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Schwarzenegger, Starting To Really Like Him

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It was hardly a bill of cosmic import, but Assemblymember Tom Ammiano’s AB 1176 would have helped the Port of San Francisco with some financing issues. It’s the kind of bill that legislators offer on behalf of their cities all the time -- and generally, they are non-controversial. This one was the same -- no substantive opposition, it passed both houses easily -- and normally, the governor would sign it with little fanfare.

But no: Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill -- and sent Ammiano and the legislators a remarkable veto letter. The letter says nothing about the substance of the bill; in fact, the language is really convoluted and it’s hard to figure out what the gov is really saying.

Can you figure out what's hidden?


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I thought it was down right funny.

Although the crazies are claiming its a homophobia thing... I think maybe Ahnold is finally waking up to the truth that spending is Cali's biggest problem... time to veto the crap out of everything... I'd wish the White House would follow suit.

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I may be missing the "hidden" message, but didn't Arnold tell his legislators that he was going to Veto anything that came across his desk.

This was a post by Kmel in the SB400 thread.

"It was on the news this morning -- Schwarzenegger is threatening a mass veto of ALL legislation passed by the legislature if the legislature doesn't agree to upgrade California's water system."

This is the news story that was linked in her post. News story

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For those of you who haven't figured it out, look to the left of the message. Look at every first letter on the left it spells out F-U-C.... you get the picture ;)

No way that's real. I have to say, I'm on the east coast and only know Arnold from his pictures. But I've always respected what he had to say when I've heard him speak, admired his story of how he got where he is, couldn't believe he married Maria (kind of like royalty from England in the old days marrying the royalty of France) and always wondered if we got rid of the natural born requirement, how he would be as a president. That rule is so old.

So if that's real, he IS my hero, especially as it's a line from the first Terminator film (he didn't have too many lines). I'll be back is obviously the other.

Edited by FTJoe
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I seriuosly doubt Ahnold had anything to do with it, as most politicians write thier own letters. I think he is too smart to do something like that knowing the media would get a hold of it. He didnt get where he is that way, and if he DOES start doing things like that, he better keep acting on the back burner. As far as getting rid of the natural born citizen qualification for President, I hope they NEVER get rid of that one. Not that I wouldnt want Arnold to be in the White House, but that would open the door for some Kim Jong Il or Ahmajeedabeemabob or whatever his name is to run, and the way this country has been voting lately, scary man scary.

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I just don't see the difference between a natural born and someone who has citizenship for 40 years. I don't care if they moved here as long as they were raised here for a decent period of time. Bottom line is for the most part kids learn their ideology and morals from their parents. Does it really matter where they give birth to the child?

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