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T3 Clearo

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If you get them get the T3S it is much improved form the original T3. Sweet-Vapes.com has them in good supply.

Here is a comparison I did between the T2 and T3S as they are my favorite non-glass clearos.

I only use glass now for the most part, but if I were to have to go back for me it would be the T3S, for my wife it would be the T2. Both are awesome, but there are definitely differences.

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im with bcarter on this one. I Am strictly an RBA/Glass kid but if i had to switch back its definitely be the T3S. :)

Here is my ranking of tanks-clearos I have tried:

1. KPT2 Ok I love it. Perfection imo

2. Mini Davide (Almost perfect, but KPT2 edges it in performance but not portability)

3. T3S (Just short of being as good as glass, great taste and vapor but still plastic)

4. T2 (Best top coil clearo out there imo)

5. Vivi Nova (Way too tight a draw, too expensive for plastic prefer the cheaper Kangers over this one)

6. CE4 (After trying others, this one is at the bottom of the pile)

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What exactly was the problem with leaking on the t3, bcarter? I didn't quite understand what was causing the leaking or whatever. Has anyone else experienced this? Other than that it sounds like a great tank. How would you describe the draw compared to the t2? That was the only thing you didn't cover that I'm really curious about. I'm used to the T2s draw now, but I'd still rather hit my vivi because of the draw.

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The base and the seals in the T3S is improved over the T3 and makes it less leak prone. 2.2o coils also helped me, never had one leak. There are 8 full sitting on my bar for 2 weeks not a drop.
Not sure what coil I have in it right now, have to figure its 2.2 since that's what I normally would buy for it, but the last couple I got from my b&M. I assumed there was a seal slightly askew and accidentally fixed it. Edited by wizard46304
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