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Now how did I end up on the news...

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True, no long-term studies done, BUT every. single. vaper. says he feels better after making the switch. All short-term studies point to the e-cig being MUCH safer than regular cigs. Granted there are no long-term studies, but even if they do end up showing harmful long-term effects, my money is on those effects still being much less harmful than those of cigarettes.

Has business picked up after that video? Cool stuff.

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The big Pharma pill pusher said that?? I'm shocked! LoL.

Who owns Change lab solutions?

Who funds tobaccoFreeKids and other orgs and groups through donations?

Who has a tutorial on their site for TOWNS TO BAN THEIR BIG PHARMA OPPOSITION?

Who who who, oh yes, and who does WHO own ....

If you're new' to all this corruption, here are a couple of sites to begin your investigative journey.

Velvet glove iron fist


Joe Jackson essay


Dr. Michael Seigel blog who has been fighting this nonsense since 2009-ish


Anti THR lies blog, dr. Rodu, and others, dr. Carl Phillips ,


They keep abreast of today's headlines, be sure to rss or check every week, day.

Also CASAA.org who is so involved on the front lines, back lines, all in between lines. They, too, work their butts off... Literally.

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Congrats for being on the news, you did a great job of it too! So did the reporter! That's great they took the health benefits from avg Joe citizen, knowing you, the vendor, can't say anything positive. The Doc in the video expressed his concerns much better than how he was quoted in the article. (Unless it was the way I read it, with a grrr before my 2nd cup of coffee).

All in all, thanks for sharing this with the world, it was pretty darn great.

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