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Wanted to pass this on, considering how little the traditional tech press covers e-cigs. Thought this might be a good primer for newbies traveling this weekend with their vapes:
It covers a couple of the recent developments, though it's not a comprehensive tutorial. So if you have any thoughts on this topic or advice to share, please add comments to that post. Anything to help people, particularly new vapers, deal with their weekend travel.
Also, if there's enough traffic on this post, the site may do more e-cig-related stories. (This is the second one on the site.) Just a thought.
Happy Labor Day weekend, everybody!



Most people are considerate of others (minus the ANTZ who are anything BUT considerate towards us)

It always amazes me that people feel the need to dramatize vaping.


You know, I found this out recently. Firstly, though I've heard through you guys, some hospitals are cool to people vaping in them, mine is not - even if it's not in a patient wing, but a doctor's office wing. The person I spoke to didn't know WHY (she is a vaper and had asked), but she thought it was because some e-cigs, well, look like cigarettes, and it could give the wrong impression. I know when I was getting an IV treatment at a different hospital, a woman that was evidently there like once a year there, at it was around the end of her IV treatment, and she didn't ask the nurse, she just whipped out her e-cig (looked like a regular white cigarette) and started vaping - and true to form with that type, she used it just like a cigarette, not take a vape, set it down, but more like vaping on it constantly for about 5 or 10 minutes. It was before I started vaping, and I almost forgot myself dug out my own cigarettes. When she left, the nurse in charge of the unit said, "I didn't know what to say to her, but I was terrified management was going to come walking in."

When I first learned about the first B&M shop in our area, through an article in the local newspaper, the owner was quoted as saying that they had contacted "just about all" of the bars and restaurants in the area, and most of them were cool with it. Well, when you are giving an interview to a newspaper based in a neighboring town, bars and restaurants "in the area", for this area, generally means about five towns that all border on one another. I guess he just meant East Alton. I know most the bars in Alton are okay with it, but I was taking hubby out to dinner, I called Applebee's in advance and asked them. The hostess said she was just talking with a co-worker the day before wondering if people were going to start requesting to do that, and they hadn't yet, I was the first one. So she asked the manager on duty at the time, and he said he would have to get the corporate office's opinion on it, and I was the first person to make a request, at least at that location. So I'm gonna contact corporate, and make a request, and word it nicely, and hopefully they'll make a decision.


I think most places are trying to not have to make a policy as they realize it is better than smoking.I suppose if people start being silly about they will have to and it won't be in our favor.


Well, in the cases of chain restaurants, like Applebee's, TGI Fridays, etc., it's an automatic no unless corporate MAKES a policy. At least the ones around here. Bars aren't chains, usually, so the owners just do what they want. But if a chain restaurant allows someone to do that, and corporate hasn't okayed it, and the regional manager walks in and sees it, the restaurant management gets their butts in a sling.


I go into restaurants carrying my ecigs, lay them in plain view on the table and vape away. So far only get the curious looks that everyone gets.


Oh for an intriniscally safe PV!

Note: you can not vape on the rig floor or outdoors on a rig! wish it wasn't so but it is.

Restaurants i've never had a problem, i never ask but i also gut the vape so i don't blow out a huge cloud and freak everyone out.

at the office is much harder! if anyone is around i gut it till vapor goes away because it's just not worth the hassle! when i'm solo at work i vape away happily.

Hotels! i always get a non smoking room (can you believe how badly smoking rooms stink? remember when we used to choose only hotels that had smoking rooms and wanted to cry when all those rooms were booked weeks in advance?).

The rule i always follow is if someone is going to freak out and misunderstand the vape cloud i hide it. i never ask pemission because i know that people will not know after the fact if i don't inform them.

I have to say i still prefer to be at home while vaping so i can take full hits without worrying about the vapor cloud of joy.


All the restaurants need, for vaping sections, is a nice quiet little dehumidifier that, to be honest, they should have anyway, what with all the vapors fro cooking, coffee, breathing. A dehumidifier would whisk the vapor away before the busy body 30 tables over even noticed.

How fun would that be to be able to meet up with friends, clubs, family, in cafes again! More and more I hear stories blaming Xbox, for our solitude. LoL. Anybody out there?

I still demand smoking rooms, because it only takes an hour of vaping before it smells delightful. Plus, I enjoy helping others keep their right to having a smoke room. They almost got hit by a semi, they need their fix. Desperately. Traveling is harder on a body/emotions than grocery shopping is.


Ive been stared at out in public and I think I even had a fire truck purposely keeping up with me so they could peek into my truck while I was vaping at a red light but noone not even at work has said anything about it . In fact by the end of the year I think Ill have my entire staff vaping . groomers are hardcore smokers for some reason .I keep telling them they are going o make the dogs they are working on smell like smoke if they grab them 2 seconds after that cigarette I dont know if any of you pay for grooming but its not cheap I wouldn't want to pay $50.00 to have my dog groomed for it to come home smelling like a bar.Three of the girls have bought e starter kit and 2 more are "thinking about it " dont worry Ill get them to try, Im going to bring in my spares to leave at work lol they really like the idea they just dont want to spend that money yet . got a spred sheet im bring too .

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