Ellynn99 Posted November 29, 2010 Posted November 29, 2010 Derstadtschultz---I agree. The insurance companies especially! That is why the healthcare system is messed up and we are paying more and more out of pocket and getting less coverage. Now I believe most Doctors are all for preventative care, but most are not informed about e-cigs. I think it is mainly because they don't want to push something that is not approved by the FDA. If it were to get approved, I can say for sure my Dr. would suggest it. When I went to see her a week ago and I mentioned wanting to quit analogs, she told me all the basic Options....and even mentioned Chantix, but I could tell she was not thrilled with it because of the negative side effects.....depression and suicidal thoughts. So for them an e-cig is something they would not advise, but kinda like they would let you try at your own risk. Yes, I also think the FDA, Government, and Tobacco companies are working together. Why the heck would they approve cigerettes which is proven to kill you and give you life crippling diseases and yet not really seriously look into e-cigs more closely... A habit that only contains maybe one or two chemicals that may or may not harm you long term? It does all come down to MONEY. AND THIS CHICK RIGHT HERE IS NOT PAYING THE GOVERNMENT ANYMORE EXTRA MONEY OUT OF POCKET THEN I NEED TO!! TroopX 1
TroopX Posted February 9, 2011 Posted February 9, 2011 RE: The FDA is focused on stopping the terrible effects of tobacco use in our country. ------ ...and Monsanto cares about family farms, and people. Great post, but that line on the FDA got me. I'll stop before I rant. Food inc, is a great place to start. /rant averted. Seriously- great posts though.
ryeis1 Posted March 6, 2011 Posted March 6, 2011 I just tried my first e cig a few days ago and I shouted from the rooftops! My exact thought was that I can quit smoking without quitting smoking!!! What's wrong with that? It's a win win situation all around. My stance is that the United States Postal service is in grave trouble now because they should have invented email. Likewise, big tobacco should have invented e cigs. I hope e cigs catch on to the point where cigarettes are considered quaint and big tobacco ceases to exist! If there is truly a risk of prohibition, we need to get the petitions going and demand comprehensive unbiased toxicology and research by an independent firm with no ties to either side and put the issue to rest once and for all. Boostedrex, AimeeG and Uma 3
Nanna Posted March 6, 2011 Posted March 6, 2011 If it were to get approved, I can say for sure my Dr. would suggest it. When I went to see her a week ago and I mentioned wanting to quit analogs, she told me all the basic Options....and even mentioned Chantix, but I could tell she was not thrilled with it because of the negative side effects.....depression and suicidal thoughts. So for them an e-cig is something they would not advise, but kinda like they would let you try at your own risk. I can tell you that my Nurse Practitioner, who is my primary care provider, is a big fan of them, since she has seen me stop smoking with them. I am in the masters program now to get my NP, and a lot of my instructors have discussed it with me, know people who have used e-cigs, and are all in favor. As a nurse, I tell people all the time about e-cigs, and I direct them here, so they can get all the information, including reference to the FDA's concerns. Uma 1
Ray Posted March 7, 2011 Posted March 7, 2011 It was good to read the original post again. This is something all newbies should pointed to when they first join us and something all of us should reread from time to time. I've gotten pretty lax since I first joined and have not been contributing like I did at first, but when I read something this good, it gets me charged up again.
Cheriepye Posted April 14, 2011 Posted April 14, 2011 I use 0mg cartridges and feel no desire to go back to analogs. But that's me. I can't speak for anyone else. By the time I started smoking AGAIN I didn't smoke near as much before (3 packs a day). When my daughter started smoking I would "share" with her till started back on my own, which was probably 2 packs a month. I think the antidepressants help with that. Bot im glad I'm smoke free.
Cheriepye Posted April 14, 2011 Posted April 14, 2011 (edited) I didn't read thru even the entire first post in this thread, simply because I had to stop and look in shock and awe at one particular comment. You said you think that the FDA cares about us and is in this fight for the health of the people... This is complete BS. I'm not calling you out, suggesting that you're dumb or anything at all like that. But they certainly do not care about us. If they did, there is no conceivable reason for them to do what they've been doing(seizing shipments, spreading all kinds of lies and BS about e-cigs being dangerous or potentially dangerous). We KNOW for a fact that cigarettes are TERRIBLE for us, yet the FDA allows them to be sold. Meanwhile, here comes a much safer alternative, and what do they do? They say that because they haven't been proven completely safe(wtf is 100% safe anyway?), that they should be pulled from the market until they can be proven completely safe, despite the fact that cigarettes, in contrast, have been proven 100% NOT safe, yet they're allowed to be there. This is all about money and complaints from either the tobacco industry, the pharmaceutical industry, doctors who get kickbacks, or a combination of all three. These are NOT marketed to kids. These are NOT nicotine-cessation devices. Despite the common belief that apparently adults don't like or deserve candy, THEY DO. These are also not drug delivery devices. What about 0 nic juice? And even WITH nicotine in the juice, if this is a drug delivery device, then so are cigarettes. So is a coffee mug. So is an aluminum can. We can be ridiculous about this and start calling everything that aids you in the ingestion, inhalation, or absorption of ANYTHING a drug delivery device, or we can just end the madness and give smokers a much healthier alternative to smoking that still allows them to get the nicotine they crave. It also allows them the option to actually quit because it addresses the hand-to-mouth action, it addresses the "smoke" aspect, and it provides lower levels of nicotine and even 0 nicotine juices. There are cigarettes with lower nicotine(or at least that's what I THINK "lights," which we can't call them anymore are), but there aren't any with ZERO nicotine. And now thanks to new legislature, if one were to try smoking lower nicotine cigarettes, it's much more confusing because we can't call them lights or mediums or whatever anymore. Gums, patches, and pills have a horrible success rate. Only the e-cigarette has a success rate higher than 20%(which is probably being incredibly generous to other methods of quitting), and it wasn't even intended as an aid for quitting. That's saying something. That's powerful. THAT is why all this crap is going on, because it is so great. The FDA sees this. The FDA knows this. Doctors know this. The pharmaceutical industry knows this, and so does big tobacco. The government wants e-cigs gone because they're losing tax money. The Pharmaceutical industry wants e-cigs gone because they're competition to the gums, patches, and pills that don't work. Big tobacco wants e-cigs gone because they're competition to cigarettes, and (some)doctors want e-cigs gone because it prevents them from getting as many dr. visits, prescribing as many drugs, and in turn, getting as many kickbacks. Basically, for every person that wants e-cigs gone, they have a financial interest in their removal from the market. It's THAT simple. And every single thing I ever hear about the FDA points to the fact that they absolutely ARE NOT for our benefit. They don't want us to be healthy. Keeping us unhealthy is what keeps their wallets full. Same goes for doctors and pharmaceutical and insurance companies. That's why there will never be a cure for AIDS. There's no money in it. Edited April 14, 2011 by BirdDog so reply is visible MrMark 1
Cheriepye Posted April 14, 2011 Posted April 14, 2011 RE: The FDA is focused on stopping the terrible effects of tobacco use in our country. ------ ...and Monsanto cares about family farms, and people. Great post, but that line on the FDA got me. I'll stop before I rant. Food inc, is a great place to start. /rant averted. Seriously- great posts though. That's why there will be no cure for AIDS. There's no money in it. cheeple and MrMark 2
cheeple Posted July 12, 2011 Posted July 12, 2011 The FDA is not worried about our health, the FDA is big business, why else would they clear Asparte, and Sucralose which is Killing the public. I'll take my Nicotene wrapped up nicely in a vegetable based Glycerin in my Xhale02 e-cigarette.
cheeple Posted July 12, 2011 Posted July 12, 2011 This is perhaps the most thoughtful and absorbing post I've read here. As a nurse myself I can say this, I have never treated a single person, adult or child, for nicotine poisoning but I have seen scores of smokers die. I was headed down that path myself until I discovered vaping. Addiction is not just about the drug of choice, it also involves the actions leading up to the use of the drug. I have heard addicts say they loved the feel of a torniquet or the sting of a needle. We too enjoy our rituals, the opening of the pack, the feel of an analog in our hand, the flare of the lighter, and most of all the glorious billow of smoke. Remember closing your eyes and just letting that first drag wash through and over you? E cigs come the closest to those feelings, no patch ever soothed me. I never chewed gum or took a pill during a phone conversation or crisis. We need to be careful with our juices, but how many other dangers exist in our homes that we safeguard? Medications, cleaners, the list of our daily toxins could go on and on. We need to be careful and Chris has taken an important step in keeping us aware and kids safe. If I can eliminate this slow suicide path I was heading down then I am willing to do it. I enjoy vaping as much if not more than smoking, I can feel good about this because I am not hurting myself or others. We need to address all the aspects of smoking because face it we are all addicts, and we are addicted to something legal but highly disapproved. I'm tired of being treated with the same disdain as that of a criminal. Now I am free of those glares and I can move ahead improving my health and NOT FEELING GUILTY cause I am harming no one. Damn that was an enoyable read
Viper Ron Posted July 15, 2011 Posted July 15, 2011 wow that just killed an hours time, great post was a great read i agree totally.
DannyBoyfromWashington Posted November 9, 2011 Posted November 9, 2011 Great post for sure, FDA = Federal Dominance Agenda
seanben Posted December 28, 2012 Posted December 28, 2012 Vaping is a lot safer than smoking as it don't contain any actual smoke which is harmful for health..
HelloMiakoda Posted November 15, 2013 Posted November 15, 2013 These nicotine liquids can be extremely harmful if taken in large quantities. My greatest fear is that we will soon hear about a toddler who drank e-liquid and died from it. I hate this statement. What about a toddler drinking my bleach, my 409, eating my bottle of prescription medication, the fatally poisonous chemicals I use with my electronics, eating my batteries, The list goes on! What about caffeine? I've ODed on caffeine! (I didn't know you could, at the time. What a trip, don't ever do it) What about alcohol? You can OD on that too. The world is full of things that if used, abused, or carelessly let fall in to the hands of small children, will cause death. I have no children, so I don't do much to "child proof" anything. (Actually, given my love of experimenting with electricity, my home would be a child's death trap. Shock hazards, chocking hazards, poisoning hazards... don't bring your kids here) If I did have kids, e-liquids would be secured with my alcohol. The FDA loves to "over protect" and ruin good things. LuckiStarre and Uma 2
Uma Posted November 17, 2013 Posted November 17, 2013 I dont want to see the next generation smoking ... thats why i vape. I'd much rather see a minor see what the fuss is all about, get bored, and walk away without addiction, than to see that minor experiment with a cigarette and be imprisoned for life. The nicotine in an ecig is delivered at lower and slower paces than it is in a traditional. After a minor tastes these, then try a traditional, theyll never pick up another traditional again., they taste horrible in comparison. Save the children, via vaping. Put the smoke tax money back in the family budget, keep a roof over their head, keep your job. We DO care for the children, unlike the antz who want to deny shelter, employment, health care, insurance if anyone even looks at something that is not run by big pharma and the fda. LuckiStarre and capitanovapor 2
LuckiStarre Posted February 25, 2014 Posted February 25, 2014 This is such an interesting thread. I'm one of the people who believes the FDA could care less about the health of any American. The FDA is about control and profits. I've had two family members die of lung cancer caused by smoking. I have 3 adult children that became smokers, now 2 are vaping. Of course I'm happy about that. I smoked 2 1/2 packs, or more every day until my oldest son took me to his vape shop about 9 months ago. Neither me nor my son smoke analogs at all now. My husband and other son have not quit analogs entirely but have both cut down significantly. The success rate of vaping is much better than all other method's to quit smoking. Someone said 20% or less but just going by my family members that vape the success rate is 50%. The FDA routinely approves dangerous drugs for release that have horrible known side effects. After watching "Dallas Buyer's Club", a true story, further light was shed on the FDA refusing to approve AIDs drugs that were keeping people alive during the height of that epidemic. Instead, the only drug approved was ATZ, even after it was known to cause many of the diseases that those infected with HIV died of. I believe as an adult what I chose to eat, drink, or smoke is my choice. I don't need an organization dictating to me. Even with the FDA involved, we have recalls on tainted drugs. I am cautious about where I buy ejuice and avoid those made in China. Vaping is the best thing ever invented to get people off of analogs that do cause cancer. Nicotine doesn't cause cancer: it does restrict air flow in the body. I wouldn't advise a non-smoker to take up vaping but for smokers I think vaping is a miracle that must not be taken away from the public. I've already cut my nicotine level in half. My Dr. thinks vaping is great. Big tobacco is already developing e-cigs, I don't know if that's good or bad for the vaping community. It does prove there's big money to be made.
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