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16 Mg Vs 18 Mg Vs 24 Mg


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Probably been asked before but to lazy to look it up. While I know the difference, how does it show up in vaping? Stronger throat hit, more flavor etc. Would really like to know what all of you think. Not sure I can tell the diff. If you are vaping 24 will you feel the same satisfaction with 164? I can't.

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Well, youll definitly feel SOMETHING with 164mg, but not for very long ! You'll probably turn a whole new shade of teal, flop around on the floor like a fish, and then become stiff as a board for, well, forever. But seriously, I dont THINK theres any diff in taste or flavor, maybe a little more vapor, but the higher the mg, the harder to ween yourself off nicotene. Like with analogs, if you smoke Lucky Strikes, a Carlton just aint gonna cut it for you. Im sure some member knows more about this than me though

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I get a better thoat hit with the high mg. I like to hit the 24mg after a fustrating day or when dealing with the ex-wife. I don't really notice much change in the taste or vapor production. I do like to add a little VG to the high mg to make a thicker vapor and lower the mg.

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Vapor is the same, taste is a little less because the nicotine will take over a bit, throat hit is stronger but not by a whole lot.

The effect you feel going from lower to higher is a bit like when you havn't smoked for a while, then smoke a cigarette really fast. You know that light headed feeling? It's a bit like that, but much less.

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I vape the 24mg for typical times I would smoke tobacco (First thing in the morning, after eating, after sex) and the 16mg just to vape to vape.

I like to vape DURING sex, it REALLY breaks in the atomizer ! And its really fun, until the wife wakes up. :devil:

Edited by keenan
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My two cents is we all know nicotine is not good for you so if you can reduce the intake, preferably to zero, you should. Just a random public service message, not an opinion on those who still ingest nicotine (such as myself).

But is it really true nicotine "is not good for you". From everything I've read, its about on par with caffine..

This might make a great topic on its own.. Is there any need to quit vaping one day, or is it the same and enjoying a coffee...

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But is it really true nicotine "is not good for you". From everything I've read, its about on par with caffine..

This might make a great topic on its own.. Is there any need to quit vaping one day, or is it the same and enjoying a coffee...

I think it falls under the same catagory as "Anything in excess is not good for you". Like, the Doc says a glass of red wine every night is good for the heart, but 3 bottles of Burgundy every night, not so much. I think its the same with caffeine and nicotene. The key is moderation.

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I haven't really noticed a difference in 8mg to 16mg. I notice that the vapor is more abundant and that the throat hit is more with 16mg than with 8mg. I'm not sure about the rush...haven't had a rush of nicotine yet with any vaping.

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  • 3 weeks later...

MHO: 24mg is a little more "harsh", if that's the right term, to me. I do 24mg in the morning to get going and then switch to 16mg. Lately, I'm doing 12mg most of the day and it's fine. As mentioned here, moderation is the key. Nicotin does raise blood pressure and heart rate so it's probably best to moderate. Same with coffee. A few cups a day is OK but 5 pots is probably not too good.

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