we do. Okay, I thought I responded to this, but I didn't. Listen, a lot of places have a policy if you order before x time your order will ship that day. Some places it's noon, some places it's 2, some places don't have that policy. Yeah, with Amazon, you're order would have been sent out that day, because it's all done by robots (literally, from pulling the item off the shelf to packaging it). But you are dealing with human beings. And frankly, most places, since they generally print up their own postage, their mail is picked up FROM them, they don't take it to the post office. So they have to work within the time constraints of when they expect to get their mail picked up. If you look at their contact information, they can only even be reached by phone for 5 hours out the day, Jersey time. You will probably get it Wednesday, in all likelihood, and for an order put in on a Friday, that has no stated shipping policy, that's pretty good. By the way, you kind of jumped in with both feet, jumping straight to a dual coil bottom clearomizer - that's not taking the simple evod route we were advising, but seems to be going beyond the kanger pro tank that you already have. You need to master a single coil unit before worrying about dual coils. EDIT: Yeah, if you put the wrong ZIP on it, it will go to that ZIP, and if your address doesn't exist in that ZIP, it will be return to sender. So, well, then you have to call them to explain, so I suggest you call tomorrow. Edited October 22, 2013 by spydre
bcartervol98 Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 (edited) I have never ordered anything from anywhere that took longer than 4-5 business days to arrive using the cheapest shipping option. Someone has some pretty unrealistic expectations to expect credit for an order not shipping when ordered on a Friday afternoon. Sorry for being so frank, but being in business it reminds me of the person that negotiated on a car for 2 weeks then complain we cannot process the credit submission, wait for approval, and process all the paperwork in 5 minutes. Edited October 22, 2013 by bcartervol98 spydre 1
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