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As I'm sure some of you have already tried out this new tank... from Nhaler.com?

Well... let me just say this about it: (and I'm not usually one to talk up many things.)

This thing honestly kicks some serious buttocks ! I have tried MANY a tank over time as they came out... some were good and some weren't so good. I can truly say that these two I ordered and started using yesterday are performing flawlessly so far. Everything just works like it should... and I haven't really ever grown to just 'love' a certain tank before now... but this is a game changer for me for sure! Those little dual coil heads really chuck out the vapor my friends! And they certainly won't break the bank at $10 a piece... including 1 head installed. Then a 5-pack of heads is around $13 a believe. Really can't go wrong I don't think. The good ol' 'PeteBusardo' was certainly speaking the truth in his review of it . They will also be coming out with different heads with different ohm ratings. And I would also think that some sort of glass tank will soon be available as well. They aren't the most great looking... but their performance far out ways that issue! Pretty much a cheap looking Vivi Nova tank! But it works like no other 'Vivi Nova' tank with that extra coil !

Carry on folks!


Edited by DAYVAPE
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As I'm sure some of you have already tried out this new tank... from Nhaler.com?

Well... let me just say this about it: (and I'm not usually one to talk up many things.)

This thing honestly kicks some serious buttocks ! I have tried MANY a tank over time as they came out... some were good and some weren't so good. I can truly say that these two I ordered and started using yesterday are performing flawlessly so far. Everything just works like it should... and I haven't really ever grown to just 'love' a certain tank before now... but this is a game changer for me for sure! Those little dual coil heads really chuck out the vapor my friends! And they certainly won't break the bank at $10 a piece... including 1 head installed. Then a 5-pack of heads is around $13 a believe. Really can't go wrong I don't think. The good ol' 'PeteBusardo' was certainly speaking the truth in his review of it . They will also be coming out with different heads with different ohm ratings. And I would also think that some sort of glass tank will soon be available as well. They aren't the most great looking... but their performance far out ways that issue! Pretty much a cheap looking Vivi Nova tank! But it works like no other 'Vivi Nova' tank with that extra coil !

Carry on folks!


How does it compare to the original Vision Vivi Nova? How does it compare to the Protank? Even if it compares favorably I'll probably want to wait to hear any possible downsides after extended use. Things like coil/wick life, ease of rebuilding, leak development, parts failing, general quirkiness, etc.

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  • 3 months later...

Okay, so I'm resurrecting this necro thread (three months old is necro, right?) because last Friday I bought a large and a small Aspire to try out, because lately, for some reason, even with Kanger coils, I'm not able to put the power through even my 618 that I used to. Oh! The 618 may be because I'm taking it 70/30 now and not 50/50, would that make a difference - I mean, would juice ratio make a difference in how much heat a juice can take? Anyway, my 555 is like 6 watts, or a voltage adjustment, but some juices I can still crank up a bit.

So, I think the stem is shorter than the Pro Tank's. I got it the day I tried out the VTR, the day before I ordered it. Each time I used it on my MVP, I had to have my SO pull the center pin up, but I could use it fine on my Winder and my eGos immediately after using ANY of my Pro Tanks and the Davide, so it's not that they've pushed the pin down. I THINK I probably picked the wrong juice to try for the first tank. I mean, I'm still evaluating it, but I put my 555 in it, and at first, like all the flavor was being drowned out by the heat, but now that I've gone through about a tank, eh, I'm still not so sure I'm getting as much flavor out of it on it's best setting on either my VTR or my Winder as I get out of a Pro Tank (single coil). It feels like the 555 flavor is kind of getting lost in the heat, but it COULD be the juice.

As for the smaller tank, I'm not sure if I should try a flavor I already have or wait to be able to order from Fadora, and try the Apple Cider out in it (since I know what that tastes like), or maybe my Kick Ash that I have, since I know what that tastes like, something from a different vendor other than Better Vapes, maybe.

Any thoughts?

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Let me know, Proteus. I've heard that they are supposed to be the "new big thing", and they are priced better than the Pro Tank or the Davides even. I'm all over putting the extra voltage or power (which, of course, means more voltage) than you would a traditional 1.8 ohm coil, but if you don't get as much flavor as the Pro Tank or the Davide, or the heat of the vape overpowers the flavor, then I certainly wouldn't want to switch to them. Especially since I have probably $100 invested in KPT2s, KPT minis, and the Davide. Replacing six full sized tanks and the 4 mini tanks (not to mention my Evods that I plan to replace with, at least at this time, KPT mini 2s) would be, ah, costly enough for the full sized tanks and KPT minis, to replace them.

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Let's try that link again, since it automatically put me at the end of the video when I clicked play, and wouldn't let me play it from the start:

I need to review some other videos, but I'll get back to you.

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I have the small aspire. Think it's called the ET-S. Posted Image

I have always used Kanger product but like most I've heard the quality control has gone down. Coils are only lasting a couple days, etc.

This little tank has great vapor production. I get more from aspire tank than any of my pro tanks or minis.

Taste is somewhat different. I can't really explain. It's not muted nor elevated. Just different.

The price is what got me to buy the aspire. 9.99. Plus I got a box of 5 coils for same price. So for 20 bucks I'm pretty happy

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