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Seriously...I plan to mix up my yellow tail sushi e-liquid in a soy sauce bottle.


Okay, I'm late to the party, some of my replies are on topic, some of them are over the brou-ha-ha (even if that person is either banned or not coming back to read)

Thats the reason I havent tried cinnamon yet. It does tend to burn one's tongue. It also can crack tanks and make other juices taste like poo. It is fire with sweet. I dont know how to tame it, wish I did. Use sparingly.

I've tried two cinnamon flavors. Well, one is cinnamon roll, which I have been told (even on people on this forum) I shouldn't have a problem with a plastic tank, and I didn't, and it EVEN washed out of my tank with just hot water.

The Inferno I tried, however....I just automatically pitched the coil, but after soaking in vodka for 8 hours, I thought it was okay, I filled the tank (Pro Tank 2), took a couple hits, and set it aside for a few days before I went back to it. After a couple of days, the Inferno flavor had come back out pretty well. So I took the hit, and got a hit that that was not Irish Cream tasting Irish Cream (the juice I got that didn't taste anything like Irish Cream when I got it, so much so that I told the company they sent me the wrong flavor), plus Inferno. I also had to soak an evod, because I didn't even think about this flavor possibly being citrus when I put it in the Evod, after three hits I was sure I didn't like it, but for some reason I didn't rinse the tank out for a full 24 hours. I thought I had gotten it out, but after I filled it with Banana Cream, and when I hit it at the moment, it was fine, but yup, two days later, the nasty Jungle Juice taste came back out STRONG - which kinda makes me sad, because it was 1/2 an evod full, and it was only a 10 ml sample type size bottle.

I knew from the product pages not to use them in a plastic DD, so I put some (Nuclear Cinnamon Fireball) in a carto thinking I'd be okay with that...but I forgot about the clear drip tip being plastic. A little while later, I noticed that what used to be a clear drip tip was now a white drip tip, so I took it out. The bottom was starting to deform! It actually melted the plastic on the bottom and inside the flue turning it milky white!

Really, Rixter? I heard....on this very forum.....that it wouldn't impact the drip tip, because by the time it was in contact with the tip, it was already in vapor form.

Well your right and I buy regular bottles to mix my customers stuff in (don't worry guys it's mustard bottles cause I like yellow better then red;)). And can I pose another scenario to you? Places like cold stone creamery and chipotle or Baja Fresh or even subway all have open buffet style lines where they "build" or mix if you will your order and people are in and out all day long. How is that any less sanitary? I mean as long as the company is continuously wiping down the counter or table they are mixing on and are using gloves and disposable pipettes or syringes (that would probably be quite expensive) and they weren't mixing the pipettes and syringes in multiple flavoring or nicotine bottles, I still don't see anything wrong with that. I would be more worried about someone who wouldn't let me see the area. I agree with not allowing them to put their grubby fingers on everything, as THAT would be a blatant disregard for anything sanitary, but I still don't see how that is a bad thing as long as the "appearance of sanitation" is present. The water bucket they have in most fast food places that they use to wipe down the counters are nothing more then a bleach powder and warm water. While not guaranteed to be completely sanitary, it still makes you feel good seeing them wipe the counters down just before they make a slew of food. Maybe we need to agree to disagree but I don't see your point as far as the juice mixing station being visible or not.

You know what? IF I asked, I would be a bit upset if I was NOT allowed to see the mixing station, unless they stated it was to keep things sanitary. I want to know that they are clean, and although the thought really never crossed my mind before, I would think about it now. A little bit of disarray, I can understand - like the PG/VG bottles not put back on the shelf (they tend to make a LOT of stuff to order at the B&M I go to that mixes their own juices - they have so many flavors, and only mix a few quick sellers in advance, probably about 30 or so - some flavors people ask about so rarely that they don't even have samplers for them YET, but they are trying to get samplers out for every flavor).

Oh, and Medic, I used to work fast food (KFC to be exact). It wasn't bleach water. There is a specific sanitizer that we used on the dishes, a specific sized packet in a sink filled to a specific point. The bucket we used for the towel to wipe down counters, tables, etc., since the sanitizer had to be in specific ratio to the water, we would have to do up a fresh rinse sink, and then get the water out of THAT sink. Heck, the only thing we mixed up that WASN'T in specific ratios was the amount of bleach in the mop water. I mean, we had a specific floor cleaner (with a specific sized packet that went into a specific amount of water) that went into it, but we also added bleach - unmeasured - (just a note, don't use bleach on a grouted floor, the bleach eats away at the grout)

Everyone, especially suppliers and vendors, are always going to market the products they carry to sound better, safer, better values than others. Some even use fear tactics and such to do so (surprised huh lol). Are there some unsanitary facilities mixing liquids out there? I am sure there are. I would think however the larger suppliers that have huge followings are using safe sanitary measures due to the investment they have made for the future of their business. I do not, and will not, buy from any Brick and Mortar, unless at some point online sales are banned and I am forced to. Most of the brick and mortar owners and operators I have met personally are smug and try to market their products not on the merits of said product, but by bashing other products. As someone that has ran a successful auto dealer group for over 10 years I can tell you it is always going to work against you. And to top it off, the liquids they carry that are certified by the group of liquid makers that formed the certification process taste disgusting and very chemically to me.

I used to complain there are no stores in my area, and with hardware it would have been nice to be able to have a bit more in person help than I got online admittedly. Thing is now there are 4 with a 5th opening today in my city. There is a local Vaper group page on Facebook they post in and it is amazing how they think negativity sells their product. They are rallying for an online sales ban. There was just a story on our local news where a B&M owner said they do not carry flavors like Cotton Candy, Gummi Bear, and others that are "obviously intended to attract teens and kids". THIS FROM A SHOP OWNER! Unbelievable to me at least.

Lastly I would think liquids mixed in ketchup, mustard, or mayonnaise jars is still better than smoking, and only constitute the most extreme cases of unsanitary mixing facilities.

You know what, Brian? Then you have crap stores in your area. Okay, the first store we went to, the only actual negative thing they said about their "competition" (which was 45 minutes away across the river) was that their (3D's, the local store) was cheaper than the St. Peters vape shop. (unfortunately, their eGo starter kit is a knock off, and I'm not sure they actually realize it. And there's another shop that opened up locally that has the starter kits cheaper than 3D, and they are genuine). Of course, Better Vapes isn't going to talk trash about 3D, because 3D opened before Better Vapes opened their storefront, when they were just online, and 3D orders MOST of their juice from Better Vapes. The problem is, 3D has a mark up on the juice (of course). Both shops tend to be on the expensive side on hardware though, well, some of it. I can get Evods for about $5 or $6 at Better Vapes, but total sticker shock walking into 3D for 2 Evods this week - $9 a pop! So I don't know where they get their Evods. But like Pro Tanks, or mods, unless it's like an ego Twist, I won't buy from any of the local shops.

Not to mention pricing themselves out of the market with knockoffs and spreading misinformation, to coin a phrase. I mean I asked the guy that runs the newest one what PG-VG ratios his liquids are and he said he would have to get back to me on that after he asked his supplier. HE DIDNT KNOW and expects people to buy from him. All he knew was they are AEMSA certified (lol) He also has 900mah Twists that have no logos at all for $49.95 and had Vamo V3 at $89. Sharp fella.

Speaking of "certifications", I have an article I'm going to post in a little bit, if someone hasn't already. Basically, there is an organization, can't remember what the acronym stands for, but the acronym is ECIG. They've hired on the former head of the American Lung Association to be their spokesperson, particularly with the FDA. Supposedly ECIG is made up mostly wholesalers, but I know of at least one manufacturer who's involved, too, and it happens to be run by the wife of the head of ECIG. They ARE in favor on banning online sales and doing "whatever means necessary" to keep the products out of the hands of children. But that's a different post.

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