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Hi everyone

So I have had the pro tank & mini pro for a little while now and the things keep burning out. At first I thought okay it's because I didn't keep it full enough. Nope. So then I tried cleaning them every refill. Nope. Then I tried a different brand of juice so far it's okay. This really sucks because I love this brand strawberry.

Any ways I'm almost out of all my refill things and that ticks me off lol


What device (battery), voltage, and resistance coils are you using? I go through a ton of coils but usually get 3-4 tanks before I change. Usually its not even necessary then but the damn things are so cheap when I get the slightest burned taste I pop a new one in. Some fruit flavors have sweeteners that tend to gunk up coils faster than others. I will change 4 coils in my fruity and or sweet flavors for every one I change in my mints and I use them about equally.


If you mean the coils are burning out that is an unusual problem from my experience. I have been using GENUINE Kanger protank coils for months and have used, cleaned and reused coils multiple times with very few burnouts. Usually the wicks start to go at which point I rewind the coil with a new wick.


I'm using my kanger eVod that came in the starter kit and I've been using the strawberry juice so maybe that's what it is. Not sure

Yes it's the coils I don't have the things to replace them. I use the kind that comes with the pro tank. Don't think the ones I got are made by kanger though. But the pro tanks are real kanger.


If you mean the coils are burning out that is an unusual problem from my experience. I have been using GENUINE Kanger protank coils for months and have used, cleaned and reused coils multiple times with very few burnouts. Usually the wicks start to go at which point I rewind the coil with a new wick.

I bet she is having the same experience I do to be honest. I put in a new coil and it tastes great. By the second tank on that coil the taste is a little different, by the third or fourth it tastes burned in a lot of flavors. In others I can get 12 or more tanks out of one coil. I also use genuine KPT coils in my stuff, but some flavors seem to gunk em up more than others at least in my experience and I do not rewick or rewire coils. I am not at all technically inclined but I do keep 15-20 coils in each resistance on hand at all times as many as I go through lol. I would rather burn a buck that take time to learn how to redo coils.

But on a bright note I am saving the ones I toss now for Imedic and am going to trade em for some juice when I build up enough haha. I may try cleaning them, but in the past have had very little luck with that. I will run them through several cycled of hot water, then soak them in alcohol for a couple days, then rinse the thoroughly and let them dry. It just hasn't worked for me.


I thought the op might have meant the coils themselves were failing absolutely. If the coils are merely starting to taste off, burnt or whatever that's more than likely a matter of the properties of the juice being vaped. Generally the darker the juice the shorter the coil life before changing or cleaning. I have some juices that degrade the coils after a couple of tanks. I have one that goes a full 2 weeks of daily, frequent use.

As far as replacement coils, it's generally better to go with name brands vs. generics. The few pennies saved aren't worth the degradation in performance imo. In the case of replacement coils for Kanger devices, if you don't see the name Kanger in the item description it's likely a generic. While I haven't personally tried generic coil assemblies for protanks I did try generic replacement coils for Vivi Nova tanks. The difference in performance was night and day.


Kanger Brand Replacement coils are $5.95 for a 5 pack from sweet-vapes.com that's only $1.19 per coil and a good deal imo.

Also the coils that come with the tanks suck, plain and simple. I dont even try anymore. If I get a tank with a coil with it or in it I just toss em in a box for hard times and replace them with a freshie.


If you mean the coils are burning out that is an unusual problem from my experience. I have been using GENUINE Kanger protank coils for months and have used, cleaned and reused coils multiple times with very few burnouts. Usually the wicks start to go at which point I rewind the coil with a new wick.

How do you "clean" your coils? I may want to try your method and I am sure OP wouldnt mind hearing it as well. I just have not had much success at getting flavors out of the wicks and if there is a way to do it, then I am game.

I thought about just keeping a cup of alcohol in my "tank maintenance area" and tossing the coils directly in there once they get a burned taste then when I get 7-8 in there rinsing them several times with hot water, adding more alcohol, letting them soak for a day or two then lay them out to dry. Is that a decent plan?


I bet she is having the same experience I do to be honest. I put in a new coil and it tastes great. By the second tank on that coil the taste is a little different, by the third or fourth it tastes burned in a lot of flavors. In others I can get 12 or more tanks out of one coil. I also use genuine KPT coils in my stuff, but some flavors seem to gunk em up more than others at least in my experience and I do not rewick or rewire coils. I am not at all technically inclined but I do keep 15-20 coils in each resistance on hand at all times as many as I go through lol. I would rather burn a buck that take time to learn how to redo coils.

But on a bright note I am saving the ones I toss now for Imedic and am going to trade em for some juice when I build up enough haha. I may try cleaning them, but in the past have had very little luck with that. I will run them through several cycled of hot water, then soak them in alcohol for a couple days, then rinse the thoroughly and let them dry. It just hasn't worked for me.

Have you tried dry burning? I've thought my coil was out before and was experiencing this and I just rinsed everything out and did a dry burn and it's still kicking a week and a half later.


Have you tried dry burning? I've thought my coil was out before and was experiencing this and I just rinsed everything out and did a dry burn and it's still kicking a week and a half later.

No I haven't dry burned anything. I dont understand the chemistry and reasoning behind it is my reasoning for not doing it. If i am experiencing a burned taste from putting heat to a wick-coil soaked with liquid I would think it would be worse if I dry burned it. Maybe I just do not get the concept

Its really not that big a deal to me personally, the coils are cheap enough. I may try cleaning some coils, I may not. I may just save all my old ones and trade them to IMedic the re-builder for liquids lol.


The weird thing for me with this is the first draw never tastes burned. I pick it up after sitting for a while and take a draw, always fine regardless of how old the coil is. The next draw, a little burned. The next more burned. I let it sit for 4-5 minutes, another fresh draw, then repeat. Thats why I go through so many coils as I usually change them every 2nd or 3rd time I fill my Davide Minis and KPT2. The exception is Spearmint and Peppermint. I still have the same coils in those from a month ago. Its only the sweeter fruity flavors that do it. I once thought it was Strawberry Fields only but all my Fuzion flavors are the same so far. First tank with new coil, awesome, second not as awesome, 3rd or 4th tank the first draw is awesome then burned taste.


How do you "clean" your coils? I may want to try your method and I am sure OP wouldnt mind hearing it as well. I just have not had much success at getting flavors out of the wicks and if there is a way to do it, then I am game.

I thought about just keeping a cup of alcohol in my "tank maintenance area" and tossing the coils directly in there once they get a burned taste then when I get 7-8 in there rinsing them several times with hot water, adding more alcohol, letting them soak for a day or two then lay them out to dry. Is that a decent plan?

I rinse the coil/stem assembly in warm water and then pull the stem and set it aside. I then use a pair of hemostats to grab and remove the flavor wicks, gently rinse them in warm water and set them aside. I then soak the base coil/wick section in 100 proof vodka for at least 24 hours. After the soak I use a fixed voltage eGo (LOW voltage) to dry burn the coil in max 5 second bursts. When there's no more visible smoke burning off and the coil glows evenly I reassemble the entire thing. In extreme gunk cases I'll use a jeweler's screwdriver to gently scrape buildup from the coil wraps during the dry burn stage.

For me the wicks start to degrade with repeated cleaning cycles long before the bare coil fails

Obviously replacement coils are ridiculously inexpensive. I have gone through the cleaning ritual mostly to see how far I can push a coil and wick assembly before replacement or rewind/rewick. As always YMMV.


I agree. I have been able to keep my coils alive and not burnt but once the wick thins out and wears awau from washing, it's done.


and how far were you able to push it? my eyes aren't very good (i can't even solder anymore). I would imagine i'd have to buy a desk magnifying assembly to be able to do what your doing lol.


If you can, try pulling out a very small strand of wick when you get a burnt taste, it allows the coil flow a little better, The wick get burned close to coil and doesn't allow the juice to flow through the small gap fast enough and you get a dry hit. Just be sure not to pull out too much, I know it s tiny and delicate but it has worked for me.

Even though they are cheap I'm in the process of rebuilding my coils just to save a couple bucks and have some spares laying around, Just gotta work the nickel to kanthal fusing. I'm probably just geeking out but I wanna succeed :)


I thought the op might have meant the coils themselves were failing absolutely. If the coils are merely starting to taste off, burnt or whatever that's more than likely a matter of the properties of the juice being vaped. Generally the darker the juice the shorter the coil life before changing or cleaning. I have some juices that degrade the coils after a couple of tanks. I have one that goes a full 2 weeks of daily, frequent use.

As far as replacement coils, it's generally better to go with name brands vs. generics. The few pennies saved aren't worth the degradation in performance imo. In the case of replacement coils for Kanger devices, if you don't see the name Kanger in the item description it's likely a generic. While I haven't personally tried generic coil assemblies for protanks I did try generic replacement coils for Vivi Nova tanks. The difference in performance was night and day.

So when ordering the good ones for the Vivi Nova what will the name be?


How do you "clean" your coils? I may want to try your method and I am sure OP wouldnt mind hearing it as well. I just have not had much success at getting flavors out of the wicks and if there is a way to do it, then I am game.

I thought about just keeping a cup of alcohol in my "tank maintenance area" and tossing the coils directly in there once they get a burned taste then when I get 7-8 in there rinsing them several times with hot water, adding more alcohol, letting them soak for a day or two then lay them out to dry. Is that a decent plan?

As I was cleaning my Viva Nova the other day I was cleaning it good with Dawn dish liquid, a tooth brush and VERY hot water. I wondered if I could possibly be hurting something, like the plastic band on it. Can to much scrubbing or too hot water actually hurt the tank?


As I was cleaning my Viva Nova the other day I was cleaning it good with Dawn dish liquid, a tooth brush and VERY hot water. I wondered if I could possibly be hurting something, like the plastic band on it. Can to much scrubbing or too hot water actually hurt the tank?

I would imagine yes. When I clean my Davides and KPT2 I just disassemble them, rinse them with hot water, put them in a cup of alcohol and swish them around a few times over a couple hour period, then rinse them and let them dry. I would never "scrub" them. You bust a seal or an o-ring and its over.


If you feel like rebuilding the coils, rather than replacing them, here is a great tutorial on building a nano micro coil for your ProTank.

This guy is awesome, and I very much enjoy his vids. Straight forward and fairly simple process. I will be rebuilding mine when I finally purchase my Davide and Vamo V3. Just incase, I will order extra replacements. I would love to try out the cotton, as it brings out the best flavor.


So when ordering the good ones for the Vivi Nova what will the name be?

The authentic Vivi Nova is a Vision device. So replacement coils from Vision are the real deal and not generic knock offs.


and how far were you able to push it? my eyes aren't very good (i can't even solder anymore). I would imagine i'd have to buy a desk magnifying assembly to be able to do what your doing lol.

When got my first protanks I put my coil/wick assemblies through maybe 5 cleaning cycles before the wicks degraded too much for my taste. I have actually killed only a couple of coils, one of which I killed by dry burning it at too high a voltage. One or two were doa right out of the box. Altogether I've probably used 70 or so new coil assemblies. Of those I've repeatably rewound/rewicked maybe 10. The rest are still serviceable in stock condition, either soaking in vodka or ready to use.

At this point I'm done experimenting and tinkering for the most part. If for whatever reason push comes to shove with vape supplies I can make what I have on hand last for quite some time if I have to. Semper paratus.

Nowadays if I feel like it I'll grab parts that I've cleaned, put them back together and vape with that. If I'm feeling lazy or rushed I'll just grab a brand new one. As I said, they're pretty inexpensive.


B!!! I figured out how to fix your issue!!! It's simple and takes maybe 5 seconds. When you get the coils take the stem off and throw away the silica flavor wicks on top of the coil. Or save them for later use;) and then grab some cotton embroidery floss and cut three 1/2 inch pieces and lay them on top of the coil. Then replace the stem and use a toothpick to push them into the well where the coil actually sits and viola! Your problem is your juices are too thick to wick properly to the coil with out a lag period. I was having the same thing happen. The new one size fits all coils are coming with a tighter woven silica it seems and can't handle Vg heavy fluid. So the cotton wicks far more efficiently is MUCH quicker the silica. It's a little more time consuming then just tossing the old one and putting in a new one but I'm telling you.... Your coils will last you longer then a week, and this is coming from someone who can empty a protank 2 times in a single day. :) just thought I would offer the suggestion since I have had the issue myself.


Bcartervol98, it's really easy! Dry burning removes all the black gunk from the coil and sometimes from the wick which is what I believe causes the nasty taste. That's what I prefer to do. I like to get the most mileage out of my gear as possible, but if you prefer to just toss in a new one, have at it :). However if you do want to try it, there are tutorials on YouTube. I'd suggest watching pbusardo's.

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