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Can these get pushed down? I had 2 batteries from vape dudes and this happened to them. They are now unusable even after trying to nudge them with tweezers. I've been very paranoid of that since so I only screw my tanks down finger tight. There is normally about 1/16th of an inch gap between the bottom of the tank and the top of my battery. Today the lady at the b&m told me to screw it down all the way (it gets pretty tight to make it seemless with the battery). Can this damage the contact? I was having contact issues before and not getting good hits sometimes, so this definitely helped but I'm worried about ruining my battery.


You should be able to tighten it up a little more than you have been without damaging the battery. I have heard that the center post can get depressed but it is repairable. It's never happened to me but I see that complaint on here fairly often.


Ego variable voltage. It has the led indicator on the bottom for battery life and a ring near the bottom that indicated the voltage (red is low, purple is medium blue is high). It's not a problem per say, the tanks just don't need to be screwed down all the way to make contact, but they do come loose in my pocket if you don't. They don't fall off but I do have to rotate it a bit to make it firm on the battery if that makes sense.

And I use a kanger protank, t2, and a t3s. I have multiple t2s and t3s'.


The positive contact points are the center post of the Clearomizer and the center post of the 510 connection on the battery. The outer threads (ego threads) make the negative side connection.


I've had a battery post get pushed down from, I'm assuming it was my Davide. Hubby pulled it back up for me, but I'm not sure how.


Tou can cinch up one side then the other of the battery post with the point of a paring knife;)

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