spydre Posted October 15, 2013 Author Posted October 15, 2013 (edited) I purchase my mods through coops or classifieds i don't do retail The mvp charges with a micro usb cable. The usb port you see on the bottom is for charging something else like a cell phone. Silly Innoken. So what does the micro usb cable plug into? Does it come with a charger? And well, I guess one of the reasons I was asking about online sites, is so I can get a larger list of what APV's are out there. I mean, we have "vape meets" here every month, but no coops, unless they have them in St. Louis, that I don't know about, and frankly, driving to St. Louis doesn't do my back any good anymore. Edited October 15, 2013 by spydre
jellyfish98 Posted October 15, 2013 Posted October 15, 2013 (edited) If you like the tardis case, check this out...this is my baby Rose.. P.s. this was made by vaporskinz.com Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2 Edited October 15, 2013 by jellyfish98 cpeters1965 1
spydre Posted October 15, 2013 Author Posted October 15, 2013 See, when I did the google search yesterday trying to find the website of the leatherworking shop that makes the Tardis case, I found that wrap website with that wrap and the regular Tardis wrap on it. That wrap (or the regular Tardis wrap), with the Tardis holster, IMO, would be awesome! Grrrr. I just got an e-mail from Eric at DV. Because I had let them know that the issue doesn't start happening immediately in the mornings (he hasn't received the package yet, he's only going by my e-mail, which is also the information I included in the mandatory letter I sent with the unit), he's implying that it's either user error or a possible battery issue - or I've come across a rare quirk, and decided I wanted us that to replace it with another brand. So I had to very politely tell him I only timed it on Saturday because I had previously noticed the problem did not start immediately in the morning, because I had no idea how long he would be testing it for, I don't know how heavy a vaper he was, and I thought POSSIBLY it could be related to heavy use. And that ideally, I would replace it with the same model, but they no longer carry it, and won't give me a refund if it is found to be defective. That, as I'm a heavy vaper, I go through a full charge of an 18650 battery per day, and then before I go upstairs about an hour or two before I go to sleep, I routinely change the battery out then as well if the battery reads below 3.8, and even with a fresh, fully charged battery it still happens, frequently, and that not only has my husband experienced it immediately when he used it at mid-day (so I could rule out "user error"), but someone else has as well. If it happened to my husband, and immediately, I know it's not user error, and he's the one that pointed that it was like the circuit board seemed to be interpreting the button as rocking, which registered as multiple presses. And user error OR a battery issue would not explain why sometimes it would continue firing, with different tanks, after my finger was completely OFF the button. Heck, if they find it to be defective, and refund the purchase price to my credit card, I could purchase it from Vapor Alley for $5 cheaper - then I wouldn't even have to cover shipping out of pocket again, like I would have to do if DV still carried the mod and I chose to replace it with the same mod. Heck, I could get a V5 from Exhale Vapors for $69. Different circuit board, possibly fixes the problem (and includes a puff counter and a vaping time, and estimate battery life based on the resistance of the tank and the voltage/power setting). Puff counter isn't important to me (although I understand that the MVP has that) but the estimated battery life very well could be, and like I said, a different circuit board possibly fixes the problem.
Sweatervest13 Posted October 15, 2013 Posted October 15, 2013 I am still pretty new to all of this, but I'll chime in. I recently purchased the MVP V2.0 and really like it. The button is a little stiffer than most, but not too bad. I have found that some tanks will not fire on the MVP. I am sure it is something I am doing wrong (maybe tightening it too much), but I have got that "NON" reading a few times on my KPT2 and an EVOD. I clean them up and try again later, and they work. I like the shape of the unit and the feel in my hand. I would probably be considered a light vaper, but I received it in the mail last Wednesday and still have yet to drain the battery down. I do mix a couple of Vision Spinners with it, so I am sure that is extending the life a bit. The puff counter is a nice little extra. The single button for cycling through the VV/VW feature is slightly annoying, but not that big of a deal. All in all a pretty solid device.
thvapor Posted October 15, 2013 Posted October 15, 2013 (edited) I am still pretty new to all of this, but I'll chime in. I recently purchased the MVP V2.0 and really like it. The button is a little stiffer than most, but not too bad. I have found that some tanks will not fire on the MVP. I am sure it is something I am doing wrong (maybe tightening it too much), but I have got that "NON" reading a few times on my KPT2 and an EVOD. I clean them up and try again later, and they work. I like the shape of the unit and the feel in my hand. I would probably be considered a light vaper, but I received it in the mail last Wednesday and still have yet to drain the battery down. I do mix a couple of Vision Spinners with it, so I am sure that is extending the life a bit. The puff counter is a nice little extra. The single button for cycling through the VV/VW feature is slightly annoying, but not that big of a deal. All in all a pretty solid device. . you should always screw on your tank just enough till you feel resistance.. As for some of your tanks not firing, pulling the post up just a hair will fix the firing issues... Edited October 15, 2013 by thvapor
spydre Posted October 15, 2013 Author Posted October 15, 2013 Well, I got another e-mail from Eric at DV. He's completely refunding my money, not bothering with in store credit. Provided that I can talk my husband into it, I'll be getting the V5 of the Zmax. He still thinks the button MIGHT be an issue, but then again, he didn't tell me that when I had him try it, he purposely rocked the button to make it malfunction - he told me at the time it was LIKE the button was being rocked. But what he just told me on the phone was, "Well, it was happening to you, wasn't it?". Well, geeze, if he intentionally rocked the button to recreate it, then it COULD have been "user error", and he gave me the entirely wrong impression! Now I have to wonder if the other person did that, as well, on hubby's advice, to see if he could recreate the problem by doing that, and it's not tremors or my freaking MS thumbs (though I've not noticed having issues with my thumbs before). One reason he was recommending the MPV was because it had "square or rectangular buttons on a flat surface". When I told him the firing button was harder to trigger, he said that could be a good thing.....except when it's not for me, with my hand strength. Granted, I would have to actually hold one in my hand, and try the button out with my thumb, but I could see that causing a problem when my symptoms are flaring up and my hands are weak. He's still going to push for the MPV, I think, because he thinks the button on a round surface is a problem, but what I read when I looked this stuff up was that it was a circuit board problem, supposedly. At any rate, he won't let me order the replacement until the credit hits the bank account, which could actually be several days. My bank just told me it can take up to 7 business days to be processed through the card company and for the money to be deposited back into my account, but it SHOULD only take two. Too bad it's not a straight credit card, that it's a debit card, and it has to go through the extra step of depositing money into my account.
Proetus Posted October 15, 2013 Posted October 15, 2013 IMO , I would not get the same thing in a different package. I was in a coop for custom Sigelei minis, same chipset, we received them in late July, people are starting to report button misfire problems just like you experienced with kmax.
rcoe Posted October 15, 2013 Posted October 15, 2013 (Vamo) crud...did I say that out loud? Aquatroy 1
spydre Posted October 16, 2013 Author Posted October 16, 2013 Okay, so you never did answer my question about HOW the MVP charges - what do you hook it up TO in order to charge it?
Jeffb Posted October 16, 2013 Posted October 16, 2013 Okay, so you never did answer my question about HOW the MVP charges - what do you hook it up TO in order to charge it? CHARGING & PASS THROUGH FUNCTIONALITY. Charging of the device can be accomplished by using the supplied charging adapter and plugging it into a suitable powered USB port and the corresponding MICRO USB connector on the adapter into the bottom of the device in the INPUT port. The charge adapter consists of a standard USB connection cabled to a 3 way adapter comprising a MINI / Micro USB connector and an IPhone connector (not suitable for iPhone 5) The unit requires approximately 3.5 to 5.5 hours to fully charge dependant on the discharge state of the battery – you are able to use the device whilst it is charging via its pass-through functionality. However it is not a true direct current pass-through and still relies upon the battery to deliver working current
spydre Posted October 16, 2013 Author Posted October 16, 2013 Well, then, I think hubby has a couple extra old USB chargers among all the power cords he's salvaged....I guess I'll cannibalize one of them, because frankly, although it would be convenient to charge it overnight every night and just use the eGo for the vaping I do upstairs, batteries develop a memory, blah blah blah. I'm going to do some more searching, some more research tomorrow, and if I decide on an MPV, I will have to hold one in my hand and feel how much pressure it actually takes on the fire button.
Jeffb Posted October 16, 2013 Posted October 16, 2013 I played with the MVP2 this weekend at a local BM. I did not like the fire button. It took too much effort to push.
spydre Posted October 16, 2013 Author Posted October 16, 2013 I played with the MVP2 this weekend at a local BM. I did not like the fire button. It took too much effort to push. Well,, crap. MS hands. Weakness sometimes, tremors - I'd have the same problem, but because I can't manage the freaking button. Do you have any VW suggestions? Okay,, preferably under $75 before tax, which is what my refund would be.
Jeffb Posted October 16, 2013 Posted October 16, 2013 The VAMo V5 is coming out soon. Maybe wait for that to come out. http://www.sweet-vapes.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=vmj_color_plus.tpl&product_id=2291&category_id=76&vmcchk=1&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=84
thvapor Posted October 16, 2013 Posted October 16, 2013 Well, then, I think hubby has a couple extra old USB chargers among all the power cords he's salvaged....I guess I'll cannibalize one of them, because frankly, although it would be convenient to charge it overnight every night and just use the eGo for the vaping I do upstairs, batteries develop a memory, blah blah blah. I'm going to do some more searching, some more research tomorrow, and if I decide on an MPV, I will have to hold one in my hand and feel how much pressure it actually takes on the fire button. I just used a micro usb cord for my phone and it charges just fine.. I rarely use that funky cord that came with it..
spydre Posted October 16, 2013 Author Posted October 16, 2013 Okay, 2 new things....first off, bcarter, I noticed in one of the other threads, you said you were buying more of the KPT2s. I've heard (on DV's sale page, no less) that the Vamo has an issue with Pro-Tanks (but Eric didn't specify WHAT issue). Also, to those of you recommending the Vamo, I'll be frank. I probably won't be going in that direction. One of my local store owners here, who USED to carry the Vamo, currently carries the MVP2, and is getting ready to start carrying the SVD, told me the Vamo was a POS to the point that he stopped selling them because of the headaches they caused. I've done a couple of hours of research today, and found what he was talking about (probably), there's even a thread from June on these forums referring to an ECF thread about various problems. So, just FYI, I won't be getting one of those, I don't want to take that chance. Now, if I open it up to other suggestions (I AM still taking a hard look at the MVP and the SVD, I just really don't know what else is out there), should I do it in this thread or a different thread? I DID find an APV I fell in love with last night.....until I looked at the price. It was a Darwin, I think. It ran more than a full sized Provari. Um, nope, can't do that on my refund from DV (although I may be able to throw like $20 to another device, and some pieces you find for $100 on one site, you can find for substantially less on another site (I found a site that was selling V3 of the Sigelei, no kit, for $100 last night), but right now I'm going insane trying to find supplier sites and seeing what they have and everything. I think the one thing I never asked was are Teslas any good, but IIRC, they don't fit both eGo and 510 threading, only one or the other, so not having one or the other is kinda out for me, as right now I'm about half and half, and will probably remain that way, even if I replace my evods, as I would replace them with mini davides, not full size anything. Let me know, and thanks for your help so far.
irwink Posted October 16, 2013 Posted October 16, 2013 Okay, 2 new things....first off, bcarter, I noticed in one of the other threads, you said you were buying more of the KPT2s. I've heard (on DV's sale page, no less) that the Vamo has an issue with Pro-Tanks (but Eric didn't specify WHAT issue). Also, to those of you recommending the Vamo, I'll be frank. I probably won't be going in that direction. One of my local store owners here, who USED to carry the Vamo, currently carries the MVP2, and is getting ready to start carrying the SVD, told me the Vamo was a POS to the point that he stopped selling them because of the headaches they caused. I've done a couple of hours of research today, and found what he was talking about (probably), there's even a thread from June on these forums referring to an ECF thread about various problems. So, just FYI, I won't be getting one of those, I don't want to take that chance. Now, if I open it up to other suggestions (I AM still taking a hard look at the MVP and the SVD, I just really don't know what else is out there), should I do it in this thread or a different thread? I DID find an APV I fell in love with last night.....until I looked at the price. It was a Darwin, I think. It ran more than a full sized Provari. Um, nope, can't do that on my refund from DV (although I may be able to throw like $20 to another device, and some pieces you find for $100 on one site, you can find for substantially less on another site (I found a site that was selling V3 of the Sigelei, no kit, for $100 last night), but right now I'm going insane trying to find supplier sites and seeing what they have and everything. I think the one thing I never asked was are Teslas any good, but IIRC, they don't fit both eGo and 510 threading, only one or the other, so not having one or the other is kinda out for me, as right now I'm about half and half, and will probably remain that way, even if I replace my evods, as I would replace them with mini davides, not full size anything. Let me know, and thanks for your help so far. You might be happy with an eVic although I can't say it's the most drop proof device available. I haven't kept track of this whole thread but fwiw my eVic has been my favorite device for 10 months. It's adjustable either in VV or VW mode by .1 increments vs the .5 unit increments of the Vamo or Zmax. With the exception of the V1 problem with head separation (fixed) mine has been trouble free and has been my most used device by far since I first bought it last December. But if you want something as close as possible to bullet proof in terms of a long track record of indestructibility backed by an excellent warranty you might want to invest in a Provari. IMO there are other devices that offer more features but in terms of durability the Provari shines. The Provari is not my personal first choice in devices but might be a good choice for you because of the durability and warranty. Obviously the people who own them must love them for a reason.
Aquatroy Posted October 16, 2013 Posted October 16, 2013 I own a Tesla, and a good APV, and has BOTH 510 and ego threading, everything fits except MT3s or anything ego threaded with a larger than normal base. It's a bombproof one piece unit that has dropped many a time from a four foot high bar table with no problems. Is my outdoor, lawn mowing car washing bar hopping favorite. .5 increment changes anyone can get used to, and poor button placement, but again you'll get used to it.... I highly recommend, but not in black metal finish...
spydre Posted October 17, 2013 Author Posted October 17, 2013 You might be happy with an eVic although I can't say it's the most drop proof device available. I haven't kept track of this whole thread but fwiw my eVic has been my favorite device for 10 months. It's adjustable either in VV or VW mode by .1 increments vs the .5 unit increments of the Vamo or Zmax. With the exception of the V1 problem with head separation (fixed) mine has been trouble free and has been my most used device by far since I first bought it last December. But if you want something as close as possible to bullet proof in terms of a long track record of indestructibility backed by an excellent warranty you might want to invest in a Provari. IMO there are other devices that offer more features but in terms of durability the Provari shines. The Provari is not my personal first choice in devices but might be a good choice for you because of the durability and warranty. Obviously the people who own them must love them for a reason. Okay, first question - I see at least one online site lists the e-vic as VV/VW (wattage is what I'm interested in), but (and Christopher or ADMINS feel free to answer this) on the VT store, it only lists it as VV. Are they selling different models? I mean, unless I find it cheaper elsewhere, which I doubt, I would probably buy it from the VT store, since it's, what, $90 here, where I'll only have to cough up an extra $15, as opposed to minimum of $100+ everywhere else. And is the 2600 mah 18650 necessary? I mean, I have three 2000 mah 18650s. As far as the Provari, no, for three reasons. One is cost. Hubby had to plead and beg just to get his mini, and I think we only managed that because of our expected "bonus" check at the end of that month (which also paid for my Zmax, ironically). We really don't have space in the budget to actually SAVE UP much of anything, at least, not until he gets his disbursement for the spring semester, and the majority of that will be taken up by expenses as well, plus, catching up on bills that would have had to be delayed due to Christmas and two birthdays within a week and half of each other. Two, it is ONLY 510 compatible, and hubby said, at least on his mini, the adapter does not fit very well, and he worries about screwing it down too far - I think the whole pushing the pin issue, but I'm not sure. As only half of my tanks will be full sized tanks (1 Davide, 5 KPT2s), and the other half will be minis - those will be eGo threaded. Three, and this is just a personal preference so I don't have to adjust it every time I slap on a different tank, I prefer variable wattage, rather than having to figure out on my app or my chart on my phone or my pc what voltage to put it at to get it at my preferred wattage. I own a Tesla, and a good APV, and has BOTH 510 and ego threading, everything fits except MT3s or anything ego threaded with a larger than normal base. It's a bombproof one piece unit that has dropped many a time from a four foot high bar table with no problems. Is my outdoor, lawn mowing car washing bar hopping favorite. .5 increment changes anyone can get used to, and poor button placement, but again you'll get used to it.... I highly recommend, but not in black metal finish... Only one question about the Tesla (and I admit, sometimes prices have been prejudicing me, making me assume that they aren't as good as others if the prices are much lower), and that is how on EARTH do you handle the buttons being above the screen? Making the adjustments - how caddywhompus do you have to hold your hands so you can see the screen? I haven't done ANY research into the Tesla, because the listing on DV made it seem like it only had one fitting, but as far as what fits is - a KPT and a Davide, and the regular eGo threaded stuff like mini pro tanks/evods/and I'm assuming mini davides will fit, right? Found out one of the reasons hubby wants me to go with the MVP 2 is purely cosmetic - since I don't use tanks larger than what, 3 mls, it won't look strange having it stick out of there, whereas hubby's cartos would look kinda strange. But then again, with my Zmax, it didn't look strange, either. He understands why I want to check how hard the button has to be pushed, since I have days like, say, tonight, where it started out with just my left hand cramping (I thought it was from resting my chin in my hand), and then turned into just about my whole left side cramping, which is why I'm not currently on the floor playing Monopoly with my husband and 16 year old right now, lol. Just really starting my research into seeing if there are any problems with the mvp or the SVD I should be aware about. Finally finished watching Busardi's review of the SVD, and for some reason I didn't realize before that it PWM, that it didn't have an RMS option. Does that affect the quality of the vape much? Also, I'm seeing info on this newer, um, Lambo 6. Again, right in my price range - I mean, right at, but I haven't seen anything about whether it's PWM or has the RMS ability, like the Zmax, where you could choose, but I also haven't seen any reviews on it, either. Have any of you heard anything about it? *sigh* And I should ask about this, because hubby wants me to look into it. What do you guys know about the Kmax? I know it's made by the same manufacturer as the Vamo, and I'd heard that it was basically a copy of the Vamo, but I don't understand why they would do that, and sell them as two separate products, other than the fact that the Kmax is prettier, sells for about $10 higher, and the prettier you get it, the more it costs. But if it's just a prettier copy of the Vamo, like I'd heard, then that's all I need to know. But if it's a completely separate product, totally different, whatever, then I'll need to look into it more. And now, back to internet searches and review videos. Thank goodness my kick ash got here today.
spydre Posted October 17, 2013 Author Posted October 17, 2013 Okay, I haven't started my research for the day, but how durable are e-vics?
Aquatroy Posted October 17, 2013 Posted October 17, 2013 Evics controller head has a plastic cover, and will break if dropped just right, I see Evics with cracked heads every week.. Teslas buttons are above the screen, and you get used to it, I don't find it to be a problem, and have some minor arthritis setting in...
spydre Posted October 17, 2013 Author Posted October 17, 2013 Evics controller head has a plastic cover, and will break if dropped just right, I see Evics with cracked heads every week.. . Now, see, for me, THAT'S incredibly useful information. Since I drop sh- stuff.... a lot. We've already determined that I'm getting a lanyard with whatever I get, but hubby doesn't want me get the Tardis holster , but I don't know why, especially since I framed it as a Christmas present request. But ANY kind of lanyard or holster (well, holster that I could hook to a belt loop, not to a belt because I don't wear belts unless my pants are too big since I dropped two pants sizes) would work....except what happened last night. We were in bed, I was vaping in bed and reading on my nook, and the dog was licking his stitches. Hubby wanted me to take care of it because he was "trying to sleep" and had taken care of it the last three times, so I threw a shirt at him after he didn't stop when I called him or told him to stop. Well, my eGo went flying across the room with the shirt, lol. Luckily, it was a wimpy throw since I wasn't throwing very far, and the shirt actually went farther than the eGo. The shirt landed on the dog, the eGo landed on the carpet right next to the dog bed.
bcartervol98 Posted October 17, 2013 Posted October 17, 2013 (edited) Again if you are looking for durability and good easy operation I would go with the Vamo personally, but if you don't mind having a telescoping mod the SVD seems very durable and easy to use as well. Everyone that has one that I know of love theirs. I checked one out at the local shop I found that I love. I have dropped my Vamo V3 on tile floors, and once on the boat it flew off the seat when we hit a wave and slammed into the back of the boat and both the Vamo and KPT2 were unscathed. Edited October 17, 2013 by bcartervol98
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