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Hello everyone,

I just registered here and am a new participant in vaping. I have been a heavy smoker of cigarettes since the age of 13 (now 30), and am proud to say I have kicked those stinky cancer sticks to the curb and have taken up vaping. I'm clutching my X6 like Bob Dole, but am slowly loosening my grip after a few days of use. I gotta say I love the flavors, and am looking forward to researching info on all the aspects of vaping (I am a sponge for knowledge, haha).

Just wanted to say HELLO. :)

Blessed Love



Welcome to VT there are many useful topics and very experienced vapers on here... I am sure this will be a good place to find the info you are looking for..


Noob here too and vaping a month now. I know all about that clutching thing, I heard it gets easier with time. Analogs were a love/hate for me and vaping is all love. ATM I'm power hitting (clutching) my telescoped itaste SVD, iclear tank with 3.0mL of Paradise Vape "Peach Bomb", 18mg nicotine.

Welcome, enjoy, and Happy Absorbing...


I picked up an iClear30 3ml as well. Love the pivoting head. So far I have purchased Grape, Watermelon, Honey Dew, and Pink Diamond, all 18mg, but may dilute them a little as they are slightly harsh on my throat. My favorite so far is a 25% Honey Dew and 75% Watermelon mixture. Tastes sooo good. lol.

Thank you very much for the warm welcome everyone.

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