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Posted (edited)

Troy, where did you pick up your Tesla at? The reason I ask, is so far, Discount Vapers is coming in about $20 below everyone else, and I'm wondering if they are carrying a knock off?

It does have the, I guess, branding on it that iVape has it on their website, but if I pull the trigger and get it from there (so I can pick up a couple other things, too), I want to make sure it's not a knock off, if I get the Tesla.

Edited by spydre

I'm thinking of going with the Tesla, possibly. I read a review that the drip well isn't sealed, or something on the MVP, so if you get a leak into the drip well, it can leak into the unit?

Posted (edited)

Most PV's are like this, even a Provari. Takes a pretty excessive leak to get into the body of the unit tho.

Edited by Proetus

I'm thinking of going with the Tesla, possibly. I read a review that the drip well isn't sealed, or something on the MVP, so if you get a leak into the drip well, it can leak into the unit?

I can now confirm that the davide mini fits, and looks great on a Tesla....Thanks Tam!!


Okay, it was down to the Tesla and MVP 2, and so I took - too darned long after everyone went to bed, and surfed sites on ECigStop's list for both of them. When I wake up, I'm pre-ordering the MVP 2 v 2 for $42, which they start mailing out later this week. That will allow me to purchase some other stuff as well....once I have the energy too look for it (in the "morning", ie after I get up). But too late to take sleeping pills so I won't sleep late anyway. One of them will likely be a mini davide, since DV refunded me not only what I paid for the Zmax, but my shipping as well - so that's $80 right there.


Glad you made a decision. I think you will like the mvp. Mine is a little beast even tho its only vv and V1 (no ego cone threads) but thats ok with me as i usually just toss a cartotank on it.


Geeze, I hate nightmares. Once I thought about it, and re-read that review, the reviewer was using the iClear that came with it, which the ones that ship out with it have a history of leaking (which in and of itself is odd, because Innoken has a history of fixing consumer complaints quickly), AND, knowing he had a leaky tank, he left the MVP standing upright overnight. So when he got up in the morning, there was a puddle of juice under the unit, having leaked all the way through. It's almost as if he was ASKING it to fail.

Besides, the only time my unit would be upright would be while I'm at my desk, sitting right there. The only times I've had leaks is when I've lost a coil, and I,again, have been whenymm


I don't care for the iClear 30's. I had 8 at one point. Sold them all. You'll be fine using the your current tanks.


Geeze, I hate nightmares. Once I thought about it, and re-read that review, the reviewer was using the iClear that came with it, which the ones that ship out with it have a history of leaking (which in and of itself is odd, because Innoken has a history of fixing consumer complaints quickly), AND, knowing he had a leaky tank, he left the MVP standing upright overnight. So when he got up in the morning, there was a puddle of juice under the unit, having leaked all the way through. It's almost as if he was ASKING it to fail.

Besides, the only time my unit would be upright would be while I'm at my desk, sitting right there. The only times I've had leaks is when I've lost a coil, and I,again, have been whenymm

Wow, I started writing that when I was lying in bed, unable to get to sleep....and fell asleep in the middle of it. I must have rolled on my phone and it activated the post button on tapatalk. Well, I know I rolled on my phone as it was underneath me when I woke up. Anyway, as I was saying, the only time it leaks is when the coil goes bad, and I notice that immediately because it starts spitting juice and other things as well, plus I keep a supply of q-tips at my desk, just in case. Thinking of dropping back down to 2.2 resistance coils, or even trying out 1.8, I'll probably order a pack of each, and see what I think.


Well, okay, turns out the first site - White Stag something or other, even though it said "pre-order" and will begin shipping on the 24th, you couldn't ACTUALLY order until the 24th. Hubby didn't want me to a) have to wait until Thursday morning to order it, and B) chance it that the 50 they had in stock would be sold out by the time I could get it ordered (not until they were out of the house at 7:30 am at least). So he sent me to another site, um, Coast 2 Coast that he heard about from Vapor Joe's. So instead of $42, I got it for $49. So I didn't get the new coils yet, but I was able to refill one the liquids I'm out of (honey wood), and order some drip tip condoms so I can use THOSE when we visit vape shops and not the chopped up pieces of rubber tubing they give you to put on the drip tip to be "sanitary". I also ordered a sample of the honey tobacco from EC Blends simply because as cheap as 36 mg is from Chi-Town ($11.99) for my Honey Blend, 50 ml from EC Blends for Honey tobacco is something like $15 or $16. I'll get my mini davide next month to try out.

I will be SOOOOOO freaking glad to get the MVP. Granted, from what I read, and what I recall, the Zmax didn't have a cut off....but this 5 second cut off on the starter battery is killing me. I'd gotten used to nice long pulls, so at least when the MVP gets here, I'll have 10 seconds before I hit the cut off - which I don't think will be a problem.


Okay, it was down to the Tesla and MVP 2, and so I took - too darned long after everyone went to bed, and surfed sites on ECigStop's list for both of them.  When I wake up, I'm pre-ordering the MVP 2 v 2 for $42, which they start mailing out later this week.  That will allow me to purchase some other stuff as well....once I have the energy too look for it (in the "morning", ie after I get up).  But too late to take sleeping pills so I won't sleep late anyway.  One of them will likely be a mini davide, since DV refunded me not only what I paid for the Zmax, but my shipping as well - so that's $80 right there.

Great device, has ohms reader which helps building coils.. as for the iclear... Toss it in the trash..


Great device, has ohms reader which helps building coils.. as for the iclear... Toss it in the trash..

Yeah, I'm good with my evods and my glass containers. Plus, everything I've seen, most of the iClears they send out with the kit, whether you get the 16 or you paid more for the kit with the 30, leak. And aren't all iClears top coils? I loathe top coils.


That's exactly what it was Spydre. The fourth time it did it I heard the battery shift like it fell down a tiny bit. I stretched the spring and now with more tension it seems to be all good. I guess over time the spring can compress and create this issue. Pretty sure it's fixed.

How is your Vamo doing now, Brian? Spring still holding?

The MVP is scheduled to be delivered today, according to tracking. It left my post office this morning, so I may get it, maybe around 4 or so?


Woohoo new mod for you today! Hope you like it

Considering I've been using my eGo starter stick batteries for the last week and a half, I'm sure I will. It has some bells and whistles that my Zmax didn't have (Version 5 of the Zmax does, but as you can follow in this thread, I determined that going with Zmax again, with the button issue STILL being an issue on V5, I didn't want to go down that road again), so I'll have fun playing with that today, I think. I can't wait for the mail to get here!


Got it a couple hours ago! Things taste better than anything has tasted in nearly two weeks! The weird thing is, the new 2.5 coil I put in one of my Evods registered over three ohms. Since I had put that coil in after the ZMax was sent back, I didn't have a read on the resistance before. We checked it with a multimeter, and that's what it is.

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