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ITaste Saga


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Recently I wrote a poetic tribute of epic proportions to my new ITaste SVD that opened to wonderful reviews, :) but our happiness together didn't start smoothly. I received my new ITaste, battery and charger and while I was waiting for the battery to charge I played with all the pieces and studied how to use the VV and VW buttons and assess the coils resistance, and battery's charge level etc. (I've still not got it to do exactly what I want when I want, but I admit to being impatient).

Anyway, battery charged, I assembled it and following instructions I set it to what I think my ego twist and pro tank combo is, well close anyway and filled the tank that came with it (not sure now what it is) with one of my favourite French pipe flavours and hit the button. The vapour and taste were amazing! It reminded me of my first hit on a cigarette that I accidentally inhaled and continued to accidentally inhale for almost 50 years. Anyway I was so loving it when it all went stone dead! I was dumb struck! What happened? I quickly and disappointedly took hits of my eGo Pro Tank whilst diagnosing the problem.

I'll describe the mod from bottom to top with it pictured standing vertically on its bottom. The first piece is the battery cap which is male threaded and spring loaded and screws into the outer battery case which is of course female threaded. That outer battery case screws onto the inner battery case which also contains the operating electronics, holds the battery and is capped on top with a metal cap about the thickness of a dime and the diameter of a nickel (not that I've seen a dime or nickel in years) onto which screws a beauty ring or inner threaded tank, and into which screws a Pro Tank type tank.

What happened to mine was when I screwed on the beauty ring, or the screwed in the tank, I didn't put any resistance on the coin like metal cover and it moved a little which broke it from its position on top of the inner battery holder and broke a wire connection. After looking it over, it seems that coin like cover has a flange that sits in a groove in the inner battery holder. It isn't very substantial and it looks to be easily displaced.

Now, I don't have the vision, equipment, solder, patience, inclination or interest in even trying to repair this. I tend to be more the blow torch and rocket launcher type. So what to do? I bought a new one and it works fine. I just make sure when I screw parts together I use one hand to aid the built in resistance to the receiving part and don't torque too much.

I bet a clever person could have explained this in three lines of less, but I just finished a pot of coffee after about 12 large beers last night and can't stop!

Maybe this advise should be followed for all things that require screwing :)

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