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Well I'd read about mini 510 batts exploding with certain cartos and got paranoid about my setup. The combo works great so far

Why exactly causes batteries to go berserk? Just so I know what not to do


  On 10/17/2013 at 10:59 PM, highpass said:

Well I'd read about mini 510 batts exploding with certain cartos and got paranoid about my setup. The combo works great so far

Why exactly causes batteries to go berserk? Just so I know what not to do

***Not a battery expert

I have never read or heard of a credible story of a battery exploding while in use, always when being charged and for me 100% of those i have read about were either being charged on a laptop or in a hot car which are both no-nos in my book. I have yet to read of one that exploded when using the wall outlet adapter which I am pretty sure adds another layer of protection.

Also cheap knockoff batteries seem to be more prone to these problems. I think when charging a battery there are 3 layers of protection. First the battery itself should have overcharge protection and be vented, second the USB adapter has overcharge protection, and third the wall outlet adapter adds another layer of protection. I will only buy brand name batteries from reputable sources and will only charge it in a wall outlet and I feel completely safe doing so BUT I still never leave one charging unattended and always have them in a metal container while charging.

If any of the above is incorrect, someone please correct me.

  On 10/17/2013 at 9:13 PM, bcartervol98 said:

Not sure how it could. If the clearo fits, vape that s$#t!

"vape that s$#t!"

yes. I snorted. bwaha you need to change "Fuzion Fanboy!" to that


I've got Nano clearomizers and have used them with my eGo batteries with no problem at all. You should be fine. Plus, I'll third what bcarter said. :)


  On 10/17/2013 at 11:05 PM, bcartervol98 said:

***Not a battery expert

I have never read or heard of a credible story of a battery exploding while in use, always when being charged and for me 100% of those i have read about were either being charged on a laptop or in a hot car which are both no-nos in my book. I have yet to read of one that exploded when using the wall outlet adapter which I am pretty sure adds another layer of protection.

Also cheap knockoff batteries seem to be more prone to these problems. I think when charging a battery there are 3 layers of protection. First the battery itself should have overcharge protection and be vented, second the USB adapter has overcharge protection, and third the wall outlet adapter adds another layer of protection. I will only buy brand name batteries from reputable sources and will only charge it in a wall outlet and I feel completely safe doing so BUT I still never leave one charging unattended and always have them in a metal container while charging.

If any of the above is incorrect, someone please correct me.

  On 10/17/2013 at 11:05 PM, bcartervol98 said:

***Not a battery expert

I have never read or heard of a credible story of a battery exploding while in use, always when being charged and for me 100% of those i have read about were either being charged on a laptop or in a hot car which are both no-nos in my book. I have yet to read of one that exploded when using the wall outlet adapter which I am pretty sure adds another layer of protection.

Also cheap knockoff batteries seem to be more prone to these problems. I think when charging a battery there are 3 layers of protection. First the battery itself should have overcharge protection and be vented, second the USB adapter has overcharge protection, and third the wall outlet adapter adds another layer of protection. I will only buy brand name batteries from reputable sources and will only charge it in a wall outlet and I feel completely safe doing so BUT I still never leave one charging unattended and always have them in a metal container while charging.

If any of the above is incorrect, someone please correct me.

When I corrected someone's INCORRECT assumption the other day on facebook about vaping beimg extremely bad for you, someone else responded to be careful, that there are reports coming out about batteries exploding. I THEN had to explaij that in all cases, it was determined that tthe battery was being charged INCORREFTLY - ie, the wrong charger, out in the sun or hot car where the temp of the batt could get extremely high, on bedding so the same issue,,, or being charged off a computer, ehich, I believe, has no overcharge protection. At least if you plug the USB port into a cell phone charger, it has that protection. She neger responded to me.
Posted (edited)

When buying ego type batteries I recommend only buying genuine Joyetech or Vision batts. They both are made with over charging and short circuit protection in the battery. I read through a few of the exploding battery stories and it appears they were using off brands.

eta...... beware my opinion is biased :D

Edited by jeffb

Ah. I'm not so bothered about a battery exploding during charging, more so it blowing up in my face during usage. But as far as I can tell the people that occurred to were stacking/using them in ways not intended, is that right? I need this info to stop my girl worrying. If she had her way I'd have a bullet proof glass shield in between the battery and cart.

tldr: pairing the wrong carto/clearo etc with the wrong batt is not dangerous?

  On 10/18/2013 at 6:24 PM, highpass said:

Ah. I'm not so bothered about a battery exploding during charging, more so it blowing up in my face during usage. But as far as I can tell the people that occurred to were stacking/using them in ways not intended, is that right? I need this info to stop my girl worrying. If she had her way I'd have a bullet proof glass shield in between the battery and cart.

tldr: pairing the wrong carto/clearo etc with the wrong batt is not dangerous?

You cannot pair the wrong tank with the wrong battery. If the threading fits, it works. Most have outer threading (Ego) and inner threading (510) and both styles work equally well on most (if not all) batteries that I have used or know about including standard Egos, Vision Spinners, and now the Vamo.

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