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I found Sweet-Vapes Traditional Tobacco to be very much like an analog. I haven't wanted it in a long time but when I did it hit the spot big time. 80pg-20vg in 24mg was the ticket for me. Best steeped about a week I thought.

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A few vendors carry their versions of American Red - which is SUPPOSED to be the Marlboro Red, or close to it. I passed on it, though. was a bit too harsh for me? But then again, I'd been smoking lights for years, and there is a flavor difference between the lights and reds, not just the nicotine.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I'll have to check them out. I certainly do not miss the smell or taste of analogs, just trying to find an every day vape. So far, the flavors I've tried just are not doing it for me. Red Rider and some tobacco vapes are coming close. Still trying to gauge what I like.

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I can identify I have tried a ridiculous number of flavors over the last 4 months and there are only 3 I can vape all day. When I first started vaping if you told me that 4 months later my three all day Vapes would be Spearmint, Candy Cane(peppermint), and Strawberry I would have laughed.

Try some outside the box stuff. I have developed a routine with my flavors now. From Breakfast-Dinner it is all Mints, mostly Candy Cane, then all night and in the morning it is Strawberry Fields. The only time that changes is when I am drinking, especially on the lake where we are drinking all day, its all Strawberry Fields. Mints do not go with Makers Mark very well for me.

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