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My first attempt at RDA

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So I finally sat down today and actually attempted at a rebuild for the first time. I was aiming for 2.5ohm coil but ended up with a 3.0 ohm instead. I'm using 32g Kanthal and cotton as a wick on a Octupus RDA. I did 8 wraps on the coil I think.

Any advice from some of you veterans out there what I need to do to get it down to 2.5 or 2.2 ohms? I read a thread a few days ago that mentioned how many wraps for different ohm levels, but can't find it for the life of me.

Other then not hitting my goal on ohms, it was a success, and tastes awesome!

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There is a thread where Rixter calculated approx ohms per wrap. Of course it can vary with wire thickness and size.

I would lose one wrap and remeasure. Might need to drop 2 wraps to get where you want

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Heart are you trying to do a micro coil? Or just a regular coil? There is no need to compress the coil if your doing a standard wrap. They just need to be spaced out evenly. Also if you take a few less wraps on your next coil you can drop the ohms. 6 wraps of 32g should be about a 2.2 ohm coil. I get .9 with my 26g with 6 wraps. Also are you running cotton thread? Or rolled cotton? Or cotton yarn? Or a cotton ball? What exactly are you using for a coil? You can always go get some beading wire to pull the cotton thread through the coil. If your using rolled or a cotton ball you will want to wrap on the cotton itself and support it with a needle.

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Make use your wraps are evenly spaced when you heat it up and that they glow from the middle out and your fine. If you were doing a micro coil you would need to pinch it together but your not so your fine. The top one looks better then the bottom one and you won't get much support with a cotton ball so it will be a lot harder to wrap freehand with it. Try a 1/16 drill bit then slide the cotton through that. :)

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