Grant951 Posted September 24, 2013 Posted September 24, 2013 (edited) I got a cinnamon red hots flavor from my b&m. I've had it before and I broke out in hives but I believe it was because of something else since I've been on this liquid for 2 days and I'm fine. Anyways, I've been using it sparingly because I remember it kind of muted other flavors. It hasn't done this yet, noticeably atleast, but it has left my tongue feeling like I burned it pretty good on some food that was too hot. I was using it on the high voltage setting on my vv which I had not done previously and the cinnamon flavor was almost too intense. Do you guys think using it on low or medium could cancel some of these negative effects I've experienced and heard so much about? And strangely enough this is the only flavor so far to be satisfying on low voltage both flavor and throat and lung hit wise. Edited September 24, 2013 by Grant951
Aquatroy Posted September 24, 2013 Posted September 24, 2013 Sounds like you've answered your own's all good...
Grant951 Posted September 24, 2013 Author Posted September 24, 2013 Not quite, I was wondering if anyone had any experience with using it on a low voltage level and not experiencing any of the negative side effects. My tongue still feels burnt so I can't tell if the low voltage is helping or not, lol.
Thesheepdog Posted September 25, 2013 Posted September 25, 2013 Thats the reason I havent tried cinnamon yet. It does tend to burn one's tongue. It also can crack tanks and make other juices taste like poo. It is fire with sweet. I dont know how to tame it, wish I did. Use sparingly.
ECloudVapes Posted September 25, 2013 Posted September 25, 2013 With all due respect, you just haven't tried a good cinnamon blend. Creating a good Cinnamon isn't the easiest mix. Also, if you use a plastic tank cinnamon, like citrus flavored liquids, it"s likely to shorten the life of the tank. :-)
Christie Posted September 26, 2013 Posted September 26, 2013 Ive decided im done with it myself- mine melted and clouded a ce4 within an hour ! I initially bought my glass because I loved it so much but I havent used it in them lol I can live without i t. its also hard getting off it .nothing else tasted right so you end up on a month long CINNAMON bender lol . I did vape it at lower voltage then everything else though probably under 4.0.
Rixter Posted September 26, 2013 Posted September 26, 2013 (edited) I really don't think it's the voltage you're vaping it at as much as the ingredients in it. I vape EC Blends' Nuclear Cinnamon Fireball & Apocalypse Juice's Resurrection, both of which are what I consider to be extreme cinnamon eliquids, but I don't vape 'em for extended periods of time. For me, it's sort of like a little kick in the taste-buds between vaping other (more reasonable) flavors. By the way, both of these juices don't just cloud plastic tanks...they destroy plastic tanks. They even melt plastic drip tips (ask me how I know). I don't inhale either one. It's strictly about the taste on these. Edited September 26, 2013 by Rixter Tam 1
Christie Posted September 26, 2013 Posted September 26, 2013 I really don't think it's the voltage you're vaping it at as much as the ingredients in it. I vape EC Blends' Nuclear Cinnamon Fireball & Apocalypse Juice's Resurrection, both of which are what I consider to be extreme cinnamon eliquids, but I don't vape 'em for extended periods of time. For me, it's sort of like a little kick in the taste-buds between vaping other (more reasonable) flavors. By the way, both of these juices don't just cloud plastic tanks...they destroy plastic tanks. They even melt plastic drip tips (ask me how I know). I don't inhale either one. It's strictly about the taste on these. kudos on the not inhaling -I just think it has to be bad if it does that to plastic . My lungs have been through enough at this point in my life lol
Grant951 Posted September 26, 2013 Author Posted September 26, 2013 How Rixter? I'm actually pretty curious about that. And I decided after this bottle I'm done with it for a long time. I've been trying to only vape it after meals, but my tongue feels like it's been through a war. I probably will actually quit vaping it now until my tongue heals and see what taking a few hits once a day does. It's just so good .
Rixter Posted September 27, 2013 Posted September 27, 2013 (edited) ..They even melt plastic drip tips (ask me how I know)... How Rixter? I knew from the product pages not to use them in a plastic DD, so I put some (Nuclear Cinnamon Fireball) in a carto thinking I'd be okay with that...but I forgot about the clear drip tip being plastic. A little while later, I noticed that what used to be a clear drip tip was now a white drip tip, so I took it out. The bottom was starting to deform! It actually melted the plastic on the bottom and inside the flue turning it milky white! Edited September 27, 2013 by Rixter
Berani Posted September 27, 2013 Posted September 27, 2013 Thats the reason I havent tried cinnamon yet. It does tend to burn one's tongue. It also can crack tanks and make other juices taste like poo. It is fire with sweet. I dont know how to tame it, wish I did. Use sparingly. It cracks plastic tanks because of its high acidity. Acidic juices will damage plastic tanks in time (I learned this the hard way). It can be used with a Vivi Nova metal tank, but I personally use the Kanger ProTank. My own opinion is that the Vivi Nova mutes the flavors of any liquid more than the Kanger, but that's purely subjective. Cinnamon RedHot in a 50/50 mix (or a different ratio if you find the cinnamon too much, but stores in my area can only mix 50/50 by statute) with apple or green apple (green apple is also highly acidic) helps mute the "burn" and gives a nice flavor (and makes everyone want you to blow vapor in their face because it smells so good). It's what I vape about 90% of the time.
ECloudVapes Posted September 27, 2013 Posted September 27, 2013 If I may add a little here, the pg/vg ratio really has little to do with whether or not the cinnamon is "too much". It's more about the amount of cinnamon flavoring used during mixing. It has been my experience that some companies are not using pharmaceutical grade pg/vg bases or the bases are sold as pharmaceutical grade but are really low end cheap products. As a result, they have to use more flavoring to achieve the cinnamon result which in turn is too much cinnamon. These effects can also be caused by vendors adding water to stretch their liquids (yes, many do) and/or from people mixing who have little to no training on how to properly mix. Lastly, just plain ole bad recipes will cause this also. It is true that most any cinnamon blend, regardless of the manufacturer, as well as, citrus flavored liquids will ruin plastic tanks. We always recommend our customers use steel evod tanks when they purchase any of our citrus or cinnamon flavored liquids. We have never had an issue with the liquids and tips. Although, should that occur... I can only say that must be some strooong flavored juice. Recently, while scoping out one of our local competitors, we discovered they were using empty ketchup bottles to Yeah, seriously.. What was the scariest about this is they have been selling quite a bit of liquid and their customers had NO idea.. Maybe it's just me but, I'm very particular about what liquids I vape. I didn't give up cigarettes just to have something equally or even more harmful put into my body. It seems that people in general simply assume what they are vaping was blended with safe ingredients under sanitary conditions. Big mistake! VAPE ON!! P.S. When purchasing liquids from a local store front ask them if you can see their mixing room. If they allow you to go inside the mixing area run out of the store! No legitimate e-liquid seller will allow anyone other than those assigned to the area to enter. I mean... how sanitary could it be if they allow their customers to enter?
IMEDICx90 Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 You mean they emptied out ketchup bottles? Or they got empty ketchup bottles? I know they can be purchased and while if it was empty to start with... That's not a terrible idea. Makes it's pretty easy to transfer Vg and pg while still using a larger bottle for wholesale mixes. If it was a filled bottle that had been washed out/ sterilized I don't see why that's an issue either. If it was just a bottle they rinsed... Ok I'll give you that. Can you give any insight into that? spydre 1
ECloudVapes Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 Of course we have no idea where they obtained the bottles so, we can't say whether they were rinsed out or whatever. We view that as a moot point, however, as DIY materials are cheap enough. See DIY accessories HERE from NicVape. Everything you need with nothing over $ In fact, you can purchase everything on the entire page for under $40.00. Even assuming the ketchup bottles were purchased clean and sanitized it just doesn't look very professional. If they're too cheap to provide their customers with a little satisfaction of professionalism and sanitation (even if it's only a visual thing) .. well, they have no business mixing liquids and selling them. This type of behavior gives credence to the arguments of e-cig opponents. While we support some form of regulation, it's this type of behavior that will justify an overreach by the FDA when regulations do come. And, yes, they are surely coming. It's all about how we, as an industry as a whole, present ourselves that will determine what kind of and how far the regulations will go... Lastly, I think you overlooked the underlying issue. If we were able to see the equipment they used, that means they're mixing their liquids in the presence of customers. How sanitary is a workstation situated in a store front where customers are in and out of all day long? Again, it's that type of money hungry disregard that is destined to give the industry a bad reputation.
IMEDICx90 Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 Well your right and I buy regular bottles to mix my customers stuff in (don't worry guys it's mustard bottles cause I like yellow better then red;)). And can I pose another scenario to you? Places like cold stone creamery and chipotle or Baja Fresh or even subway all have open buffet style lines where they "build" or mix if you will your order and people are in and out all day long. How is that any less sanitary? I mean as long as the company is continuously wiping down the counter or table they are mixing on and are using gloves and disposable pipettes or syringes (that would probably be quite expensive) and they weren't mixing the pipettes and syringes in multiple flavoring or nicotine bottles, I still don't see anything wrong with that. I would be more worried about someone who wouldn't let me see the area. I agree with not allowing them to put their grubby fingers on everything, as THAT would be a blatant disregard for anything sanitary, but I still don't see how that is a bad thing as long as the "appearance of sanitation" is present. The water bucket they have in most fast food places that they use to wipe down the counters are nothing more then a bleach powder and warm water. While not guaranteed to be completely sanitary, it still makes you feel good seeing them wipe the counters down just before they make a slew of food. Maybe we need to agree to disagree but I don't see your point as far as the juice mixing station being visible or not.
ECloudVapes Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 Baja Fresh or even subway all have open buffet style lines where they "build" or mix if you will your order and people are in and out all day long. How is that any less sanitary? Are you genuinely serious with your analogy or are you just trolling? If I need to go into the details of the differences you probably shouldn't be mixing liquids either. Regardless, to put it in simple terms there is a HUGE difference between ingesting through intestines which have filtering as opposed to inhaling which goes directly to the blood stream. The lungs are, in fact, the fastest way to the blood stream aside from intravenous methods.
vapeoftheflies Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 I believe what ecloud is referring to is the unprofessional-ism that some of the b&m stores have when it comes to mixing liquid and yeah I might sound snobby but when mixing it has always been my concern when im at home to have the cleanest area possible and because of these companies just doing a quick job on mixing and not even doing in batches it could put the industry down because it could later bring health concern you know with syringes i want to see you have a clean syringe before you squirt the flavoring in the base you know i dont want remnants of tobacco flavor in my lemon lime mix or my blueberry juice.
bcartervol98 Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 Everyone, especially suppliers and vendors, are always going to market the products they carry to sound better, safer, better values than others. Some even use fear tactics and such to do so (surprised huh lol). Are there some unsanitary facilities mixing liquids out there? I am sure there are. I would think however the larger suppliers that have huge followings are using safe sanitary measures due to the investment they have made for the future of their business. I do not, and will not, buy from any Brick and Mortar, unless at some point online sales are banned and I am forced to. Most of the brick and mortar owners and operators I have met personally are smug and try to market their products not on the merits of said product, but by bashing other products. As someone that has ran a successful auto dealer group for over 10 years I can tell you it is always going to work against you. And to top it off, the liquids they carry that are certified by the group of liquid makers that formed the certification process taste disgusting and very chemically to me. I used to complain there are no stores in my area, and with hardware it would have been nice to be able to have a bit more in person help than I got online admittedly. Thing is now there are 4 with a 5th opening today in my city. There is a local Vaper group page on Facebook they post in and it is amazing how they think negativity sells their product. They are rallying for an online sales ban. There was just a story on our local news where a B&M owner said they do not carry flavors like Cotton Candy, Gummi Bear, and others that are "obviously intended to attract teens and kids". THIS FROM A SHOP OWNER! Unbelievable to me at least. Lastly I would think liquids mixed in ketchup, mustard, or mayonnaise jars is still better than smoking, and only constitute the most extreme cases of unsanitary mixing facilities. Bebop 1
Bebop Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 I agree with bcarter. That is a fundamental aspect of success in any business, honesty and professionalism. It doesn't guarantee 100% safety but even regulation does not guarantee safety. One of the positives of regulation is that hopefully it will weed out the few truly inept and incompetent mixers. Most will take care to see that a standard is maintained if they have any sense at all. We don't live in a perfect world. We take risks all the time whether its buying products from big manufacturers and suppliers or your local farmer's market.
bcartervol98 Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 Back on topic for a second, I love cinnamon. I use cinnamon toothpaste, love Red Hots, and overall am a huge cinnamon fan. I have found that not all flavors we like to eat or drink translate into a good vape. Thats is cinnamon for me. I tried 4-5 flavors, and they all were true in their flavoring but just weren't for me. I tell you other than my one Strawberry flavor, I haven't put down the Fuzion liquids since my first order. Its almost exclusive at this point. I am not sure if they have a cinnamon, but if they do, I would try it if you are looking for a great supplier with awesome flavor profiles.
Bebop Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 Lol, it was a good diversion... All of the cinnamon flavors I have enjoyed have been light mixes, with hints of cinnamon among other flavors. Perhaps this is why I havent experienced cracked tanks either
ECloudVapes Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 Everyone, especially suppliers and vendors, are always going to market the products they carry to sound better, safer, better values than others. Some even use fear tactics and such to do so (surprised huh lol). Ketchup/Mustard/Mayonnaise Botlles vs. Quality/Safe/Sanitary E-Liquid Manufacturing Most of the brick and mortar owners and operators I have met personally are smug and try to market their products not on the merits of said product, but by bashing other products. As someone that has ran a successful auto dealer group for over 10 years I can tell you it is always going to work against you.The foundation of successful marketing is premised upon explaining why people should buy your product as opposed to the competitions. Marketing 101. But, as a used car dealer I'm sure you are more than aware of that. Regardless, we didn't bash anyone. If we had, we would have mentioned the name of the B&M which we didn't. And, yes, they do sell online as well. Nor was there any attempt to do anything other than point out greed stricken individuals who care more about making money than they do about the health of their customers. And to top it off, the liquids they carry that are certified by the group of liquid makers that formed the certification process taste disgusting and very chemically to me.The fact that a particular company is AEMSA certified or affiliated with any other certification process has absolutely nothing to do with the taste of their liquid. To think otherwise is simply a lack of knowledge of how liquid is made. The basic ingredients of liquids are the same. Taste is the result of a recipe which the certification process has no regulation on other than the quality of pg/vgThere is a local Vaper group page on Facebook they post in and it is amazing how they think negativity sells their product. They are rallying for an online sales ban. There was just a story on our local news where a B&M owner said they do not carry flavors like Cotton Candy, Gummi Bear, and others that are "obviously intended to attract teens and kids". THIS FROM A SHOP OWNER! Unbelievable to me at least.Actually, those actions may prove to be brilliant as some of the talks with the FDA have included the ban of online sales and such flavors that would necessarily attract minors. It sounds to me like the B&M guy you refer to is up on what's really going on behind the scenes. Things the average Joe doesn't become aware of until after the fact..We don't live in a perfect world. We take risks all the time whether its buying products from big manufacturers and suppliers or your local farmer's market.While technically your comment is correct, I see no need to take unnecessary chances like jumping off a bridge to test fate simply because life is filled with other risk.. With all due respect, that is just asinine.
bcartervol98 Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 (edited) Well I hope you stay in business, but I would work on the borderline insulting condescending tone you seem to espouse in a lot of your posts. Mods can delete this if they want, but it has bothered me a while and this is where I say something. I wont respond to you anymore, but will exit by saying I would not do business with you given your tone on here alone. Oh and I am not a "used car dealer" as you condescendingly said, I am General Manager for a large GM Automotive group and with the highest customer satisfaction survey scores in my state, something an "average Joe" wouldn't know. I do know that using the underlying sarcastic tones that you use in your posts on here are something I would fire someone for if they were to talk to potential customers the way you have on here. I am not sure if you own the business or work there, but if everyone in E-Cloud Vapes has the same type of skills in talking to others that you do, I would bet in a years time there is a "for lease" sign in front of your building. And no reply is necessary, as I will not see it since I put you on my ignore list like I should have a while ago. Edited September 28, 2013 by bcartervol98 spydre and IMEDICx90 2
ECloudVapes Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 After rereading my post I found nothing condescending. I simply provided rebuttal based on facts as opposed to guesses and/or speculation and/or opinion. You made comments about liquids/processes that are simply not factual and will ultimately mis-lead newbies. As a supplier, it is my job to make sure the information provided is accurate.Have a nice day sir..
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