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Help getting inferno taste out!


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Okay, so I had really just a little bit of inferno in my PT 2 that I got rid of, but it had been in there for about 2 weeks - yeah, it was before my seizure - so I emptied it out, washed out real well with hot soapy water, threw away the coil, and it still smells/tastes like inferno. Am I going to have to soak it in hot soapy water, or am I going to have to let it sit in vodka or everclear to get ride of residue? I really wasn't expecting this, because it had MAYBE 3/4 ml in it, maybe a bit more.

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I was afraid of that. Shi-oh, no, shoot. Who knows when hubby will get around to picking some up. I'm going out today, but my father in law is driving me to St. Louis for my doctor's appointment, and I really doubt he would stop so I can pick up some vodka, unless I do at at a gas station on the way there or home. But yeah, no, he wouldn't like that. As it is, I'm going to have to impose on him and see if he'll take me to 3D vapor or Better Vapes on the way home so I can get more coils and a couple more Evods (don't know how I managed it, but I completely LOST the Evod that had my cinnamon roll in it - the juice isn't a big loss, I still have more of the juice, but I need the evod, considering how difficult it is finding things that sit right in my mouth right now....which reminds me, I have a neuro appointment today, but not my epilepsy neuro, my MS neuro. I wonder if she'll have any insight as to why my tastes get screwed up with seizures? Last time it happened, it spawned an entire diet change, including cereal.

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Okay, so I got a little airline bottle of vodka from the gas station I grabbed a soda at - little dollar bottle. Soaked the stuff for 10 hours. A couple of the o-rings still have the faint whiff of it, but I'm hoping once I get a juice in there that's flavorful enough, it will cover it up. I just don't want to get another juice in there that I will need vodka for again, but I'm going to insist that hubby keep a vodka or everclear supply on hand for coils, because I dropped in three coils that I had sitting, waiting to go back into a flavor when I tanked that flavor up again and I forgot what flavor it was, so I dropped them in there, too. I've been going through coils like you wouldn't believe the last two weeks switching contents of tanks and stuff.

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