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Hey guys, when I first got my kit three days ago, it had been awhile since I did really any vaping, and when I got that kit, I could taste my juice flavors really well. Some of the juices at the shop were actually a bit overpowering, and I got some Chocolate Mint that I could both taste the chocolate and mint as crisp as could be. A day later, it starts tasting not so great - almost like a fishy menthol. I've also been having bad luck with all my other vapes, and the only juice that seems to come through to me is White Ice, and even that has a bit of a dull, downer taste to it. I went back to my shop and sampled their juices; same thing, an extremely low key taste. I haven't been vaping all that much, however I have been getting a lot of dry hits and that burnt flavor.

Is it vapor's tongue? Or is it the dry hits that may have rendered my taste buds useless for awhile? I seriously hope that the whole burnt hit thing doesn't damage the taste buds in any sort of way... it seems really odd that I'm experience this, and after just one day of very mild vaping.


You should keep in mind that you are still smoking cigarettes. They kill you sense of smell and taste. If you can just let go of the cigs and work through your flavor issues, it will all work out. Food will even start tasting and smelling better.

Posted (edited)

Well, I still smoked 3 days ago, and yet all the juices I tried tasted great (minus or plus personal preferences, some cleaomizers being bad at the shop, ect ect), even overpowering. It could be a series of clearomizers that just aren't wicking well for me (they didn't seem to at the shop today either - their samples gave me barely any vapor, and I'm sure they've probably changed them since I was last there - maybe they got a bad batch and that's what I'm vaping too since I bought from them...) but I'm just getting a strong cotton flavor with anything I'm vaping, and the flavor just seems extremely muted or sometimes sour. Food and drink seems to taste just fine. I just went and scraped my tongue clean really well (I have a condition that causes an extreme build-up of a type of harmless fungal-ish bacteria on the tongue, creating a thick, white layer on the top of my tongue) and no change in flavor at all - I even may be able to taste the wicky cotton in my vape more now than ever (yuck!). Using extemely thin, watery-like juices too.

I dunno. Usually, juices are pretty stout even to long-time smokers, and they were to me 3 days ago. I could even taste my extremely lightly flavored Chocolate Mint in it's full complexity, not the horrible fishy taste I'm getting now. I'm seriously thinking maybe it's the burnt hits that have messed me up - I believe it used to do the same thing to me with burnt Blu cartomizers, leaving my taste buds jacked up for weeks - but I don't remember exactly.

Edited by Cornelius

While you still use analogs, your taste will go back and forth. But, and this MAY help, push water - but not more than is healthy - brush your teeth WELL, and your tongue, and then rinse REALLY well, because that taste can make some vapes taste NASTY, and then mouthwash - if you don't have any mouthwash on hand, you may want to pick up the kind for dry mouth.

Also, and I HATE to say this, but if you have any neurological issues going on, that can contribute.


I don't know if it's been mentioned, but staying hydrated while vaping helps with taste, juices especially with high pg will dry your mouth out and inhibit the taste , at least that's from my personal experience

Posted (edited)

What's going on is that I have a White Ice (no menthol, just pure White Ice, made from flavor crystals) that tastes just like a wet napkin, very wicky, my Mint Chocolate tastes extremely bland and sometimes very fishy, my Captain's Rum is simply very flavorless (in both the 0mg and 12mg versions, I have two), and surprisingly enough, my NET experiment, MOV's Sunday Morning, tastes probably the "nasty-less" of them all. No burnt or wicky tastes, just I think I don't like the juice - it tastes more like an unlit cigarette than any real tobacco. All the juices do the same thing in most of the clearomizers I have. What's strange is that I LOVED all of these juices the very first day I tried them - they all tasted like true vaping juice.

Surprisingly enough, I have one clearomizer from early on that ended up, by mistake, getting a mix of White Ice and Captain's Rum in it, and to this day, it's giving me an "ok" flavor - nothing bad. Just nothing worth vaping. I think it may be my heads, or I think it may be some bad juice. Or it could be my taste buds being extremely strange (I'd think they'd get better after slowing down on cigarettes, not worse...)

And I'm taking no medication. I'm not the world's biggest water drinker, but I drink a lot of fluid in general.

Edited by Cornelius

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