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I am new to vaping but I am loving it! I have the eGo 1000mah passthrough and several different tanks already. So far my favorite is the Kanger EVOD. Still trying to find a juice that I really like, but I have some on order with VapeDudes that hopefully will be in mailbox when I get home next week. I drive a truck with my husband and trying to quit smoking can be challenging, but using the vapor cigarettes have helped a lot. Now I just need the find places that I can pick up juice while I am on the road! :yes


Hi and welcome!!!

I am brand new here too. I can tell you that so far I feel so very welcome here. The people are great and really want to help.

My only suggestion would be to do a google search for vape shops in the zip code that you are driving through. I am sure that you guys have your route mapped out and have a good idea of where your stops are going to be. You may have luck finding something (vape shop) not too far off the hwy. I would think that some of the larger truck stops might have some vaping supplies behind the counter.

HTH's and Good luck!!!!


Welcome !! Very glad to have you with us. vaping and being on the road go well together. you will have to do some research to find stores, there are more than there used to be at least. Being on the road.....backups are good.


I have been using usavaporsearch or something like that to look for places along our route. The biggest problem I run into is that there is normally no place to park a 40 ft. truck. :yes We live between Cincinnati and Columbus, and unfortunately there are no vapor shops in town. If I really need something there is the Flea Market on the weekend or a little shop about 30 minutes away. Needless to say I will try ordering from a couple of different places that way when I do get home then I have stuff waiting for me other. Something other than bills and honey-dos! lol


Welcome aboard!

I use to drive as well so I can totally understand the frustrating limits of where you can get the truck into... too bad most vapor shops seem to be located in small strip malls that have no possible way to park a rig :wallbash:


You got that right!! LOL I will just have to make sure I have a good stash set up before we leave home each time. One more good reason to do shoppinng on the net! :laughing:


Not to make a plug for myself.... But I make and sell the juices over in the classifieds section. Pretty cheap and good flavor based on the reviews. :) if your ever in need of some good juice cheap let me know. :)


Welcome and if you are ever in Texas, the shops I know of here is the vapor bar and dfw vapor, I personally have used dfw vapors and I like it a lot. Good luck and I hope you find some good juice!

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