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FDA/Government shutdown


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Don't know if I'm putting this in the right section, but here goes. With the government shutdown - well, there may be a silver lining for us vapers. The FDA is shut down as well already. Soooooo - a delay in regulations, maybe?

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(Wall of text, but broken up into paragraphs, lol)

I'm not tired of waiting - I'm worried about what they are going to do. Online sales - well, if they ban online sales, that kind of screws people out in BFE who don't have any B&M stores within a reasonable distance - I know some parts of Missouri and Illinois you have to go an hour or more to get to a B&M, plus the mark ups are horrible.

Flavors - it's the flavors that actually got me to put the analogs down. If they ban flavors, I'll either convince hubby that we need to DIY, or hopefully Medic will still DIY for us. For a week or 10 days, I both vaped and smoked analogs - though at much slower rate than before. By the end, it got to the point where I was hitting my e-cig WHILE I was smoking the analog, because the e-cig tasted better, it's just the analog dealt with the hand habit, and the stress (there was a death in the family).

If I had to go back to strictly tobacco flavored, no flavors except menthol? It wouldn't do me any good - well, I might be able to manage with menthol, because my brain recognizes it as flavor now, but even in the tobacco flavors I still vape, if the tobacco flavor is too strong, if it outweighs the flavor, the I can't hack it - it's why I didn't like RY4. For the last two days, I haven't been able to vape 618 because the tobacco taste is just too strong for me, I think, for these couple days, but yet, I can vape my sweet tobacco in limited amounts - but I think that's my seizures messing with my brain.

After reading one of the many articles I've read, I read something about a certain big tobacco firm being in the e-cig business now. All of the other big tobacco firms that have bought into the business were selling the cigalikes, so I wanted to see what that firm was selling. So I went to their website. Granted, it's a pain in butt, but to keep from selling to kids, the FDA may want to require all online sites do this - one of the cigalike brands, one of them run by big tobacco, I believe, before you can even enter their site, not only do you have to confirm your birthdate, you have to completely register for the site, and that includes other information, I think (it's been a couple weeks, and I didn't complete registration, because it was too much of an effort just to see if they were selling cigalikes or true vaping stuff) that would allow them to independently verify age - like maybe a DL or ID number, or something? I can't remember. But maybe if the FDA required a more in-depth registration process....you can't assume that a kid wouldn't have a credit card anymore, because parents buy their kids those pre-paid cards. I know when our son went on his band trip to one of the bowl games, I think his junior year, we did, rather than sending him down with $200 cash for the week, and then until he got his own checking account after he graduated, I think(?), when he earned money, he would either have his dad deposit that much on his card. I know his best friend got his allowance, and monetary birthday/Christmas gifts that way.

Quote from the article: Big tobacco companies are intentionally marketing to teens with catchy names, flavors and advertising, those pushing for restrictions said.

I haven't seen evidence of that. At least not in the commercials I've seen, no more than alcohol ads target kids. I know that other cigalike companies owned by big tobacco have been advertising on TV, but I don't watch a lot of live TV, I usually watch on the DVR, and skip commercials, but some nights, if there are multiple shows that I watch - or if it's a new episode of say Doctor Who or Walking Dead, then yeah, I'm watching live, and of course, during dinner, and at bed time, and the only commercials I've seen is for Blu (BTW, have you seen the Jenny McCarthy commercials? She asked them to be a spokesperson because she uses them, but, well, I can't stand Ms. Anti-vax anyway, but seeing her as a spokeperson for anything makes my blood boil. The phrase sexy was originally in the commercial, but they took it out). But I've never seen a commercial for what I consider "actual vaping" - not the cigalikes, but the eGo's and beyond.

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