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So I got some eliquid from vapedudes it's grape with extra flavor 50/50 and 11 mg nic. Sometimes when I vape it it's kinda harsh, ever other liquid I've tried is really smooth even with higher nic but they all have a higher pg%. I've tried new coils and diffrent voltage 3.3 or 4 volts some times it's ok on lower voltage and sometimes it ok on the higher voltage. I guess my question is would a higher pg% make it smoother? I like a little throat hit and the flavor is great but sometimes it's way too much.

Posted (edited)

If anything I would think higher PG would make it more harsh.

I have experienced a few grape flavors that all have a harsh quality. It may have something to do with the flavoring. I have not found a great grape flavoring yet.

It could very well be the "extra flavoring" which isn't always a good thing in my experience.

Edited by Bebop12

Sometimes, a juice that sits okay with me, will feel a bit harsh, depending on circumstances. For example, there are some juices I can't vape first thing in the morning, or if I'm having dry mouth, etc. Sometimes, I even have to turn the voltage/power down, even when normally that setting is fine. Like Bebop said, sometimes extra flavor can bite you in the behind, if it's a flavor you haven't tried the normal version of yet. As far as the PG/VG ratio, I usually go with the recommended ratio from the vendor, and a LOT of them actually recommend 50/50. So far, the only flavor I've picked up that wasn't 50/50 from 3DVapor, which actually orders from my other store, but they stock 60/40, and I have no idea why, because Better Vapes normally carries their stock at 50/50.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the replies I guess next time I'll try regular instead of extra flavor.

On an unrelated note I just tracked my flavors from fuzion and they will be here today instead of tomorrow!!!!

Edited by hawks78

For some reason, all grape flavors I have tried give me wicked heartburn. And its not the nic, it has to be the flavoring. The same amount of any other flavor doesnt do it.

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