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I keep a good on hand supply of 1.8, 2.2, and 2.5 for different things and liquids. Amazing the difference between the 3 @ 6.5-7w to me at least.


More vapor with the same voltage.

Wow, 5 1/2 volts - which is what I have MOST everything set on, unless it's too harsh at that, that puts it at 3.1 volts.

Maybe it's in my head but I think 1.8ohm coils loosen the draw a bit and now that I am vaping wattage I am liking 1.8s in my fruity or sweet flavors and 2.2s and 2.5s in my mints.

I have yet to have a 1.8ohm coil however that reads below 2.0 on my Vamo it seems KPT coils run a little higher than marked at the lower level. 2.2s are usually 2.3 out of the box but every 2.5 has read 2.5. Weird, and I go through some coils. When they get gummed up I and start to have that funny half burned taste I toss them and pop in a new one. On tanks I use a lot usually I use about a coil a week or thereabouts.

I've had 2.2's register as low as 1.6 a couple times - several times under the 2.2, and 2.5's register as high as 2.8 or 2.9. I've got a decent supply of both 2.2's and 2.5's here, I'm not sure how much difference it makes, but this chocolate banana, 50/50 mix, 2.4 ohms at 5.5 watts, I'm getting really good vapor, then again, vapor isn't my main thing, but it's nice to see. :) But the voltage variations on the coils makes me glad you guys and hubby talked me into wattage settings rather than voltage, having to reconfigure voltage for each different resistance coil every time I switched, whereas the watts settings adjusts the voltage automatically. I didn't think that most of my juices would be good at right around the same wattage settings, but most of them are. Some I CAN take up to 6, but others, while it doesn't burn them, it makes them more harsh, so I have to back them down.

But another question about coils and resistance while I'm thinking of it.....how much does a coil's resistance drop before it goes bad? Coil I just had to replace tonight, for a couple nights, was leaking and gurgling, juice getting into the vapor tube, and leaving juice in the drip well of the Zmax. So I thought, okay, maybe when I had to take it apart to get the piece of the broken drip tip out of where it seats, I put it back together wrong. So I waited until the tank was nearly empty, washed the whole thing out, dried it, reseated the coil, just in case it got somehow cateywhompus when the drip tip got broken, filled it up and tried again. Same thing. The resistance had only dropped .2 ohms from when I put the coil in there (but it WAS the original coil, and like I said, this just started last night - original coil to the KPT 2). Since that didn't stop the flooding, leaking, or gurgling, I figured it had to be the coil. I changed the coil out, and yeah, that was it. But it still read 2.6 resistance, and when I initially put it in, it was 2.8.


its not a matter of how much the resistance drops. its a matter of how degraded is the wick. i have had a 2.2 ohm coil drop to about 1.5 ohms since the wire integrity is being damaged heating up, and it only gurgled after it hit 1.4. on the other hand... i had a coil that i never got a draw off of that was bad... kinda luck of the draw i suppose. :(


Funny what is too airy to one is too tight to another. My only complaint about the KPT 2 is how tight the draw is. Reminds me of the Vivi Nova, but I can take it with 1.8ohms.


I'm enjoying my KPT2 and not having any ariness problems with them. Then again, as I'll detail in another post, I had three seizures Tuesday, and by the time the second was done, I didn't remember what any of my draws were like. It's like starting over, wondering, "Is this right?" I hate seizures, and I've never had more than one in a day. I don't remember most of the last two days.



So checking out reddit this morning I came across a post about the KPT2....

fella said to attach connect it to ego with the beauty ring all snug like normal THEN back off the beauty ring until it snugs against the base of the tank.

it works! snugged up the airyness just a tad and really thickened the vapor. A nice find. I would guess it closed up a ml to 2 ml gap.




So checking out reddit this morning I came across a post about the KPT2....

fella said to attach connect it to ego with the beauty ring all snug like normal THEN back off the beauty ring until it snugs against the base of the tank.

it works! snugged up the airyness just a tad and really thickened the vapor. A nice find. I would guess it closed up a ml to 2 ml gap.


WoW if you would have just read the reviews on this forum. This has been mentioned several times!!!


WoW if you would have just read the reviews on this forum. This has been mentioned several times!!!

Wow...thanks for that Troy...appreciate the feedback pal.


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