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Now that I know enough to be dangerous, I want a mechanical for several reasons. I might hate it so I am not looking to spend much. Looks like Fasttech has some smokin deals. Here is what I have narrowed them down to:

Private 2 http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10005273/1429500-private-v2-telescoping-mech-mod-e-cigarette

Sentinel M16 http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10005307/1425200-sentinel-m16-mod-telescoping-e-cigarette-battery

Telescope 5 http://www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10005189/1475405

The only thing that has me held up is the brass look on the first two(I can probably get over that) and the lack of reviews on the Telescope. Let me know what you guys think. Also, I'm not stuck on Fasttech or just these mods. :)

Posted (edited)

I just ordered the Nemesis clone from fastech and waiting for its arrival. It's got good reviews as being one of the best if not the best clone on the market to date.


I also have the EHPro Electric Angel clone that I bought from ebay for $75 and its frigging awesome (my daily user). Just be aware that there is another clone of this that is not the same.

Good luck.

edit: as far as your selection. Sorry I dont have any experience with any of those but perhaps someone else will chime in.

Edited by dragongunner

I'm not really familiar with any of the ones you listed. However if I may add my 2 cents, the first 2 I have seen in a few people's collections, none are VV/VW, but if your just looking for a simple, cheap mod, you can't go wrong with those prices. Even if it breaks or you don't like it, your only out $20.


Thanks for the feed back guys! Wow, the Nemesis clone looks awesome! Found a little better deal/in stock for it from Vapor Break. Anyone have an opinion on ordering from those guys? I love stainless and aluminum but want to stay away from plating and any kind of aluminum threads. I would also like to play with sub ohm and other hot setups down the road.


I dont know anything about Vapor Break, however if you look at the bottom firing button on the nemesis clone offered from Vapor Break compared to the one offered from Fasttech they appear to be completely different. Most of the forums that I have read, buyers are buying from Fasttech (not that they are any better). Vapor Break is another chinese company. I'm just saying be careful and do your research properly. I wouldn't worry too much about the $6 that you would save if you or anyone else can't vouch for Vapor Break.

NOTE: I could be completely wrong here and if I am I apologize in advance.


Thanks dragongunner. I did not notice the different buttons until you said something. Vapor Break does seem a little sketchy to me. I just checked out the real deal Smoketech(telescope 5) at my local vape store and was a little underwhelmed. I guess I also need to start looking into some good batteries to power it. Here we go again! :on2long:


I don't know the ones you list, but I bought 2 kamry 100's for my husband and I. We love our VV/VW but my hubby needed a more durable device for work. He now takes his Kamry that I got for $50 and has dropped off the docks a few times. That thing takes a lickin and keeps on ticking. I can't complain about its performance!!!


I concur about mechanicals being able to take a beating.... My iSeason clone and my davide both went careening off my tow motor one night at work and it didn't have a scratch on it. The. Later that week I dropped my caravella and my Ithaka clone down a shaft in the 30ft floor and it fell all the way to the bottom... Picked it up and the only thing that didn't survive was the polycarbonate tank area on the Ithaka... Which was 3.00 to replace. :yes btw a caravella will run you a pretty penny but those things can take an *** kicking and still be flawless. :)


The ea mod clone looks promising with a 93 percent battery wattage discharge is incredible.. using the brass gold plate connector must be the trick.. heard it vapes extremely well and the build quality is just as good as the original one.. actually the performance is better!

Posted (edited)

I have M16 clone from fasttech and its a really nice mod. The only thing with these mods I dont like is the aluminum threads, but I just bought an air flow controller for like $3 problem solved and looks awesome with my RDA.

Edited by BigLiquid530

I have M16 clone from fasttech and its a really nice mod. The only thing with these mods I dont like is the aluminum threads, but I just bought an air flow controller for like $3 problem solved and looks awesome with my RDA.

Link for the air flow controller please! I think I will get an M16 on the way with my next Fasttech order. I did some more searching and found the Smok Magneto. I'm really digging it and it has great reviews. Got one on the way from Triangle Vape http://trianglevape.com/magneto/. Should be in this week. Woot!


Link for the air flow controller please! I think I will get an M16 on the way with my next Fasttech order. I did some more searching and found the Smok Magneto. I'm really digging it and it has great reviews. Got one on the way from Triangle Vape http://trianglevape.com/magneto/. Should be in this week. Woot!

Pretty sure it was either Vapor Beast or DV, but I saw an air flow controller there.

Now, I have a question about mechanical mods. If you are used to, and enjoy VW,/VV, and all the bells and whistles that come with APV's, why would you go mechanical - especially if you are going to get a kick to add the circuitry back in? Since there is no overheating protection, etc., I would be concerned. But hubby just ordered a Nemesis last night (the real thing), I guess to go with his RBA's, but can someone explain the draw of the mech mods to me please?


Mechanicals allow you to run an RBA with no holds barred. You can go as low in the ohms as you want. The only thing a kick does is provided a safe way to discharge the battery without over discharging it. It makes it VW and doesn't allow the battery to discharge below a certain point. But at the same time it won't inhibit your ability to subohm on the mechanical. I personally think there is absolutely no point in buying a mechanical and using a kick. And he bought a nemesis and giving you a hard time about buying an ego twist? Sorry but that's ********.


I have heard it described like an automatic transmission vs a stick shift. Both of them have there pros and cons. I'll just take one(or more) of each please! The Vamo was a great mod for me to start with but now that I know more about what's going on I can't wait to play with a mechanical. I LOVE the fact that they are affordable, simple, durable, reliable, and like IMEDIC said, no holds barred!

BTW, I ordered the brass M16 this morning. Planning on making it a daily driver if I can. These things are just too sexy to get banged up!


Mechanicals allow you to run an RBA with no holds barred. You can go as low in the ohms as you want. The only thing a kick does is provided a safe way to discharge the battery without over discharging it. It makes it VW and doesn't allow the battery to discharge below a certain point. But at the same time it won't inhibit your ability to subohm on the mechanical. I personally think there is absolutely no point in buying a mechanical and using a kick. And he bought a nemesis and giving you a hard time about buying an ego twist? Sorry but that's ********.

No, I haven't brought up the twist yet, but I'm trying to anticipate the things he COULD say. The dog is having $400 surgery tomorrow, youngest's class ring needs to be ordered and paid for Thursday, I've bought about $100 worth of stuff in the last 2 weeks, with the possibility of at least $60+ more in the next week,almost a necessity given my flavor problems (I vaped 3 flavors over the weekend, starting with Friday, through 9 pm today, necesitating refills on what I just got Friday. I wanted to try a different flavor fom there, too, but I'm going to put that and the mini davide off until next month, or I may decide to go with all full sized instead of minis (that will be Christmas). We also have two boys' brthdays (17 and 19 within a week of Christmas (December BITES IN MY HOUSE!) Thank goodness for financial aid, since the second semester starts in January, so we should be getting the overage check from hubby's financial aid in Feb.)

But frankly, I don't want to be without variable SOMETHING while DV checks to make sure I'M not the cause of the issue, we decide if I'm going to just get a replacement Sigelei, or if I'm going to get something else, and the time it takes DV to process what I want to do, unless it will only take a couple of days - well a week with mailing time. I'll e-mail Jennifer tomorrow and see how long it shoul take.

As far as the mechanicals, aren't there some chargers that won't charge a battery if it gets TOO low? I thought that was why there's battery monitoring on APVs. I find it odd that he eould want to go subohm, but he DID get those RBAs, so I guess he's thinkin for that, because I KNOW his carto tanks are in the 4 ohm range.


We'll he is using 4ohm cartos because he can pump the volts through them to get the vape he likes. The rba's you build your coil lower or higher based on your voltage drop and how you like your vape. Sub ohms create a warmer vape just like a 4 ohm carto with 5v running through it. But either way a kick is stupid and if he has never messed with a mechanical... Why would he order a nemesis for his first one? That seems like a ridiculous amount of money for a mechanical when he has never even tried it and not too mention he wants the kick so really what he wants is an unregulated VW device.

As far as chargers go no you may just not be able to revive the battery. That's why people tell you to always have a multimeter on hand with mechs so you can check the voltage on the battery and make sure you don't over discharge it.


If using a multimeter is too cumbersome for you, Tankometer. Check battery voltage with or without load. Very useful.

A genuine Nemesis will be about $200. It's a beautiful mod. My best mod is the Astro. Traded my eVic and some tanks for the Astro and a Nimbus. My first mech is the KTS+ (2 tones). Just ordered from FT: M16, Ithaka, ATTY, Steamboy, Trident, some batteries and jade tips. I really want the brass top cap for the aluminum M16.


GAH! STUPID NOOK! I lost my post, hit the back button to get back to it, it told me the info hhad already been submitted, so I hit the next button on the thread, hoping I could edit my incomplete and completely screwed up at the end post, but it's not here.

And evidently, he bought a clone, because the cost was about the same cost as a Natural on DV, and pdoan said a gehnuine Nemesis is about $200. I wonder if he knows that? Now I have to wonder if the Natural was a clone, too, since it was $60, or is the Nemesis that much better - however it is that they can be better, but if you can still get PMs, I'll send you a PM rather than hijacking thi poor person's thread anymore, as it was well, It may have been wordy, or just seemed that way,, typing one letter at a time on this nook. I want a tablet, darn it!

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