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Again if you are looking for durability and good easy operation I would go with the Vamo personally, but if you don't mind having a telescoping mod the SVD seems very durable and easy to use as well. Everyone that has one that I know of love theirs. I checked one out at the local shop I found that I love. I have dropped my Vamo V3 on tile floors, and once on the boat it flew off the seat when we hit a wave and slammed into the back of the boat and both the Vamo and KPT2 were unscathed.

So far, the only thing that may make me change my mind about the SVD is that it's PWM, not RMS, but I really don't know how that affects the vape. But again, I'm still researching it - may be at for about an hour today before I move on to researching the Tesla, the Lambo, and the evic.


Any particular reason you are ruling out the Vamo? You have done more research than I ever thought about. I found one that I thought looked like one I would want around $50 and bought it lol. The V3 (and beyond I assume) only run in RMS mode.

My understanding is RMS distributes the power more evenly than PWM, but that may not be correct.


Any particular reason you are ruling out the Vamo? You have done more research than I ever thought about. I found one that I thought looked like one I would want around $50 and bought it lol. The V3 (and beyond I assume) only run in RMS mode.

My understanding is RMS distributes the power more evenly than PWM, but that may not be correct.

Like I said, first a shop owner flat out told me his customers were having so many problems with them, that he stopped selling them, and then I started doing the research. I don't want to end up with another APV that has known issues out there that I didn't know about before I picked it up. And there are a few of them - from shorts caused by the battery spring, randomly turning off with plenty of charge and the battery making good connection, or just not turning on for a while for no reason. I know between two different versions, they had to change the battery spring because the one it previously had wasn't stiff enough, so it wasn't keeping the battery in contact, and customers were changing the springs on their own. The insulator (looks like an o-ring) on the center post tends to pop off, the center pin isn't spring loaded, so heavier tanks tend to push the center pin down and/or squash the insulator; there can also be a button problem, buttons sticking, or other things, like circuit boards getting out of alignment. It doesn't happen to everyone, and well, I think the majority of people don't have problems with it, but I'd prefer not to take the chance, especially if a shop owner tells me he stopped carrying them because of the problems his customers were having (but that also makes me wonder which version he was selling).

Plus, supposedly, there is sometimes an issue with Pro-Tanks and the Vamo? I don't know if it's the pushing down of the center pin, or what.

I know that there is going to be SOME kind of problems pop up with every APV out. It's the nature of electronics. It's just the, uh, I guess want to know which ones exist before I buy one, which ones I can live with.

Joyetech Ego batts are PWM.

Well, I don't like using my eGos, but probably for other reasons. I'm spoiled by VW, not to mention knowing how much of a charge is left on the battery.

Posted (edited)

Yea there can be bad batches in everything but I have semi-abused this thing. I am switching to all KPT2s and have never had an issue with using the one I have. I am not a Vamo rep lol, just curious since mine has been so rock solid dependable and for the value it seems a no brainer for me, but we are all different.

Apparently there are a LOT of "fake Vamos" out there. I read that somewhere, cannot remember where but I think it was here. I wonder if the ones having problems are the fakes? I know shop owners are usually more about the bottom line than customer service and not nearly as review oriented as online sites are. In all the reviews I read on them at the 2 places I absolutely trust are selling real Vamos, the only knock I read is the black wears off the ones in black chrome.

Edited by bcartervol98

Thats heresy :lol:

How would you like to go from full time 7 watt vapey goodness back down to an eGo full time?

Posted (edited)

I vape at 8 watts all day every day on my eGo

Edited by jeffb

How would you like to go from full time 7 watt vapey goodness back down to an eGo full time?

I could go back to Vision Spinner quite easily personally, I just love the Ohm reader and the Battery Power indicator plus I prefer VW to VV which is why I use the Vamo but I still use my Spinners a lot. The biggest thing I miss is having a lanyard for outdoor occasions so whenever I am in a "lanyard situation" I leave the Vamo at home and cant tell that big a difference in the actual quality of the vape. After looking at 18650 battery discharge times over the last month an 18650 only lasts me a little longer than the Spinner does so this 2-3 day battery life i always heard about must be a different type of battery than the 2000mah AWs I use. My standard Ego T 1000mah batteries that run between 3.5 and 3.7 volts depending on where they are in the discharge cycle also are fine when I want to have a smaller PV with me.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the APV functions and they way my Vamo looks, but I guess after having it a couple months and going back and forth depending on the situation, I find the actually functionality that matters the most, heating the coil and producing vapor, is not that much different in my eyes.

Posted (edited)

I vape at 8 watts all day every day on my eGo

What resistance you using? I have started dialing my Vamo up and trying different resistances in my coils. I haven't hit 8 watts yet though.

Well I did but I get burned taste from my liquids above 7-7.5 with coils reading 2.3-2.5 ohms.

Edited by bcartervol98
Posted (edited)

I usually vape at 4 volts with a 2ish ohm Evod.


i say 2ish because some of the coils in the package have read 1.8

Edited by jeffb

Now, see, imagine going back down to total starter eGo battery baseline, no VV, and you'll know how I feel, lol.


I use mainly 1.8s at 6.5w but they are very inconsistent and if they read 2.0 or above I go to 7w.

Hey, if I could go sub-ohm I could hit 7 watts with this thing, but I DOUBT it will allow me to use a 1.3 or 1.5 resistance, lol.


Of course I get home tonight and for no explicable reason my Vamo has turned off several times and I have to jiggle it to get it to turn back on. Not cool. May need to get a backup. Still torn between a black Tesla and, even though I think it's ugly, the SVD. Back when I looked around before those were the two I had reduced it down to.


Which version do you have? Is it the one with the heavy duty battery spring? Or is it possible that your center pin has been pushed down by a KPT?


I have a V3. I do not over-tighten ever and wouldn't think the center pin would have anything to do with turning the power on or off would it?

It hasn't done it again, but three different times I vaped several draws, put it down in my lap, next time I pick it up the power was off. I would click the button 5 times and nothing would happen. Gave it a little jiggle and it turned back on each time.


That's exactly what it was Spydre. The fourth time it did it I heard the battery shift like it fell down a tiny bit. I stretched the spring and now with more tension it seems to be all good. I guess over time the spring can compress and create this issue. Pretty sure it's fixed.


Yeah, they were supposed to fix it with a heavier duty spring, but it doesn't always work. Some people replace it on their own with an even heavier duty spring if it becomes a frequent problem.


I played with the MVP2 this weekend at a local BM. I did not like the fire button. It took too much effort to push.

I just picked the MVP 2 up yesterday and I love it. For my first mod unless I'm really strong lol the fire button took less effort to push. But I guess that's just me.


The fire button on the MVP2 is an improvement over the MVP1 that's for sure.

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