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2 questions from a kinda newbie

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I have my new davide tank and after a while of vaping the vapor goes down. Iys not the juice because I used another tank and its fine. I clean the wicks and dry burn and it still does not help. Im thinking maybe my batteries need replacing over just a month of use. I believe my batteries are knockoffs because they lack the logos

Other question is if im looking for another battery should I go with a spinner or all out for an e vic?

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In my experience every single coil that came in my Davide mini was junk out of the box. Now I just take out the coil that came with and throw it away. Once I get a new coil in there it works just fine. I would suspect it's the same for the regular Davide tank.

Went to my local B&M tonight after work to pick up yet another Vision Spinner 1300 mAh...and I think I'm going to be buying an Evic in the very near future. The Spinner is a solid performer, I know this from owning...quite a few. lol. The Evic looks very promising as well. It's just what you want to pay: $24.99 or $109.00

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I have been using the original that came with it. I have the means to rebuild it with cotton wick and 32g kanthal. Maybe ill give it a go and see what happens. I have rebuilt the heads on my nova and mt3, should not be too hard. The top of the battery did get wet from juice from a leaking tank, but i cleaned it out.

Well i figured out the reason why I try not to rebuild heads. I did what I normally do and did a heating with a lighter to remove the oxidization on the wire. I wrapped it 4 times around a micro screwdriver to create the coil. After getting it to 1.9 ohm I thread thru cotton wick. After putting it all together I let it sit in the juice for about 5 minutes to get the wick soaked. Every hit tastes like metal now. This is so frustrating.

Edited by loneranger721981
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Alright lone there is one LITTLE step you missed in the rebuild process that makes a HUGE difference. Once you have the coil built you need to put it on your battery (I'm assuming you know to put it in the base beforehand lol) and give a few fires. See if there are any hot spots in the coils, they should all glow evenly from the middle out. If you don't have any hot spots then thread it and prime it with just a few drops of juice and make sure you have good vapor coming off it. Then replace the stem... Blah blah blah.... Should take care of the metal your tasting. :)

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I did do that to make sure that my coil was not shorting. I tried with 8 wraps. Im going to go to wal mart and get some cotton balls instead of the embroidery string. Ill fill up my pencil torch to burn up the coil while compressed. I know its not the juice in any sort. I just need practice amd some patience. I have 2 650 knockoff ego batteries. Maybe that is affecting it somehow.

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nah are you making sure that you boiled the thread? that would be a big issue as well...

i highly doubt your battery would be affecting it. Sounds more like you need to let it heat the coils longer.... like try a few 5 second pulses... more then just enough to see if its shorting or not... i do about 10 to 15 pulses to break in my coils... i dont want to put them together only to have it pop because i didnt stress it enough. also what kind of wire? kanthal a-1? nichrome?

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It's only money!

That's dangerous to say to me. I'm bipolar - so the propensity to spend money is there....I have to be careful. It's tempting to just spend when I'm depressed to try to make myself feel better. But then on the rare occasions I get manic, the spending is soooo FUN! And I convince myself that I NEED that stuff. I think I said in another thread, I think I'm into a dysphoric mania right now, and I SOOOOO want to spend money it's not even funny, but I know I can't do that. That's why I handed over the bill paying to hubby after became disabled. He can keep us on a budget better....but I just found out about a bill that hasn't been paid in quite some time....and I don't know why he thought it was okay not to pay that, so now I need to kick his butt, because now, when we can least afford it, it's going to come bite us in the ***. And I had to tell him this last night.

ANYWAY, good money management and I don't go hand in hand.

Yeah, but it's so much easier to part with $25 than it is over $100! Lol. :D

But how many times have you spent that $25? Has it added up to over $100 yet?

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But how many times have you spent that $25? Has it added up to over $100 yet?

Of course it has. I've been vaping over a year and a half now. Still, it's good money spent. I don't over spend what I don't have or can't afford.

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That's dangerous to say to me. I'm bipolar - so the propensity to spend money is there....I have to be careful. It's tempting to just spend when I'm depressed to try to make myself feel better. But then on the rare occasions I get manic, the spending is soooo FUN! And I convince myself that I NEED that stuff. I think I said in another thread, I think I'm into a dysphoric mania right now, and I SOOOOO want to spend money it's not even funny, but I know I can't do that. That's why I handed over the bill paying to hubby after became disabled. He can keep us on a budget better....but I just found out about a bill that hasn't been paid in quite some time....and I don't know why he thought it was okay not to pay that, so now I need to kick his butt, because now, when we can least afford it, it's going to come bite us in the ***. And I had to tell him this last night.

ANYWAY, good money management and I don't go hand in hand.

But how many times have you spent that $25? Has it added up to over $100 yet?

Spydre,I've been nursing 25 years and most of those years have been in Psych nursing, from just reading your posts I would say you are in a manic state. Not way out there but there. Better let your husband keep the credit card for awhile. :yes

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As per medic's questions. I have a spool of 32g Kanthan A-1 Annealed round resistance wire. I have been trying to make a sort of micro coil. When i would make them before in my nova i got the same result so i just bought more coils. I only wrapped it about 4-5 times. I think this time around i am going to try about 8-9 wraps really tight and hold it together with tweezers while I torch it. After that I will throw it in my coil head and power it up. the way I measure my ohm's is with my multi meter. I put one end in the bottom hole and touch the threads with the other. Just touching the contacts together gives me a .3 ohm so i just subtract that from my reading. I usually get about 2 even. I purchased a bag of organic cotton balls from wally world and have them in a pot boiling now and will dry later.

Making my own coils is a new thing to me. Maybe this time I will take some pictures of how I am doing it and post them on here to see if I am doing something wrong. I am really good with electronics, but am struggling with this. I guess its because i dont normally inhale smoke that comes off a circuit board. That would be bad and unhealthy.

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