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I love it! They are peacefully rallying to take our constitution back! The biggest traffic jam in the USA!! Take your young ones out, they will be delighted to hear the truckers pull their horns for them at 10:04 am and pm.

Yeh, one of the illegal to do things anymore, but not this weekend!!


If the trucks don't run, we don't get our supplies. The stores hold enough supplies for about 3 days. Are you ready for a life of riots, chaos, murder, mayhem? Well, neither are the truckers, but if they can't afford to drive the trucks... This weekend is a heads up. Wake up America!!!!

The Vets 1000 mile march is this weekend too. They are taking back their war memorials in every town, especially the major one.

Lumberjacks from WA are joining!

Everyone is joining!!

The gov done forgot that truckers, loggers, and some from all working classes, are Vets too.

I bet they'll remember now...

Ride for the constitution at ridefortheconstitution.com

They have live radio coverage too. (Goes empty here and there for an hour, for breaks, otherwise always on)


There are FB sites, news clippings, ... I'm just learning all this, due to a mad as hell hermit who has to buy a new EPA certified wood stove with ,05 decimals less smoke output from the one he has already. Crazy regulations.. Getting everyone distracted... To the point we have UNITED to speak up.


Haha, the more I learn, the more hyped I get!


I wish I was closer to D.C., if I was I would have my guys out there too! But we will have to settle with the 10:04 horn blasts and rattle some windows in the Puget Sound.

Something has to be done with the over regulating that the government is doing to the industry... some of it is good, but a lot of it is not. One of the things that they are talking about is requiring all drivers that have a BMI over 35 be required to take a sleep study to see if they have any form of apnea... if they do, their CDL is yanked regardless of whether they are under treatment and it is under control... have seen most truck drivers? That would affect the entire industry... and as far as the cost involved, the Trucking Association did a study and for the companies to perform these tests would result in costs over 1.5 Billion Dollars industry wide. I run a small operation and I would have to shell out over $20,000 just to test my guys... 2 of my guys have sleep apnea and are under treatment so it does not effect them, but under the proposed law they would lose their livelihood.


Sleep apnea? I've never heard of a trucker with that disorder, thank goodness your employees are under treatment.

They have a long list of regulations they've always hated, and now the new ones are ridiculous. Mom & pop truckers have sold out, fallen out of business, leaving only the large companies, and now they too are struggling. Without trucks, our supplies dry up.

Got charmin?


The truckers thang turned into a purely Vets thang, and with the help of Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and others, who took down the barricades, the Vets are visiting the memorial finally. This has all been so crazy!

The vets can't even get their food stamps. (They used to have commissaries, now they get food stamps?)

Speaking of food stamps, the big electronic bank transfer in the sky computer has crashed, and people in 17 states are discovering they can't buy food for their families today. Perhaps tomorrow, next week...

Got beans, beer, and white cloud ultra? It's gonna get nastier by the meal....

I hope the soup kitchens can handle the influx of visitors.

I hope we the rest of us have enough extra to share with our soup kitchens and even many loved ones we didn't even know were doing food stamp thingies.

What a messed up world.

Hoard, but share! Say what? Yes, say what!


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