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Kanger Evod and the Ego-C Twist

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Hello fellow vapors,

I recently (about a month ago) got back into vaping. I used to vape a few years ago but I fell back to analog cigs. (I know, GROSS!) Anyways, I went back to the supplier I bought from all those years ago AwesomeVapor.com because I loved their customer service. I went ahead and picked up the same unit I bought before, the Joy 510. Which is a decent little e-cig however I soon started wanting more. Then i got hooked!

A buddy of mine in Canada opened up an e-cig shop and told me the errors of my ways. He told me about the Kanger Evod and how the Joye 510 was really old technology. I started researching like crazy to understand what and how to use cartomizers/clearomizers and tanks. To make a long story short I picked up a Kanger Evod (and may I say, great packaging) and I couldn't be happier. It surpassed my expectations. Its a sexy looking e-cig with a very nice grip and just the right amount of space to hold my e-liquid. After getting this unit a couple days ago I went out and bought an Ego Twist 1000mAH. Was on sale for $25 so I couldn't pass it up. This battery is a power house. It lasted me over 24hrs and I didn't even charge it after I bought it. AMAZING! This brings me to my questions.

I understand that its all a matter of preference, but id like to get your thoughts on this. The heads are 1.8ohm and the default battery runs at 3.7v. What is a good ratio between the ohms and volts? I currently use my Twist at 4v and I dont notice any burnt taste and the vapor is decent. I'm just worried that im going to run the attys down to fast. Im sure this question has been asked before I just could not find where to look. Also, if I get a burnt taste from my atty do I have to change out the head or can I wash it out and dry burn it a little to get more life from it? Lastly, It turns out that the e-liquid I've been using is 100% PG. Which gives me great throat hits (which is really what I'm after) but i hear that 50/50 is the best way to go. I'd like to get the amount of vapor that I'm feeling with the throat hit. Nothing worse than a nice throat hit and little to no vapor is produced. I do have a couple follow up questions that if you can address would be great!

1.How long on average will the heads last when vaping at 3.7v/4v/4.8v with a 1.8ohm atty?

2.Can I use the same ego threaded USB battery charger I got with my Kanger Evod with my Ego Twist? ( It fits but I herd that you have to be careful when using different batteries with different chargers)

3.Should I run the battery all the way down before recharging?

4.Can I leave the battery charging over night?

Thank you in advance for the information you give. Any and all of it will be greatly appreciated.

As you can tell I'm new to this and I want to make sure I'm doing it right so I don't have to spend more money down the line sooner rather than later.

Dont hate, Vape!

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I've been using is 100% PG. Which gives me great throat hits (which is really what I'm after) but i hear that 50/50 is the best way to go. I'd like to get the amount of vapor that I'm feeling with the throat hit. Nothing worse than a nice throat hit and little to no vapor is produced. I do have a couple follow up questions that if you can address would be great!

If you like a harsher throat hit I wouldn't go with a 50/50 mix, you'll be disappointed. Even at 70 PG/30 VG, I get quite a bit of vapor and a decent throat hit. If I were you I'd try that first. :)

1.How long on average will the heads last when vaping at 3.7v/4v/4.8v with a 1.8ohm atty?

Since these products come from China, the quality control issue plays a big role, as does how you vape, the different flavors of the juices, etc. In very general terms I'd say that if you get two to three weeks out of any atty of any ohm you're doing good. Just my opinion, of course. Sweeter, darker juices tend to gunk up atties and/or burn them out faster (usually). More VG content usually equals thicker juices that will gunk up an atty and/or burn them out faster (usually).

2.Can I use the same ego threaded USB battery charger I got with my Kanger Evod with my Ego Twist? ( It fits but I herd that you have to be careful when using different batteries with different chargers)

If the battery charger is specifically for that e-cig battery it should be fine for your eGo Twist. Someone else may come along to correct me but I'm pretty certain it should be fine IF it's for that e-cig battery.

3.Should I run the battery all the way down before recharging?

Whenever I get a new battery I put it on the charger right away and top it off. Then, when it's fully charged I let it sit for an hour or more so it can "rest" before using. From then on I run the battery down until it flashes to tell me to recharge.

4.Can I leave the battery charging over night?

These are lithium batteries so I wouldn't leave them to charge without being awake just in case something happens. Also, I always only use the AC adapter and charge that way. Never use the USB port or a car charger unless you're in the market to buy a new computer/laptop or a new car. Personally, I wouldn't want to take that chance as the USB port and car charger are not outfitted with an overcharge protector.

Just my two cents. Welcome back to the wonderful world of vaping. :)

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Like Tam said, the amount of time a coil lasts varies highly. I've had some come out of the package bad, and I've had some last for fills on the tank (an evod tank at that) - but that was the original coil that came with the product, and the original coils are a crap shoot at best.

Always run your batteries down as far as the device will let you when possible. Batteries develop a memory (for lack of a better term), and the shorter amount of time you go between charges, eventually, the shorter they will last between charges. When I worked at Radio Shack years and years ago, we saw this happen a LOT with cordless phones, because people would always leave them on the charger.

I've never seen a more perfect example of this than my hubby's first laptop. He hardly ever used it when it wasn't plugged in, and he didn't remove the battery when it was plugged in. By the time I asked him if I could occasionally use it in the living room, since I had back problems and sitting in my chair in the den made it worse, the battery only lasted about 30 minutes. Then, about three or four years ago, his use of the laptop got sporadic, and although I thought it was just because he was no longer in school, I asked him about it, and he didn't answer me. Last weekend, I found out, I guess the "real reason" - since he never removed the battery while having it plugged in, the battery memory is zero, and now it won't run without it being plugged in. The only reason I found out is because he warned our son not to make the same mistake on his battery. Of course, the laptop is now, I think 6 years old, so it's pretty outdated. He ended up getting a new laptop when he went back to school this fall. Since it's an Apple, I don't believe the battery is removable, but I do know that he runs the battery down before he plugs it in to charge.

Like Tam said, and the I believe the chargers warn, you aren't supposed to leave charging batteries unattended overnight. I'm guilty of doing this, though. Once you "move up in the world" and get a mod, or "advanced personalized vaporizer" that has variable voltage and possibly variable wattage, with removable batteries that you charge on a dedicated battery charger, to me, it's not quite as critical, IMO, at least in my experience. The good ones not only have charge monitoring, but they have over-charge protection, but even they caution against leaving a battery charging unattended overnight, and I can see why - my large 18650 battery charges in a matter of hours - I think 4 - 5 hours tops. Hubby's smaller 18350s charge in about half that time.

The one thing that worries me about the not using a USB port on the computer is that a certain mod, the iTaste MVP (both version 1 and 2), only come with a USB charging port. So I have to find a good time to be able to use my phone's USB slot to charge it, or I have to use the computer. IMO, they screwed up when they made it that way, but then again, I haven't heard of any incidents with charging the MVP via USB hub, either.

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Spydre one of the HUGE benefits of Lithium Ion batteries over Ni Cad and their predecessors is they do not develop a memory. I usually kill mine all the way before charging, but when I am leaving my Mod at home and taking a smaller unit like EgoT1000mah or Vision Spinners I always top them off to make sure I have a full charge before I go.

As far as coils, predicting how long one will last is like predicting what the temperature will be on November 28th. I have some that last 4-5 tank refills and some that last 10-12 tank refills and some that I change almost every other refill. Different liquids will "gunk up" coils and need to be either cleaned or replaced. When my coils start to taste burned I take them out, soak them a few days in Isopropyl Alcohol, rinse very thoroughly with very hot water, then let dry a few days and toss them in a cup and re-use them a second time before tossing them.

Also a 1.8ohm coil will probably not taste very good at a voltage over 4, usually anything over 3.5-3.8 is too much power for my taste at that resistance.

Leaving batteries plugged in overnight is something I do not do, but my wife does it all the time no matter how many times I ask her not to. Echo the sentiment to always use a wall charger, it adds an extra layer of protection. Of all the stories I have read about exploding batteries, not one was when being charged with a wall unit.

I use the same style charger for every Ego threaded battery I have from 400mah minis, 650mah bedazzled wifes batteries, EgoT1000mah, and Vision Spinner 1300mah. I use my Vamo 99.9% of the time now, and those batteries charge differently beut even so often there are 4-5 Ego batteries charging at the same time. With my Mod batteries I have 4 18650s and a 2 bay charger. They are 2000mah and charge in about 3-4 hours but last a couple days so I wait until I have 2 dead to charge. Another of the many advantages of the Mod or APV.

Edited by bcartervol98
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My .02 on coils ...... I have tried cleaning coils in vodka, but kept getting a strange burnt kinda taste. Tried a couple day Coca Cola soak .......not very successful, either. Haven't tried EverClear, yet. Was told long ago that both denatured and isopropal alcohol are a no-no due to harmful chemical additives in both. Someone told me about Efferdent.....haven't tried that either. My go-to guy for juice has started rebuilding coils, so I have a small sackful he gave me to try. I poked around on the FastTech site and found packs of replacement coils for real cheap, so ordered enough to get the price even lower and stocked up enough to last a while. I got coils for as low as $.72 each, so I'm not too interested in spending time cleaning or rebuilding. I toss my used-up coils in a plastic ziploc and save them to trade for rebuilt and screw in a new one........and keep on keep'n on. Next order will be for a multi-pack of EVOD's, then some batt's and I should be set for a while.

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