Thesheepdog Posted September 8, 2013 Posted September 8, 2013 I am getting some flack from the wife lately as she says she is seeing and reading posts or articles or whatever on E-cig's harming people. 1. I cant imagine them comparing to tobacco harm 2. They say it causes pneumonia? I havent seen nor heard of that. have you? 3. The drying effect of the PG causes cancer? LOLOLOLOL When she married me I had pipes and cubans. I smoked outside or on the porch. Now I vape in my office in the air conditioning. At first she liked it. Then hated the tobac. Then loved me quitting. Then loved the sweet smelling vapes. Now she thinks they are as bad as tobac! She says internet and TV doctors are expressing fear over e-cigs. Sigh. It all sounds like politics to me. wizard46304 1
wizard46304 Posted September 8, 2013 Posted September 8, 2013 Mine quit cold turkey 5 years ago. She gives me grief about vaping on occasion for the same reasons. I don't know how much Less harmful vaping is, but I do know I feel better since I started vaping and quit analogs.
subnuclear Posted September 8, 2013 Posted September 8, 2013 I am getting some flack from the wife lately as she says she is seeing and reading posts or articles or whatever on E-cig's harming people. Now she thinks they are as bad as tobac! She says internet and TV doctors are expressing fear over e-cigs. Sigh. It all sounds like politics to me. This is the exact reaction they are trying for. They want to cause fear and hysteria. John Rockefeller did the same thing to electricity when they first started lighting homes with it (light bulbs). He did it because he had a monopoly on Kerosene oil and saw the future and a diminished profit coming from his Kerosene. Luckily electricity won that battle. Let us hope E-ciggs do not lose their battle.
iheartvape Posted September 8, 2013 Posted September 8, 2013 Cigarettes cause cancer... Still sold in stores, Alcohol causes liver damage and has been the cause of many dui related deaths.... Still sold in stores, Vaping smells good, and allows people to quit cancer causing tobacco.... Let's attack that and try to ban them! What a backwards ***, ignorant society America has become... It's sad really. Rixter, Tam and jonnoh 3
spydre Posted September 8, 2013 Posted September 8, 2013 Sign up for CASAA. Then, if you are on Facebook, sign up for their FB page - they debunk the "negative" study out of France recently (which all levels of anything detected are in line with a study done YEARS ago, well below the levels known to cause any problems, PLUS, there is a study that was done at Drexler University - the results have been released, but it has not been officially "published" in a scientific journal (the same way the French study hasn't, I believe) or peer reviewed, that stated, basically, yes, there can be some undesirable stuff in what we inhale, but far, far lower than any level that would cause harm, and there is NO second or third hand exposure effect, since vapor is only produced when you inhale, and you only exhale, essentially water vaper. Somewhere, there is a link to CASAA's blog about that study, and the facebook page links to a further in-depth article about it, and a link to the study. Also, there are some questions on how the French study was conducted, while the Drexler U study used machines essentially vape and measure what was being "inhaled".
cigbuyer Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Lots of fear mongering going on right now... like the story last week (on all the major news outlets) about the rising use of e-cigs by teenagers. Of course teens are using e-cigs... they use cigarettes and marijuanna too! The CDC did a similar study just a few months prior about the rising use by adults... but of course the media only jumped on the story about teens. The numbers are growing for EVERYONE because people are becoming more educated and e-cigs offer lots of benefits over tobacco... jonnoh 1
Christie Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 I am getting some flack from the wife lately as she says she is seeing and reading posts or articles or whatever on E-cig's harming people. 1. I cant imagine them comparing to tobacco harm 2. They say it causes pneumonia? I havent seen nor heard of that. have you? 3. The drying effect of the PG causes cancer? LOLOLOLOL When she married me I had pipes and cubans. I smoked outside or on the porch. Now I vape in my office in the air conditioning. At first she liked it. Then hated the tobac. Then loved me quitting. Then loved the sweet smelling vapes. Now she thinks they are as bad as tobac! She says internet and TV doctors are expressing fear over e-cigs. Sigh. It all sounds like politics to me. Well cigarettes cause cancer of the mouth throat , bones lungs and everything else , and copd and a mirad of other things, INCLUDING pneumonia ecigs causepneumonia? sounds like youd just be ahead of the game lol . no , really its reallyl too bad people cant do more research before jumping on the OMG WAGON .
Rixter Posted September 10, 2013 Posted September 10, 2013 I've heard that if you swallow small amounts of saliva over a long period of time that you will eventually die. jonnoh, Tam and Aquatroy 3
Jeffb Posted September 10, 2013 Posted September 10, 2013 I've heard that if you swallow small amounts of saliva over a long period of time that you will eventually die. QFT
spydre Posted September 10, 2013 Posted September 10, 2013 Lots of fear mongering going on right now... like the story last week (on all the major news outlets) about the rising use of e-cigs by teenagers. Of course teens are using e-cigs... they use cigarettes and marijuanna too! The CDC did a similar study just a few months prior about the rising use by adults... but of course the media only jumped on the story about teens. The numbers are growing for EVERYONE because people are becoming more educated and e-cigs offer lots of benefits over tobacco... The CASAA facebook page has a link up right now (well, it's in the comments of a post bashing a certain doctor) where a Fox affiliate interviewed the Science Director of CASAA and this station's local "Dr. Oz" type doctor. She threw out the the CDC's claims, claimed they were being marketed to kids because they come in flavors (um, flavors are why we PREFER these over regular cigarettes). Dr. Phillips - who appeared to be on a Skype call in, rather than sitting in a well lit studio with TV make up on, pointed out the flaw with the CDC's figures - the questions were asked were have you taken 1 puff off an e-cig, not have you smoked an e-cig. He put the actual usage by teenagers at a much lower percentage, and she AND the anchor kept rolling over him - IMO, the anchor should have shut the b***** up so Dr. Phillips could finish his answer. If teens are vaping off these things regularly, their sneaking off their parents' devices, or stole one of them. That's the video of the interview.
DAYVAPE Posted September 10, 2013 Posted September 10, 2013 (edited) Yeah... that dumbbitch needs slapped down a notch! She is super annoying in a matter of seconds! And... she's so full of nonsense it's funny! Edited September 10, 2013 by DAYVAPE
Thesheepdog Posted September 11, 2013 Author Posted September 11, 2013 I sent her a page from the Casaa site. The one with questions and truth. She said "OK, if you say so". Thats not ringing endorsement but good enough for me. It means she wont be coming back over and over again over it. Coca Cola is worse for us but she always wants that in the fridge. The hype just swept her up. As Nixon said in a mens room to Hunter S Thompson once when Thompson was talking about all the doomed in South east Asia. "F##k the doomed!"
GregZ001 Posted September 11, 2013 Posted September 11, 2013 I personally started looking into vaping about a month ago , reading all I could find watching every video reading all the avail reports on the topic , and 1 thing strikes me right up front when reading the pro's and Con's and this includes my own personal experience over the past 9 days since I put the cigs down . anyone here remember 714 qualudes back in the day , when the CDC / FDA and whom ever else was involved in that wanted that particular Drug Gone , guess what it just flat disappeared off the planet like in no time . hence year 2013 ......... if the CDC/FDA felt that E-Cigs were so bad and so horrible then why do we have them and why is there a store popping up on darn near every corner ? where I live I personally must have no less then 8 different stores in a 10 mile radius I think we all know full well if they really wanted them gone , they would disappear just like Ludes did years ago . is there something to them who knows all I know is I haven't felt this good or had this much energy in 30+ years
Havamal Posted September 11, 2013 Posted September 11, 2013 I just started Vaping about a month ago to quit smoking, I have not had a cig since my 1st day vaping! I looked into these "studies" and found that most of the anti vaping studies can typically be tracked back to tobacco or similar industries that stand to lose something. All the FDA is interested in is finding ways to regulate things so that they can get their share of the profits. The biggest issue I have is the way most of these studies are worded, I mean if you show some facts and statistics that can be backed up, fine, I'll listen... but that does not seem to be the case. Most of the Anti vaping studies are full of words like "might", "possibly", "likely", but they don't seem to use words like "does", "will", or "causes"... and where are the solid statistics to back up what they are saying? All they seem to be doing is putting forth an opinion that seems to have an ulterior motive that we can't see. But that is just my humble opinion... GregZ001 1
bcartervol98 Posted September 11, 2013 Posted September 11, 2013 Easiest way to explain it ever is that Big Tobacco is losing billions to the E-Cig industry, they have both politicians and doctors at their disposal, bought and paid for. If there were ANY WAY they could prove they are harmful, they would have done it already. Instead, they are trying to find ways to invest and buy into the industry as they KNOW once reputable long term studies are made public it will show e-cigs to be a much much healthier alternative to smoking combustible leaves and stems. spydre and Christie 2
GregZ001 Posted September 11, 2013 Posted September 11, 2013 I just started Vaping about a month ago to quit smoking, I have not had a cig since my 1st day vaping! I looked into these "studies" and found that most of the anti vaping studies can typically be tracked back to tobacco or similar industries that stand to lose something. All the FDA is interested in is finding ways to regulate things so that they can get their share of the profits. The biggest issue I have is the way most of these studies are worded, I mean if you show some facts and statistics that can be backed up, fine, I'll listen... but that does not seem to be the case. Most of the Anti vaping studies are full of words like "might", "possibly", "likely", but they don't seem to use words like "does", "will", or "causes"... and where are the solid statistics to back up what they are saying? All they seem to be doing is putting forth an opinion that seems to have an ulterior motive that we can't see. But that is just my humble opinion... i have to agree with this big time , earlier today i searched google over and over for FDA/CDC studies on ecigs and all i could come up with was concerns about kids vaping which id have to say i agree with , kids have no buissness doing it hey my opinion .... but as i was saying all i found was the words Regulate this and Regulate that , every other word was Regulate . Havamal 1
Christie Posted September 12, 2013 Posted September 12, 2013 Easiest way to explain it ever is that Big Tobacco is losing billions to the E-Cig industry, they have both politicians and doctors at their disposal, bought and paid for. If there were ANY WAY they could prove they are harmful, they would have done it already. Instead, they are trying to find ways to invest and buy into the industry as they KNOW once reputable long term studies are made public it will show e-cigs to be a much much healthier alternative to smoking combustible leaves and stems This is the best wording I have seen on the subject ! priceless bcarter! I've heard that if you swallow small amounts of saliva over a long period of time that you will eventually die. Only is its with gum , you know it will stick all your guts together and youll die!
Synther Posted September 12, 2013 Posted September 12, 2013 (edited) I am getting some flack from the wife lately as she says she is seeing and reading posts or articles or whatever on E-cig's harming people. 1. I cant imagine them comparing to tobacco harm 2. They say it causes pneumonia? I havent seen nor heard of that. have you? 3. The drying effect of the PG causes cancer? LOLOLOLOL When she married me I had pipes and cubans. I smoked outside or on the porch. Now I vape in my office in the air conditioning. At first she liked it. Then hated the tobac. Then loved me quitting. Then loved the sweet smelling vapes. Now she thinks they are as bad as tobac! She says internet and TV doctors are expressing fear over e-cigs. Sigh. It all sounds like politics to me. Well, pneumonia is going to be caused by a virus or bacteria. So unless you're vaping some seriously nasty stuff, I wouldn't be too concerned with that. The most recent study that has come out claimed that eCigs were harmful. However, within a week the results of that study were slammed as being inaccurate and full of falsified records. Then it came out that part of that study was paid for by major tobacco companies. So, you're is about politics...and money. Big tobacco has something to lose here and they're not above cheating to keep what they have. The only major tobacco company that has been smart about it was the one that bought Blu; rather than fight eCigs they decided to just buy an active eCig company and go with it. Ultimately, I see that happening more and more in the future, but they'll try everything they can in the meantime to hold on to the old ways and the old money. Also...I recommend learning to smile and nod and say, "Yes honey..." while you fill up your clearomizer and keep vaping. I'm fiancee vapes too. But smiling, nodding, and saying "Yes honey..." while vaping seems to work for other things, so I suggest doing that here too. Edited September 12, 2013 by Synther
Thesheepdog Posted September 14, 2013 Author Posted September 14, 2013 "Also...I recommend learning to smile and nod and say, "Yes honey..." while you fill up your clearomizer and keep vaping. I'm fiancee vapes too. But smiling, nodding, and saying "Yes honey..." while vaping seems to work for other things, so I suggest doing that here too." Did I mention my wife is going thru her hormone change? At times I feel like hiding the kitchen knives and ammo! She wants a silencer for a pistol so she can shoot at the cats who get into the yard at night! I just stick to my front bedroom office with the vapes for now.
NorthernGirl Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 *sigh* I hear ya. Occassionally I get the "now we just have to get you off that stuff" from my hubs... who was a Chantix quitter. Don't get me started on the side effects he had to deal with ( and really is still dealing with over a year later). Big Pharma and Big Tobacco are just peeved because they can't quite get their hands on a piece of the ecig pie.
spydre Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 *sigh* I hear ya. Occassionally I get the "now we just have to get you off that stuff" from my hubs... who was a Chantix quitter. Don't get me started on the side effects he had to deal with ( and really is still dealing with over a year later). Big Pharma and Big Tobacco are just peeved because they can't quite get their hands on a piece of the ecig pie. Other than the fact that I'm so darned many meds, and chronic conditions (three of which are "built in excuses") just one of those chronic conditions is enough to have my doctor telling me I can NEVER take Chantix. Not only do I have MS and Fibromyalgia, but I have Bipolar II disorder. Other than the mood side effects that it has on you (and then having to wean off of it), it should NEVER be given to people with bipolar. Most anti-depressants CAN be given to bipolar people, provided two things: 1) The person that they are given to is on a mood stabilizer - preferably one you know is working; and 2) you watch out for manic type behavior. Chantix is anti-depressant like, but it was never tested on bipolar patients (regular anti-depressants are tested on bipolar patients). It's "like" an anti-depressant - I think the closest classification is SNRI, but since they were making the medication an agonist to block as α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes, they knew it was going to screw with the mood making part of the brain, so they didn't want mentally ill people anywhere NEAR this thing. Certain AD's even if the bipolar person takes a mood stabilizer can send you manic anyway - Paxil usually sends beepers through the roof, either in your typical mania, or the type that I've gotten for the last 10 years, dysphoric mania. My very first dysphoric mania came thanks to Paxil, after just two days on it. Wellbutrin has a reputation for when it gives people manias, they are generally sexual in nature (I'm sure hubby would love that, but it causes seizures, so I can't take it). (Come to think of it, I'm going into a dysphoric mania now.....been going on since the seizure, since my anti-depressant was increased, I need to call my shrink tomorrow). But that was always my built in for not doing Chantix. They really, REALLY don't want mentally ill people taking Chantix, and I think my shrink would kill me.
spydre Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 I just started Vaping about a month ago to quit smoking, I have not had a cig since my 1st day vaping! I looked into these "studies" and found that most of the anti vaping studies can typically be tracked back to tobacco or similar industries that stand to lose something. All the FDA is interested in is finding ways to regulate things so that they can get their share of the profits. The biggest issue I have is the way most of these studies are worded, I mean if you show some facts and statistics that can be backed up, fine, I'll listen... but that does not seem to be the case. Most of the Anti vaping studies are full of words like "might", "possibly", "likely", but they don't seem to use words like "does", "will", or "causes"... and where are the solid statistics to back up what they are saying? All they seem to be doing is putting forth an opinion that seems to have an ulterior motive that we can't see. But that is just my humble opinion... Most of the studies I've looked into - other than the ones run by universities - have their roots in the 2008 limited "study" that the FDA did on an intercepted shipment of Chinese faux-analogs. That's at least the way I read it. I don't know if they tested the chemicals that the company was using in the juice, or if they picked this stuff up as residue off the disposable cartridges, but they found some nasty stuff - stuff that we are exposed to ANYWAY (found this on the e-cigarette wikipedia page, I believe), and it turns out it was in way lower levels than could EVER cause any harm to humans. The Drexler University Study had a much better procedure, and used information gleaned by what would have been inhaled and exhaled - using machines, not humans - and not residue, and not the chemical compounds of the juice. We should still be careful about where we get our juice, and that previous FDA "study" (they subsequently released the shipment for sale at the request of the manufacturer) is another reason why I don't get Chinese made juices. At least the sites I go to, or the B&M I go to, they guarantee that they use all food grade flavorings, and their flavoring AND ingredients are Diacetyl Free. Which you wouldn't think about, but it's used in Butter, and Butterscotch flavoring. Consuming it usually isn't a problem, but INHALING it (like workers do at microwave popcorn production facilities) when it's heated causes what's known as Diacetyl Induced bronchiolotis obliterans - an end stage lung disease, really only treatable by transplantation. There have been a lot of work comp/class action lawsuits over workers getting this, and OHSHA determined that when it's heated, it is hazardous to one's health. It's fine in butter (as long as you aren't inhaling it in, say, an aerosolized form like the sprayers put out at a microwave popcorn plant, so it's fine for consumption, and encouraged in alcoholic drinks, and consumables. I just don't want to inhale the *crap*. Most of the sites make a big deal out of being GMO free in their ingredients (usually VG) as well, but I don't worry as much about GMO's, unless there is an unknown danger to inhaling them that I didn't know about. Havamal 1
spydre Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 i have to agree with this big time , earlier today i searched google over and over for FDA/CDC studies on ecigs and all i could come up with was concerns about kids vaping which id have to say i agree with , kids have no buissness doing it hey my opinion .... but as i was saying all i found was the words Regulate this and Regulate that , every other word was Regulate . I agree, kids have no business doing it. But I feel less guilty than I did when I smoked around them. Back in the day, we would steal cigarettes from our parents, or we knew what shops or convenience stores/gas stations wouldn't ID. But I don't think there is ANY B&M shop in this area that allows anyone in under the age of 18, much less would sell to someone that young. Looking at what my kids look like at their ages, and what one nephew looks like at almost 20, one nephew looks like at 19 1/2, and what one son looks like at almost 19, and what my boys' friends look like, yeah, I'd like to say I could catch a minor trying to purchase in violation of the brand new state law (and it isn't just criminal to buy under the age of 18, but to possess paraphernalia). I truly do think it's harder to get access to the e-cigarette/juice stuff now than it was at any time for regular cigarettes. The place where we USED to buy our cigarettes, that now sells Blu and other disposable, plus some juices, hell, I can't remember WHEN we started to get cigarettes there - Dirt Cheap, Cigarettes, Beer, and Liquor - but they ID'd me until I was 30+ years old. I think they only stopped once my license expired, because they didn't want to have to admit that they took an expired license as ID (unless they were verifying a credit card ID), since I never got it renewed when I started having seizures again in 2007, and I could barely last the state prescribed minimum time period of 6 months without a seizure before I could drive. I figured it was too risky, after my seizure that happened in Office Depot - I broke my butt bone on that one - happened less than 2 minutes after I got out of the car. Since then, I managed to pull off two years without a seizure, but not much longer than that, but now they are hitting every 3 - 6 months, at least, until I get on my target dosage of the new medication. Easiest way to explain it ever is that Big Tobacco is losing billions to the E-Cig industry, they have both politicians and doctors at their disposal, bought and paid for. If there were ANY WAY they could prove they are harmful, they would have done it already. Instead, they are trying to find ways to invest and buy into the industry as they KNOW once reputable long term studies are made public it will show e-cigs to be a much much healthier alternative to smoking combustible leaves and stems. Big Tobacco is already getting their hands in. Lorillard bought out Blu e-cigs - that's why they have the money to advertise now. Marlboro just made their own entry into the disposable (read, more expensive) market, and I think one other Big Tobacco has moved into the world of e-cigs/faux analogs. I think it's the makers of the NJOY Kings. HOWEVER, what the government is missing is a) they assume that because there are different flavors, they are marketing for kids, and they aren't; they aren't getting their tax money, and of course, while Big Tobacco is already IN the industry, Lorillard and Phillip Morris aren't the industry giants - the industry giants are the ones that make the hardware, and the websites that sell the product (and produce their own juice, a lot of times). Depending on state law, a lot of online stores can't be taxed if they have no B&M location, and Lorillard and Phillip Morris aren't going to load down this with Big Tobacco money because they just have a foot in the door, financially, with Blu and the disposable kind (a much more expensive foot than most of us are willing to pay). All this money is going in a totally different direction, and they don't know enough to be able to be competitive in that market. Plus, I would imagine it's easier/cheaper to manufacture the faux-analogs (and confuse the hell out of people) than it is to learn the new system, and find a niche for them. If they put their money to use researching viable PV systems, and good juice recipes for more than just disposable devices, they could turn this business on it's ear. But Uncle Sam is definitely gettiing aggravated that they aren't taking in the almighty tax dollar. Depending on your state, do you even know how much state sales taxes alone could rake in, just based on State Law Well, pneumonia is going to be caused by a virus or bacteria. So unless you're vaping some seriously nasty stuff, I wouldn't be too concerned with that. The most recent study that has come out claimed that eCigs were harmful. However, within a week the results of that study were slammed as being inaccurate and full of falsified records. Then it came out that part of that study was paid for by major tobacco companies. So, you're is about politics...and money. Big tobacco has something to lose here and they're not above cheating to keep what they have. The only major tobacco company that has been smart about it was the one that bought Blu; rather than fight eCigs they decided to just buy an active eCig company and go with it. Ultimately, I see that happening more and more in the future, but they'll try everything they can in the meantime to hold on to the old ways and the old money. Also...I recommend learning to smile and nod and say, "Yes honey..." while you fill up your clearomizer and keep vaping. I'm fiancee vapes too. But smiling, nodding, and saying "Yes honey..." while vaping seems to work for other things, so I suggest doing that here too. Pneumonia is also caused by aspiration of fluids - so if you inhale vapor, and choke on it, if it's not fully aersotolized, then you just created a breeding ground for pnemonia in your lungs. The kids, usually college age, that die from drinking too much generally vomit when they pass out, and then aspirate it. If it doesn't kill them immediately, then it suffocates them until they are found alive or dead, "Also...I recommend learning to smile and nod and say, "Yes honey..." while you fill up your clearomizer and keep vaping. I'm fiancee vapes too. But smiling, nodding, and saying "Yes honey..." while vaping seems to work for other things, so I suggest doing that here too." Did I mention my wife is going thru her hormone change? At times I feel like hiding the kitchen knives and ammo! She wants a silencer for a pistol so she can shoot at the cats who get into the yard at night! I just stick to my front bedroom office with the vapes for now. That's just mean blaming menopause for her.....lack of knowledge.
fatso222 Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 This is absurd. The majority of carcinogenic properties from cigarettes is from the tar. tar is a residual byproduct of any BURNING plant matter including tobacco, cannabis, oak..... that's the beauty of vaping. it's literally shifting the matter-state from liquid to gas. as for the pneumonia "suggestion," that has to be nothing more than a theory. the main symptom of pneumonia is excess fluid in the lungs. some "Scientific expert" must have come to the conclusion that too much vapor will ultimately condense in the lungs, causing "pneumonia" Probably the same genius that realized pv's will be very difficult to regulate and tax-rape because mods are simple devices that are relatively easy to manufacture and the liquid is made from stuff that is already regulated under different tax codes. they could tax nicotine....actually that would be great. more taxes on tobacco and incentive to cut out the worst part of my vaping? i vote yes.
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