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Hi Everyone, I am new to the forum and new to the E, today marks my one month anniversary of no cigarettes, however I am in need of some advice. I was a 1 to 1.5 pack a day smoker, I am looking for a similar throat hit and a fuller feeling in my lungs, Sounds bad I am sure, but for me to be able to stay on track, this is what I am looking for. Right now I have a tank and the smaller battery, also using Wild Pomegranite 24 grams. I tried the couple drops of vodka, and that really does nothing. Any advice would be much appreciated.



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Nothing is going to be just like inhaling burning leaves.You just hasta get your mind right.Try different liquids from different vendors and you should find something that you look forward to vaping.You will get your nicotine and you can blow clouds of vapor with all of it .

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