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My coffee's black

My whiskey neat

My smoke is second hand.

My tank is full

My batteries charged

And Itaste's my new brand.


And now , of you will, a little vaping haiku ....


Long slow drag I take

Curling vapor finds passage deep

Exhaling smile wide



Ok, just for that, another.... :)


Elusive e-juice why?

So long the search keeps going

Meanwhile I vape on

Thank you


Jonnoh, don't leave me hanging. Have you a Haiku to contribute?

Or perhaps another Ode?


Hate no smoking rules

The advent of vaping rules!

Beat government rules

I think Haiku is above my feeble intellect :(


I'm obviously dealing with superior beings on this blog. Bebop12 master of the Haiku. As I recall Haiku almost made me drop out of 7th grade!!!!! Sheesh maybe I should stick to limericks.

A sexy handsome old buck

On Marlboros he often sucked.

Then a vaping machine

Forced his lungs clean

Bad choices were changed to good luck!

(notice I didn't use the expected and most used rhyming word!)


There once was a student Malaysian.

Said, "Teacher's a smoking invasion".

The teacher then quit,

"Vaping's now it"!

The teacher's now favourite caucasian.


Sheesh maybe I should stick to limericks.

(notice I didn't use the expected and most used rhyming word!)

I am impressed. :) but then, MY intelect makes it easily so. :)

There once was a lad in high school

With such a desire as to be cool

Hit lit up with his friends

Hacked a lung in the end

Found to be cool in high school was to be fool


On C. Everett I put a curse

Cuz the no smoking game was afoot

He lingered for years

And filled us with fears

And at 92 Coop's in a hearse


A curse on C. Everett I put

Cuz the no smoking game was afoot

He lingered for years

And filled us with fears.

At 92 Coop was short cut

Note to self: EDIT!


What a great idea. Thanks for starting this thread.

Sort of an open mic poet's corner at VaporTalk.

I dig it, man. And now I'm feeling a litle beatnik....

(Rapid bongos)


Lover's tongue spit clouds




No burnng!

(Quick flurry)

No fear....


They are not sorrow


Or are they?

Mourn the loss of many

Who could not be saved

There goes my guilt!

Built up of past transgressions

Torn down by recent impressions

More Clouds!

(Rapid bongos)

Let them drift!


Let them reach!

And preach!

And Save!

me from the grave

My favorite flav




My Bonnie looked into the gas tank

The height of its content to see.

I lit up a match to assist her.

Oh bring back my Bonnnie to me.

My new Bonnie's also gas challenged.

I vaped near her in sympathy

Cuz vaping requires no matches

The 'bring back' part's come to an end.

The first stanza is stolen, but was an inspiration for the second.

Bebop, I can picture my self being so full of life and fun in that little bar in Amsterdam where the drinks are slow coming but the....well you know the unmentionable isn't, listening to your epic! I don't have bongos but I'll break out the round kitchen containers when I return from work and recite it for the neighbourhood to enjoy.


I can dig it, Jonnoh.

How about a little song parody? This one should be familiar enough.... (It helps if you really rock the piano in your head)

Hey dude, don't be alarmed

Take a whiff now and see it's better

The ember is nowhere near to be found

Someone quite profound has made it better

Hey dude, don't be afraid

No need to sew now, a scarlet letter

The minute you look at how it is done

Then you've begun to see it's better

And anyway I wanna say, hey dude, okay

It's new and you've let your fear take over

And while I see you think it's wrong, my god, hang on

We're making the world sanguine moreover

Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah

Hey dude, don't be so mad

I'm doing good now and I feel better

The minute you look at how it is done

Then you've begun to make it better ( better, better, better, BETTER!)

Naaah, nah nah na na na nahhh, na na na nahhh, hey dude

Naaah, nah nah na na na nahhh, na na na nahhh, hey dude

Naaah, nah nah na na na nahhh, na na na nahhh, hey dude

(Everybody sing!)

Naaah, nah nah na na na nahhh, na na na nahhh, hey dude

Naaah, nah nah na na na nahhh, na na na nahhh, hey dude

Naaah, nah nah na na na nahhh, na na na nahhh, hey dude............


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  • 1 month later...

IGO-Ls, IGO-Ls, Kangers all the way

Oh what fun it is to vape with a brand new RBA

IGO-Ls, IGO-Ls, Evods all the way

Oh what fun it is to vape with a brand new RBA

Making lots of clouds, with a brand new RBA

O'er our heads they go, billow all the way

Dripping all VG, making spirits bright

Oh what fun it is to vape all day and every night, hey!


Dear mr Moderator.

Maybe we should move this thread over to the Lounge?


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