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I got gummy blood and unicorn blood and they were great and could have been my all day vape but I had a problem I kept getting a burnt taste no matter what I put it in I tried a protank 2 , 510 bridgeless attys and 306 bridgeless attys even taste burnt in a iclear 16 and the juice just simply would not work In my attys and my protank was brand new did I get a bad batch or is the juice always likie this I know its not my set up so what could it be I really want to give them another shot.

Posted (edited)

Hmmm... What voltage or watts are you vaping them at? Do you have the same problem with other juices?

I received a batch yesterday, and it vapes perfect for me in my ProTank 2 and my iClear30's.

Edited by 3Rutez

I tried voltages between 3.7 to 4.5 it seemed like it was not wicking and other juices are fine that's why I think I got a bad batch the flavor was great just a slight burnt taste at the end it wasn't a overwhelming taste but I could tell kinda like it had a lot of water in the juice


If someone else doesn't chime in, then I would suggest to contact Fuzion about this problem, as it could be a bad batch. That really blows. I'm sorry you are experiencing this issue, because it really is some killer juice. 2 of my favorites ATM.


I found my Unicorn Blood had a little spice to it. Maybe its something in the flavoring?

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