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I am a new vaper and I'm looking to upgrade from c-store e-cigs. I know they aren't high quality but I wanted something to try before investing in a good cig-a-like system. I tend to do a lot of reading of reviews and product research before I buy but I have a few questions I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me with.

I read somewhere that Halo, Volt and a handful of others are all basically the same - just distributed under different names. I really like things about both and would love to be able to mix and match (ie Volt's more numerous battery color choices with Halo's cartos/mini tanks). Has anyone tried combining the 2 brands?

I would likely buy e-juice from both and possibly also a local source for certain flavors but I'm assuming from reading many topics here that most Vapers use e-juice from multiple sources for their refillables with good results. I like a bit of a cool/menthol hit so would probably buy a menthol additive to add to some of the fruit/candy flavors - any suggestions for a good source for a menthol "boost"? Has anyone had good luck doing this and if so any tips/tricks you would be willing to share?

Thanks for your help in advance!

Dragon :horse:


Do you want an ecig that looks like a regular cig or are you open to getting a bigger battery like an eGo?


I guess most of us here think the ego is a better option because it lasts longer and

has more options as far as types of coils you can use on it.

The small autos like the Volt are better for some situations

like gaming etc,, if you like handsfree vaping,:)

As far as the 808's like Volt,Bloog,Vapor4Life (V4L),Halo,V2 and so on

most are interchangeable so mix n match away.

The only limit I can think of as far as juice goes is that higher VG juices

usually don't play well with cartomizers due to wicking issues.


Thanks for the replies everyone :) For now I am looking for a more cigarette-like e-cig but I'm sure I will want to move up to the more advanced stuff at some point once I get off into it. I figure with the Halo G6 or the Volt I can get started vaping, experiment with flavors and see what I like. Then as I get more involved and spend (a lot) more time here reading posts and learning about ohms, coils resistance and mah etc then I can bump up to something more powerful and longer lasting. I am not a heavy smoker, however my husband is and I am hoping once I get into vaping that maybe he'll want to try it and get away from cigarettes eventually too.


I can say with confidence that the Volt is a really good 'cig-a-like' model. I bought a 2-battery kit for a friend to see if he was ready to get serious about quitting... and he has really done well with it. I tried it out for a few days before handing it over to him... and from what I could tell for those few days it really was a satisfying vape. I had no issues at all with it. Someone did mention a great point however... and that is that the cartos that the Volt uses really needs to have a higher PG content than the VG. The VG is simply too thick and slows the wicking down greatly. So, if you haven't already picked something up... I thought I'd throw my .02 in on the Volt.


Picked up an EGo-C in a c-store near work this weekend to try since I didn't want to order stuff online yet. I thought I wouldn't like the larger size but even though it's heavier to carry I really like the manual button control and being able to see how much liquid is left in the clear tank. I still plan to get a cig-a-like for discreet/pocket carry but the Ego will be my daily go-to :)

Thanks everyone for their input. I'm sure I will have lots more questions as I get deeper into this craze :)

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