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Ohm meter recs


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A place called Vape Happy had them about the beginning of August 2013, i saw it on their face book page, anyway it said it was in stock that week, i did not investigate it any further so do not know what they were charging for the unit because everyone on here suggested that I buy multimeter so that was what I did. found that on Amazon for like 14.00- took me awhile to learn how to use it. I have been double checking my reading with the multimeter with my hybrid that displays it digitally.

but if I ever see an ohms reader and have extra money i will buy several and of course will let the forum folks know too.

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Hey - surprise ** Tameiki and Bebop and Imedic **

i think I just found you a ohms reader unless it has sold out in last 5 minutes - hurry go to https://naturevaper.com/index.php?ro...me=ohm%20meter

however it is a little higher than they were at some of the other places that r out of stock this one is 23,99. looked like a neat site with some good pricing on other items,. they r part of Casaa

wish i had the funds for this one but maybe I will get lucky and there still will be some available @ nature vaper my next payday - 2 more long weeks. lol

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